
Retrieve Transaction Details

This API helps you to fetch booking details for specific transaction unique ID based on Room No, Guest, Identity No, Guest Email, Guest Mobile No, Guest Registration No. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeGetTransactionDetails
TranunkId*VARCHAR(100)Transaction Id single/multiple (comma separated)xxxxx0000000000400
RoomNoVARCHAR(500)Room No (It is Optional)101
GuestVARCHAR(100)Guest Name (It is Optional)test
IdentityNoVARCHAR(255)Identity No (It is Optional)ASD43543
GuestEmailVARCHAR(255)Guest Email (It is Optional)
GuestMobileNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Mobile No (It is Optional)XXXXXXXXXX
GuestRegistrationNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Registration No (It is Optional)XXXXXX
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx


      "RES_Request": {
            "Request_Type": "GetTransactionDetails,"
.           "TranunkId": "xxxxx0000000000400",
            "RoomNo": "101",
            "Guest": "Joy T. Mnewy",          
            "IdentityNo": "ASD43543",              
            "GuestEmail": "",              
            "GuestMobileNo": "XXXXXXXXXX",  
            "GuestRegistrationNo": "XXXXXX", 
            "Authentication": {
                 "HotelCode": "XXXX",
                 "AuthCode": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
LocationIdINT(11)Hotel codexxxx
UniqueIDVARCHAR(255)Unique Booking id/ Reservation No10125, 86436, B4525 etc
BookedByVARCHAR(255)Information regarding Booked etc
Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.VARCHAR(255)Here * denotes guest information like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.shown in JSON response below.
SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated etc
PaymentMethodVARCHAR(255)Payment Mode selected by guestCash, Credit, CityLedger etc
IsChannelBookingINT(1)Is booking comes from channel [0 or 1]1 : Booking from the channel.0: Booking not from the channel.0 or 1
BookingTran. SubBookingIdVARCHAR(255)Sub booking Id138
BookingTran. TransactionIdINT(20)Booking Transaction ID112500000000000163
BookingTran. StatusVARCHAR(100)Booking StatusNew or Modify or Cancel.
BookingTran.IsConfirmedINT(1)Booking Confirmation Flag. [1 or 0]1 : Confirmed0 : Not Confirmed1 or 0.
BookingTran.CurrentStatusVARCHAR(100)Booking Current StatusArrived, Checked Out, Cancel, Void, etc
BookingTran.VoucherNoVARCHAR(255)Booking Voucher No10203049/8512
BookingTran. PackageCodeINT(20)Package Code112500000000000001
BookingTran. PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan etc
BookingTran. RateplanCodeINT(20)Unique RatePlan Code112500000000000006
BookingTran. RateplanNameSTRING(1000)RatePlan NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran. RoomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code112500000000000006
BookingTran. RoomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGarden View Studio Room
BookingTran.RoomIDINT(20)Unique RoomID112500000000000001
BookingTran. RoomNameSTRING(1000)Room Name101
BookingTran. StartDATECheck-in date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-25
BookingTran. EndDATECheck-out date [Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-27
BookingTran.TotalRateDECIMAL(19,4)Rate on room in amount1500.43
BookingTran.TotalDiscountDECIMAL(19,4)Discount on room in amount500
BookingTran. TotalExtraChargeDECIMAL(19,4)Extra charges in amount(if any)300
BookingTran.*Here * denotes guest informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityType, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
BookingTran. TransportationModeVARCHAR(100)Mode of transportationBus, car etc
BookingTran. VehicleVARCHAR(255)Detail of vehicle
BookingTran. PickupDateDATEPickup date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-25 etc
BookingTran. PickupTimeTIMEPickup time
BookingTran. SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated
BookingTran. CommentVARCHAR(1000)Additional Information or comment.
BookingTran. AffiliateNameVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Name
BookingTran.AffiliateCodeVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Code
BookingTran.*Here * denotes Credit Card Informations like CCLink, CCNo, CCType, CardHolderName, CCExpiryDate,CCLink in encoded with base64_encode.
BookingTran.RentalInfo.RoomIDINT(20)Unique RoomID112500000000000001
BookingTran.RentalInfo. RoomNameSTRING(1000)Room Name101
BookingTran.RentalInfo.EffectiveDateDATETIMEBooking details for particular effective date2017-12-25 etc
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageCodeINT(20)Package code112500000000000001
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan
BookingTran.RentalInfo.RoomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code112500000000000006
BookingTran.RentalInfo.RoomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran.RentalInfo.AdultINT(11)No. of Adults2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.ChildINT(11)No. of Child2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.RentDECIMAL(19,4)Room rental amount1500.43
BookingTran. RentalInfo.DiscountDECIMAL(19,4)Discount on rental room in amount500
BookingTran.Sharer.*Here * denotes Sharer informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Nationality,Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityTypeID, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code104, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageUnauthorized Request. etc


  "Reservations": {
    "Reservation": [
        "BookingTran": [
            "SubBookingId": "11241254",
            "TransactionId": "112400000000001902",
            "Createdatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Modifydatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Status": "New",
            "IsConfirmed": "1",
            "CurrentStatus": "Arrived",
            "VoucherNo": "single1276/1",
            "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
            "PackageName": "European Plan",
            "RateplanCode": "112400000000000001",
            "RateplanName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
            "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomID": "112400000000000001",           
            "RoomName": "101",
            "Start": "2019-09-26",
            "End": "2019-09-28",
            "ArrivalTime": "12:00:00",
            "DepartureTime": "11:00:00",
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "TotalAmountAfterTax": "976.00",
            "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "800.00",
            "TotalTax": "176.00",
            "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
            "TotalExtraCharge": "0.00",
            "TotalPayment": "0.00",
            "TACommision": "0.00",
            "Salutation": "Ms.",
            "FirstName": "Test",
            "LastName": "One",
            "Gender": "Female",
            "DateOfBirth": "",
            "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
            "WeddingAnniversary": "",
            "Address": "",
            "City": " Brockway",
            "State": "CA",
            "Country": "USA",
            "Nationality": "Malta",
            "Zipcode": "95730",
            "Phone": "",
            "Mobile": "3534",
            "Fax": "564564",
            "Email": "",
            “RegistrationNo” : "", 
            "IdentityType": "Pan card",
            "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
            "ExpiryDate": "",
            "TransportationMode": "",
            "Vehicle": "car",
            "PickupDate": "",
            "PickupTime": "",
            "Source": "BookingEye",
            "Comment": "",
            "AffiliateName": "",
            "AffiliateCode": "",
            "CCLink": "",
            "CCNo": "",
            "CCType": "",
            "CCExpiryDate": "",
            "CardHoldersName": "",
            "TaxDeatil": [
                "TaxCode": "AA",
                "TaxName": "VAT @ 12%",
                "TaxAmount": "96.0000"
                "TaxCode": "LT",
                "TaxName": "Luxury @ 10%",
                "TaxAmount": "80.0000"
            "RentalInfo": [
                "RoomID": "112400000000000001",   
                "RoomName": "101",
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-26",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "550.00",
                "Rent": "671.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
                 "RoomID": "112400000000000001",   
                 "RoomName": "101",
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-27",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "250.00",
                "Rent": "305.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
        "Sharer": [               
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "One",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "RegistrationNo" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "One",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "Registration No" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
        "LocationId": "1124",
        "UniqueID": "11241254",
        "BookedBy": "BookingEye",
        "Salutation": "Ms.",
        "FirstName": "Larry",
        "LastName": "Forney",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Address": "",
        "City": "Brockway",
        "State": "CA",
        "Country": "USA",
        "Zipcode": "95730",
        "Phone": "",
        "Mobile": "3534",
        "Fax": "564564",
        "Email": "",
        "Source": "BookingEye",
        "PaymentMethod": "Cash",
        "IsChannelBooking": "1"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
201Unauthorized request. (Request Type) the request is not valid for this hotel code OR OpenAPI platform is deactive
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
203Missing Parameter OR Invalid Parameter: TranunkId
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
303Auth Code is inactive.
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
503No Reservation Found.


Retrieve Available Room List

This API will fetch the available room data between check-in and check-out date. Also, you can add Room Unique Id or Roomtype Unique Id, If you will need particular room data. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeRoomAvailability
RoomData->from_date*DATECheck-In Date2021-12-05
RoomData->to_date*DATECheck-Out Date2021-12-06
RoomData->RoomIDINT(11)Room Unique ID (Optional)123400000000000002
RoomData->RoomtypeIDINT(11)Room Type Unique ID (Optional)123400000000000002


       "RES_Request": {
             "Request_Type": "RoomAvailability",
             "Authentication": {
                     "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                     "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
             "RoomData": {
                     "RoomtypeID": "123400000000000002", (Optional)
                     "RoomID": "123400000000000002",  (Optional)
                     "from_date": "2021-11-30",
                     "to_date": "2021-12-10"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
RoomList-> RoomtypeIDIntegerRoomtype Unique ID123400000000000001
RoomList-> RoomtypeNameVarcharRoomtype NameDeluxe Room
RoomList-> RoomData-> RoomIDIntegerRoom Unique ID123400000000000001
RoomList-> RoomData-> RoomNameVarcharRoom Name/No105


    "Success": {
               "RoomtypeID": "123400000000000002",
               "RoomtypeName": "Deluxe Room",
                         "RoomID": "123400000000000011",
                         "RoomName": "101"
                          "RoomID": "123400000000000012",
                          "RoomName": "102"
              "RoomtypeID": "1234700000000000003",
              "RoomtypeName": "Sea View Room",
                         "RoomID": "123400000000000015",
                         "RoomName": "105"
    "Errors": {
          "ErrorCode": "0",
          "ErrorMessage": "Success"


           "ErrorCode": "121",
           "ErrorMessage": "Invalid Value. Please check with RoomType Data"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
105From Date is missing
106Date – From Date is not a valid date
107To Date is missing
108Date – To Date is not a valid date
109From Date: <Date> To Date : <Date> –
Please check From and To date. To Date should be greater than fromdate
111Missing Parameter OR Invalid Parameter : RoomData
112Invalid Parameter
113Invalid Value
121Invalid Value. Please check with RoomType Data
122Invalid Value. Please check with Room Data
301No Data Found
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active


Retrieve List of Bills

This API will fetch the folio related billing information for particular reservation no. like folio no, due amount, total amount, total paid amount, guest name, billing person name The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeRetrieveListofBills
BookingId*VARCHAR(100)Reservation No.11-1  or 12


     "RES_Request": {
             "Request_Type": "RetrieveListofBills",
             "Authentication": {
             "HotelCode": "xxxx",
             "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
             "BookingId": "7" 


NameData TypeDescription Example
FolioList->folionoIntegerFolio no302
FolioList->BillToContactvarcharName of billing personBaiju
FolioList->GuestNamevarcharName of guest who booked reservationWinsent Lobo
FolioList->CurrencyCodevarcharCurrency CodeINR
FolioList->TotalChargesfloatTotal charges of folio500.00
FolioList->PaidAmofloatTotal paid amount of folio200.00
FolioList->DueAmountfloatTotal due amount of folio300.00


    "Success": {
       "FolioList": [
                "foliono": "297",
                "BillToContact": "max",
                "GuestName": "max",
                "CurrencyCode": "INR",
                "TotalCharges": "500.00",
                "PaidAmount": "-200.00",
                "DueAmount": "300.00"
                "foliono": "298",
                "BillToContact": "max",
                "GuestName": "max",
                "CurrencyCode": "INR",
                "TotalCharges": "600.00",
                "PaidAmount": "-200.00",
                "DueAmount": "400.00"
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"


   "Errors": {
        "ErrorCode": "203",
        "ErrorMessage": "Reservation is not found for booking 25"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameter – BookingId
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
103Booking ID is missing
104Invalid parameter for bookingId
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
203Reservation is not found for booking
204Reservation is cancelled, noshow or void for booking


Guest Check Out

This API helps you to check out your reservation. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

Note: Maximum Five checkout will be allowed at a time.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeGuestCheckOut
VARCHAR(150)Unique Booking Id/Reservation No456 or RES-456


1.For Single Booking Request

         "RES_Request": {
                "Request_Type": "GuestCheckOut",
                "Authentication": {
                       "HotelCode": "xxxxx",
                       "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                "Reservation": [
                       "BookingId": "575"

2.For Multiple Booking Request

         "RES_Request": {
                "Request_Type": "GuestCheckOut",
                "Authentication": {
                       "HotelCode": "xxxxx",
                       "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                "Reservation": [
                       "BookingId": "575"
                       "BookingId": "576"


NameData TypeDescription Example
StringSuccess MessageSuccessfully Done
StringBooking Id575
StringInvoice Number65
Errors->ErrorCodeintegerError Code0
Errors->ErrorMessageStringError MessageSuccess


1.Full operation is successfully completed
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Guest Check Out is successfully done for Booking 575",
        "Invoices": [
               "BookingId": "575",
               "InvoiceNo": "65"
    "Errors": [
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"

2.Full operation is successfully completed for multiple booking
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Guest Check Out is successfully done for Booking 575,576",
        "Invoices": [
               "BookingId": "575",
               "InvoiceNo": "65"
               "BookingId": "576",
               "InvoiceNo": "66"
    "Errors": [
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"

3.In case some bookings are successfully checked out and some have errors for multiple bookings
       "Success": {
              "SuccessMsg": "Guest Check Out is successfully done for Booking 575,576",
              "Invoices": [
                     "BookingId": "575",
                     "InvoiceNo": "65"
                     "BookingId": "576",
                     "InvoiceNo": "66"
      "Error": [
            "ErrorCode": 118,
            "ErrorMessage": "Booking status has been checked out for Booking 524"


      "Error": [
            "ErrorCode": 100,
            "ErrorMessage": "Missing required parameters."

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
501Error occurred during CheckIn processing
502Request Type is missing
600Something went wrong!
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
110Booking ID is missing in Reservation block
113We don’t find this reservation in our system. So guest check out not performed for booking.
114Folio pending on reservation. So guest check out is not performed for Booking
115Reservation is not yet checked in. So guest check out is not performed for Booking
116Today is not a check out date. So guest check out is not performed for Booking
117Booking status has been cancelled, noshow or void.
So guest check out is not performed for Booking
118Booking status has been checked out for Booking
119Late checkout charge is posted on Folio. So folio is pending on reservation and guest check out is not performed for Booking
129You are not allowed to check out for more than five bookings


Room Assignment

This API helps you to Assign Room to your reservation. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

Note: Maximum Five bookings will be processed at a time.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json
NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeAssignRoom
RoomAssign->BookingId*VARCHAR(100)Reservation No.RES101,RES112-1
RoomAssign->RoomTypeID*BIGINT(20)Unique RoomType ID1234500000000000001
Please check API Retrieve Room Information to get RoomTypeID
RoomAssign->RoomID*BIGINT(20)Unique Room ID1234500000000000001
Please check API Retrieve Room Information to get RoomID


     "RES_Request": {
             "Request_Type": "AssignRoom",
             "Authentication": {
             "HotelCode": "xxxx",
             "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
             "RoomAssign": [{
                  "BookingId": "RES101",
                  "RoomTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
                  "RoomID": "1234500000000000001"
                 "BookingId": "RES112-1",
                 "RoomTypeID": "1234500000000000002",
                 "RoomID": "1234500000000000002"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Success->SuccessMsgStringSuccess MessageSuccessfully Done
Errors->ErrorCodeIntegerError Code100
Errors->ErrorMessageStringError MessageSuccess


   "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Room Assignment is successfully done for Booking RES101,RES112-1. "
    "Errors": {
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"

Only 1 Room Assigned Success

    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Room Assignment is successfully done for Booking RES101"
    "Errors": {
        "ErrorCode": "111",
        "ErrorMessage": "Room ID does not belongs to Room Type ID for Booking RES112-1 "


    "Errors": {
        "ErrorCode": "301",
        "ErrorMessage": "Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
108Booking ID is missing
110Room ID is missing for Booking
111Room ID does not belongs to Room Type ID for Booking
112You are not allowed to room assign for more than five
113Booking Id does not exist OR Booking status is void/ cancel/ noshow 
114Room Type ID is missing for Booking
115Room Type ID does not exist for Booking
116Room Type ID is not matching with Booking
118Invalid Parameter for Booking
127Booking Status is not confirmed. so, there is not possible to assign room to Booking
129Room has already assigned to Booking
130Booking status is checked out. so, there is not possible to assign room to Booking 
131Room has been already assigned to other booking. So, room assignment is not possible on Booking


Guest Check In

This API helps you to check in to your reservation. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

Note: Maximum Five bookings will be processed at a time.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeGuestCheckIn
VARCHAR(150)Unique Booking Id/Reservation No456 or RES-456
GuestName *
VARCHAR(250)Guest Name (same as booking Guest Name)Yasir P Wayde
Email *
VARCHAR(250)Guest Email (same as booking Guest Email)
Address *
VARCHAR(250)Guest AddressStreet – 5, Sector-10, Main road, Mumbai
Phone *
VARCHAR(25)Guest Phone number91XXXXXXXXXX
Mobile *
VARCHAR(25)Guest Mobile number91XXXXXXXXXX
BIGINT(20)Identity Unique Id1234500000000000001
(To get this ID, please check API [Retrieve Identity Type])
VARCHAR(25)Identity type number123456789
TEXTIdentity image (Encoded Image String)iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
TEXTGuest image (Encoded Image String)iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
TEXTGuest Signature image (Encoded Image String)iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
VARCHAR(155)Registration number123456789


1.For Single Booking Request

"RES_Request": {
      "Request_Type": "GuestCheckIn",
      "Authentication": {
          "HotelCode": "xxxx",
          "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Reservation": [
          "BookingId": "331",
          "GuestName": "XXXXXXXXX",
          "Email": "",
          "Address": "XXXXX road",
          "Phone": "xxxxxxxxx",
          "Mobile": "xxxxxxxxx",
          "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
          "IdentityNo": "xxxxxx",
          "IdentityImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA 3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRF WHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQA AAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
          "GuestImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAA AWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
          "GuestSignature": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NC SVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
          "TaxationId": "xxxxx"

2.For Multiple Booking Request

"RES_Request": {
      "Request_Type": "GuestCheckIn",
      "Authentication": {
          "HotelCode": "xxxx",
          "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Reservation": [
          "BookingId": "333-1",
          "GuestName": "XXXXXXXXX",
          "Email": "",
          "Address": "XXXXX road",
          "Phone": "xxxxxxxxx",
          "Mobile": "xxxxxxxxx",
          "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
          "IdentityNo": "xxxxxx",
          "IdentityImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA 3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRF WHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQA AAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
          "GuestImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAA AWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
          "GuestSignature": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NC SVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
          "TaxationId": "xxxxx"
           "BookingId": "333-2",
           "GuestName": "XXXXXXXXX",
           "Email": "",
           "Address": "XXXXXXXXX road",
           "Phone": "xxxxxxxxx",
           "Mobile": "xxxxxxxxx",
           "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
           "IdentityNo": "xxxxxx",
           "IdentityImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA 3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRF WHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQA AAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
           "GuestImage": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAA AWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
           "GuestSignature": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABMAAAAWCAIAAACt/zAoAAAAA3NC SVQICAjb4U/gAAAAEHRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBTaHV0dGVyY4LQCQAAAFRJREFUOMtj/Pr1KwNZgImBXDBSdLLglz5268P0PY+fvf/1+ccfYnX+/fd/xt4nCw89I9m15x98xqMNn85Fh5+RGUK3nn8lU+e7r39G09CoTtrqBAB1MiHSwHyEmgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
           "TaxationId": "xxxxx"


NameData TypeDescription Example
StringSuccess MessageSuccessfully Done
StringBooking Id331
StringGR Card Number34
Errors->ErrorCodeintegerError Code0
Errors->ErrorMessageStringError MessageSuccess


1.Full operation is successfully completed
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Guest Check In successfully for Booking 331",
        "GuestRegistrationCards": [
               "BookingId": "331",
               "GRCardNo": "34"
    "Errors": [
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"

2.Full operation is successfully completed for multiple booking
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Guest Check In successfully for Booking 333-1,333-2",
        "GuestRegistrationCards": [
               "BookingId": "333-1",
               "GRCardNo": "34"
               "BookingId": "333-2",
               "GRCardNo": "35"
    "Errors": [
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"

3.In case some bookings are successfully checked in and some have errors for multiple bookings
       "Success": {
              "SuccessMsg": "Guest Check In successfully for Booking 331-2,332",
              "GuestRegistrationCards": [
                     "BookingId": "331-2",
                     "GRCardNo": "34"
                     "BookingId": "332",
                     "GRCardNo": "35"
      "Error": [
            "ErrorCode": 128,
            "ErrorMessage": "Guest has already checked in. So guest check in not performed for Booking 331-1"


      "Error": [
            "ErrorCode": 100,
            "ErrorMessage": "Missing required parameters."

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
501Error occurred during CheckIn processing
502Request Type is missing
600Something went wrong!
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
110Booking ID is missing in Reservation block
111Identity Image string should be in base64_encoded format, So Identity Image not uploaded for booking
112Booking Details : GuestName, Address, Email, Phone, Mobile is mandatory to process your checkin request. So guest check in not performed for booking
113We don’t find this reservation in our system. So guest check in not performed for booking.
114Guest Image string should be in base64_encoded format, So Guest Image not uploaded for booking
115Guest Signature string should be in base64_encoded format, So Guest Signature not uploaded for booking
116Room is not assigned, so guest check in not performed for booking
117Room is dirty, so guest check in not performed for booking
118Invalid Fields
119Invalid Email address For Booking
120<Fields> – Compulsory Fields in order to process for check in
121Guest Data is not updated For Booking
122The IdentityTypeID is not matching with Hotel Data for Booking
123Guest Identity Image is not uploaded For Booking
124Guest Image is not uploaded For Booking
125Guest Signature is not uploaded For Booking
126Today is not a check in date. So guest check in not performed for Booking
127Booking Status is not confirmed. So guest check in not performed for Booking
128Guest has already checked in. So guest check in not performed for Booking
129You are not allowed to check in for more than five bookings.
130Booking status is check out. So guest check in not performed for Booking
133Room is occupied or not checked-out


Add Guest Profile to Bookings

This API helps you to Add Sharer data (name, phone, mobile, email, etc). The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

Note : Maximum Five sharers  will only be processed at a time.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeAddSharer
Sharers->BookingId*VARCHAR(255)Unique Booking Id/Reservation No456
Sharers->FirstName*VARCHAR(500)First Namexxxxxx
Sharers->LastName*VARCHAR(500)Last Namexxxxxx
Sharers->Type*VARCHAR(25)For Update Type (Adult/Child)Adult
Sharers->DateOfBirthDATEDate Of Birthformat: YYYY-MM-DD1985-05-05
Sharers->SpouseDateOfBirthDATESpouse date of birthformat: YYYY-MM-DD1987-01-25
Sharers->WeddingAnniversaryDATEWedding anniversary dateformat: YYYY-MM-DD1987-10-05
Sharers->AddressVARCHAR(1000)Address500 Kingston
Sharers->CityVARCHAR(100)Name of cityToronto
Sharers->StateVARCHAR(100)State nameOntario
Sharers->CountryVARCHAR(100)Country nameCanada
(for country
(for country
Sharers->ZipcodeInteger(11)zip code123456
Sharers->PhoneInteger(20)Phone number1234567890
Sharers->MobileInteger(20)Mobile number1234567890
Sharers->FaxInteger(20)Fax number1234567890
Sharers->Email*VARCHAR(255)Email id
Sharers->RegistratioNoVARCHAR(255)Registration number12345
Sharers->IdentityIdBIGINT(20)Identity unique Id1234500000000000001
Sharers->IdentityNoVARCHAR(255)Identity type number123456789
Sharers->ExpiryDateDATEExpiry dateformat: YYYY-MM-DD2022-05-02


1.For Single Booking Request
   "RES_Request": {
         "Request_Type": "AddSharer",
         "Authentication": {
               "HotelCode": "xxxx",
               "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
         "Sharers": [{
                "BookingId": "RES101",  
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Hexvi.S.", 
                "LastName": "Shaby", 
                "Gender": "Female", 
                "Type": "Adult",         
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "Germany",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "", 
                "RegistrationNo": "",
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": ""

2.For Multiple Booking Request
  "RES_Request": {
        "Request_Type": "AddSharer",
        "Authentication": {
               "HotelCode": "xxxx",
               "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "Sharers": [{
               "BookingId": "RES102", 
               "Salutation": "Ms.",
               "FirstName": "Willi", 
               "LastName": "Crooswoth", 
               "Gender": "Female", 
               "Type": "Adult",         
               "DateOfBirth": "",
               "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
               "WeddingAnniversary": "",
               "Address": "",
               "City": " Brockway",
               "State": "CA",
               "Country": "Germany",
               "Nationality": "Malta",
               "Zipcode": "95730",
               "Phone": "",
               "Mobile": "3534",
               "Fax": "564564",
               "Email": "",  
               "RegistrationNo": "",
               "IdentityTypeID": "2700000000000001",
               "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
               "ExpiryDate": ""
               "BookingId": "RES112",
               "Salutation": "Ms.",
               "FirstName": "Test",
               "LastName": "One",
               "Gender": "Female",
               "Type": "Adult",
               "DateOfBirth": "",
               "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
               "WeddingAnniversary": "",
               "Address": "",
               "City": " Brockway",
               "State": "CA",
               "Country": "Germany",
               "Nationality": "Malta",
               "Zipcode": "95730",
               "Phone": "",
               "Mobile": "3534",
               "Fax": "564564",
               "Email": "",
               "RegistrationNo": "",
               "IdentityTypeID": "2700000000000001",
               "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
               "ExpiryDate": ""




NameData TypeDescription Example
Success->SuccessMsgStringSuccess MessageSuccessfully Done
Errors->ErrorCodeintegerError Code100
Errors->ErrorMessageStringError MessageSuccess


1.Full operation is successfully completed
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Sharer is successfully added for Booking RES101"
    "Errors": {
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"

2.Full operation Is successfully completed for multiple booking
        "Success": {
              "SuccessMsg": "Sharer is successfully added for Booking RES101,RES112"
        "Errors": {
             "ErrorCode": "0",
             "ErrorMessage": "Success"
3.In case some booking are successfully added and some have errors for multiple bookings
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Sharer is successfully added for Booking RES101"
    "Errors": [
            "ErrorCode": "114",
                "Country not properly added, it should be according to our database for Booking : RES112"


    "Errors": {
        "ErrorCode": "615",
        "ErrorMessage": "Unauthorized Request: This request is not valid."

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Invalid Request Type
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
615Unauthorized Request: This request is not valid.
600Something went wrong. please try again. Booking
110BookingId is missing
111You cannot add more sharers as the maximum limit for adults reached for the type of room offered, so adding Sharer failed for Booking
112You cannot add more sharers as the maximum limit for children reached for the type of room offered, so adding Sharer failed for Booking
121Either firstname/lastName or Email is mandatory to process your request for Booking
114Country/Nationality is not properly added, it should be according to our database for Booking
115Invalid field <field> for Booking
116Invalid value “<value>” for field “<field name>” for Booking
113We don’t find this reservation in our system. So you can’t add guest for Booking
117Reservation is canceled,noshow or void. So you can’t add guest for Booking
118Reservation is past checked out. So you can’t add guest for Booking
120Maximum five sharers will be processed at a time


Add Payment

This API will post  the payment with cash/bank type paymethods to a particular single or multiple  reservation no. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json
NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeAddPayment
Reservation->BookingId*VARCHAR(100)Reservation No.11-1  or 12
Reservation->PaymentId*INT(20)Payment Unique id
(Click here to get PaymentID)
Reservation->CurrencyId*INT(20)Currency Unique id
(Click here to get CurrencyId)
Reservation->Payment*DECIMAL(19,4)Amount to pay100.00
Reservation->CommentVARCHAR(100)Comment is optionalPayment for room charges
Receipt->FolioNoINT(20)FolioNo is optional302


     "RES_Request": {
             "Request_Type": "AddPayment",
             "Authentication": {
             "HotelCode": "1234",
             "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
             "Reservation": [{
                  "BookingId": "11-1",
                  "FolioNo": "",  //Optional
                  "PaymentId": "123400000000000007",
                  "CurrencyId": "123400000000000001",
                  "Payment": "70",
                  "Comment": "payment"
                 "BookingId": "12",
                 "FolioNo": "302",  //Optional
                 "PaymentId": "123400000000000007",
                 "CurrencyId": "123400000000000001",
                 "Payment": "200",
                 "Comment": "payment"



NameData TypeDescription Example
Receipt->BookingIdvarcharReservation No.12
Receipt->ReceiptNoIntegerReceipt No.230


    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Payment done successfully for booking 11-1, 12",
        "Receipt": [
                "BookingId": "11-1",
                "ReceiptNo": "1521,1524"
               "BookingId": "12",
               "ReceiptNo": "1522,1523"
    "Errors":[ {
            "ErrorCode": "0",
            "ErrorMessage": "Success"


    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Payment done successfully for booking 12",
        "Receipt": [
                "BookingId": "12",
                "ReceiptNo": "232"
    "Errors": [
            "ErrorCode": "113",
            "ErrorMessage": "We don't find this reservation in our system. So payment not processed for booking 13"


    "Errors": [
            "ErrorCode": "106",
            "ErrorMessage": "Payment amount is missing or invalid payment amount for booking 11-1"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
103Booking ID is missing
104Payment Id  is missing for booking
105Currency Id is missing for booking
106Payment amount is missing or invalid payment amount for booking
108Error in folio.
109Maximum 10 bookings are allowed at a time.
110Payment ID not valid
114Currency is not valid for booking
115Amount is exceeded than folio balance for booking
116Invalid parameter for booking
113We don’t find this reservation in our system. So payment not processed for booking
117Reservation is void. So payment not processed for booking
118Reservation is past checked out. So payment not processed for booking
119Invalid folio no for booking


Guest Data Update

This API helps you to update guest data (name, phone, mobile, email, etc) and upload documents (guest identity, guest signature, guest image, and voucher image). The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeUploadDocument
BookingId*VARCHAR(255)Unique Booking Id/Reservation No456
FirstName*VARCHAR(500)First NameTorben
LastName*VARCHAR(500)Last NameL. Schou
UpdateSinglebookingINT(11)It is an optional field but please set 1 If you want to update guest data for a single booking.Value : 1 or 0
For ex:
Group Booking: 150
No of Booking: 2
ResNo = 150-1 | Guest = Mr Sanjay
ResNo = 150-2 | Guest = Mr Sanjay

-> If you want to update ResNo = 150-2 and Mr. Sanjay to Mr. Bharat, you can do it using this parameter.
UpdateGuestData->FirstNameVARCHAR(500)For Update First NameTorben
UpdateGuestDat->LastNameVARCHAR(500)For Update Last NameL. Schou
UpdateGuestData->GenderVARCHAR(25)For Update GenderMale
UpdateGuestData->TypeFor Update Type (Adult/Child)Aduit
UpdateGuestData->DateOfBirthDATEDate Of Birth1985-05-05
UpdateGuestData->SpouseDateOfBirthDATESpouse Date Of Birth1987-01-25
UpdateGuestData->WeddingAnniversaryDATEWedding Anniversary Date1987-10-05
UpdateGuestData->AddressVARCHAR(4000)Address500 Kingston
UpdateGuestData->CityVARCHAR(255)Name of CityToronto
UpdateGuestData->StateVARCHAR(255)State nameOntario
UpdateGuestData->CountryVARCHAR(255)Country nameCanada
(for country
(for country
UpdateGuestData->ZipcodeInteger(11)zip code123456
UpdateGuestData->PhoneInteger(20)Phone number1234567890
UpdateGuestData->MobileInteger(20)Mobile Number1234567890
UpdateGuestData->FaxInteger(20)Fax number1234567890
UpdateGuestData->EmailVARCHAR(255)Email id
UpdateGuestData->RegistrationNoVARCHAR(255)Registration Number12345
UpdateGuestData->IdentityTypeIDBIGINT(20)Identity Unique Id1234500000000000001
(To get this ID, please check API [Retrieve Identity Type])
UpdateGuestData->IdentityNoVARCHAR(255)Identity type number123456789
UpdateGuestData->ExpiryDateDATEExpiry Date2022-05-02
Documents->TypeInteger(1)Type Of Document Upload1 = Identity, 2 = Signature, 3 = Guest Image, 4 = Guest Vouchers
Documents->ImagesStringEncoded Image StringAlpha-numeric String


1.For Single Booking Request
        "RES_Request": {
        "Request_Type": "UploadDocument",
        "Authentication": {
                "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "Reservation": [
                "BookingId": "123",  
                "GuestDetails": [
                        "FirstName": "Torben",
                        "LastName": "L. Schou",
                        "Email": "",
                        "UpdateSinglebooking":0, //Optional
                        "UpdateGuestData": [
                                "Salutation": "Mr.",
                                "FirstName": "Torben",
                                "LastName": "L. Schou",
                                "Gender": "Male",
                                "Type": "Adult",
                                "DateOfBirth": "1985-05-05",
                                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "1987-05-05",
                                "WeddingAnniversary": "1987-10-05",
                                "Address": "500 Kingston",
                                "City": " Toronto",
                                "State": "Ontario",
                                "Country": "Canada",
                                "Nationality": "India",
                                "Zipcode": "123456",
                                "Phone": "1234567890",
                                "Mobile": "1234567890",
                                "Fax": "1234567890",
                                "Email": "",
                                "RegistrationNo": "12345",
                                "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
                                "IdentityNo": "123456789",
                                "ExpiryDate": "2012-12-02"
                        "Documents": [
                                "Type": "1", 
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"  
                                "Type": "2",
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"
                                "Type": "3",
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"
                                "Type": "4",
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"

2.For Multiple Booking Request
        "RES_Request": {
        "Request_Type": "UploadDocument",
        "Authentication": {
                "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "Reservation": [
                "BookingId": "123",  
                "GuestDetails": [
                        "FirstName": "Torben",
                        "LastName": "L. Schou",
                        "Email": "",
                        "UpdateSinglebooking":1, //Optional
                        "UpdateGuestData": [
                                "Salutation": "Mr.",
                                "FirstName": "Torben",
                                "LastName": "L. Schou",
                                "Gender": "Male",
                                "Type": "Adult",
                                "DateOfBirth": "1994-03-25",
                                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "1996-05-05",
                                "WeddingAnniversary": "1997-10-18",
                                "Address": "500 Kingston",
                                "City": " Toronto",
                                "State": "Ontario",
                                "Country": "Canada",
                                "Nationality": "India",
                                "Zipcode": "123456",
                                "Phone": "1234567890",
                                "Mobile": "1234567890",
                                "Fax": "1234567890",
                                "Email": "",
                                "RegistrationNo": "12345",
                                "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
                                "IdentityNo": "123456789",
                                "ExpiryDate": "2021-05-02"
                        "Documents": [
                                "Type": "1", 
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"  
                                "Type": "2", 
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" 
                "BookingId": "456",
                "Guest Details": [
                        "FirstName": "Daryl",
                        "LastName": "S. Coleman",
                        "Email": "",
                        "UpdateSinglebooking":0, //Optional
                        "UpdateGuestData": [
                                "Salutation": "Mr.",
                                "FirstName": "Daryl",
                                "LastName": "S. Coleman",
                                "Gender": "Male",
                                "Type": "Adult",
                                "DateOfBirth": "1998-10-21",
                                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "2000-07-10",
                                "WeddingAnniversary": "2001-01-20",
                                "Address": "500 Kingston",
                                "City": " Balimo",
                                "State": "Papua",
                                "Country": "Indonesia",
                                "Nationality": "India",
                                "Zipcode": "123456",
                                "Phone": "1234567890",
                                "Mobile": "1234567890",
                                "Fax": "1234567890",
                                "Email": "",
                                "RegistrationNo": "12345",
                                "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
                                "IdentityNo": "123456789",
                                "ExpiryDate": "2023-07-12"
                        "Documents": [
                                "Type": "1", 
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" 
                                "Type": "2",
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC" 
                                "Type": "3",
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"
                                "Type": "4",
                                "Images": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACIAAAAiCAIAAAC1JZyVAAAAA3NCSVQICAjb4U/gAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBnbm9tZS1zY3JlZW5zaG907wO/PgAAAGtJREFUSIlj/P//PwPtARMd7Bi1ZtSaUWtGrRlm1rAwzr5FkgYFNmZjAbYcQyEHOW7idTEyzLpJosugYLeblIs8D5GKyQ+0aeffEa+YfGvOf/xND2se/PpLD2tIAqPWjFozas2oNaPWDFZrAAbVESQbyOtmAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"


NameData TypeDescription Example
Success->SuccessMsgStringSuccess MessageSuccessfully Done
Errors>ErrorCodeintegerError Code100
Errors>ErrorMessageStringError MessageSuccess


1.Full Operation Is Successfully Completed
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Guest Data/Document successfully uploaded for Booking : 123"
    "Error": {
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"
2.Full Operation Is Successfully Completed For Multiple Booking
    "Success": {
        "SuccessMsg": "Guest Data/Document successfully uploaded for Booking : 123,456"
    "Error": {
        "ErrorCode": "0",
        "ErrorMessage": "Success"


      "Errors": {
        "ErrorCode": "301",
        "ErrorMessage": "Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
110Booking ID is missing
111Guest Identity Image String should be in base64_encoded format, So Document is not uploaded for BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
Guest Signature Image String should be in base64_encoded format, So Document is not uploaded for BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
Guest Image String should be in base64_encoded format, So Document is not uploaded for BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
Guest Voucher Image String should be in base64_encoded format, So Document is not uploaded for BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
112Identity Information (Type, No) is compulsory to process your request
113Either First Name/Last Name or Email is mandatory to process your request
115The Identity Type ID is not matching with Hotel Data for BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
116Invalid BookingId
117Guest Email : Not Exist For BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
Guest Name : Torben L. Schou is not exist For BookingId : 123
118Guest Data is not updated For BookingId : 123
119Missing Parameter OR Invalid Parameter : UpdateGuestData For BookingId : 123
Missing Parameter OR Invalid Parameter : GuestDetails For BookingId : 123
120Invalid Date Format. Please enter YYYY-MM-DD For BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
121Invalid Fields : Cities,States For BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
122Country Name is not matched with our given country name for BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
123Nationality Name is not matched with our given country name for BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
124Maximum 5 booking data update for single request
125Please Contact to reception for update profile For BookingId : 123
126Invalid Email address For BookingId : 123, Guest name : Torben L. Schou
127Given BookingId : 123 is checkout booking
Given BookingId : 123 is void booking
Given BookingId : 123 is cancelled booking
Given BookingId : 123 is no show booking
128Guest name : Torben L. Schou AND Customer Email : is repeat same profile multiple times For BookingId : 123


Retrieve Identity Type

This API will give you all active Identity Types (Passport, Pancard, etc) available in the hotel. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Request_Type *VARCHAR(100)Request TypeRetrieveIdentityType


       "RES_Request": {
              "Request_Type": "RetrieveIdentityType",
               "Authentication": {
                      "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                      "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"


NameData TypeDescription Example
IdentityType->IdentityTypeIDIntegerIdentity Type Unique id1234500000000000001
IdentityType->NameStringIdentity Type NamePassport,Driving License


{      "Success": {   
        "IdentityType": [
           "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000001",           
           "Name": "Passport" 
           "IdentityTypeID": "1234500000000000002",          
           "Name": "Driving License"  
  "Errors": {
    "ErrorCode": "0",
    "ErrorMessage": "Success"


   "Errors": {
    "ErrorCode": "301",
    "ErrorMessage": "Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
203No Data Found


Retrieve Pay Methods

This API will give you all the pay methods available in the hotel. You need to send only active pay methods of the hotel. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Request_Type *VARCHAR(100)Request TypeRetrievePayMethods


       "RES_Request": {
              "Request_Type": "RetrievePayMethods",
               "Authentication": {
                      "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                      "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"


NameData TypeDescription Example
PayMethods->PayMethodIDIntegerPay Method Unique id1234500000000000001
PayMethods->PaymentIDStringPayment Unique id1234500000000000001
PayMethods->NameStringPay Method NameCash
PayMethods->ShortCodeStringPay Method Short CodeCash
PayMethods->TypeStringPay Method TypeCash,Bank
PayMethods->CardProcessingIntegerCard Processing0
PayMethods->SurchargeApplicableStringSurcharge Applicable1
PayMethods->SurchargeTypeStringSurcharge TypeFlatPercent,Amount
PayMethods->SurchargeValueDecimalSurcharge Value5
PayMethods->SurchargeIDIntegerSurcharge Unique ID1234500000000000001
PayMethods->SurchargeNameStringSurcharge NameSurcharge


{      "Success": {   
        "PayMethods": [
          "PayMethodID": "1234500000000000001",          
          "PaymentID": "1234500000000000001",    
          "Name": "Cash",
          "ShortCode": "Cash",
          "Type": "Cash",
          "CardProcessing": "0",
          "SurchargeApplicable": "1",
          "SurchargeType": "FlatPercent",
          "SurchargeValue": "5",
          "SurchargeID": "1234500000000000001",
          "SurchargeName": "Surcharge"
          "PayMethodID": "1234500000000000002",          
          "PaymentID": "1234500000000000002",    
          "Name": "Cheque",
          "ShortCode": "Chq",
          "Type": "Bank",
          "CardProcessing": "0",
          "SurchargeApplicable": "0",
          "SurchargeType": "",
          "SurchargeValue": "",
          "SurchargeID": "",
          "SurchargeName": ""
  "Errors": {
    "ErrorCode": "0",
    "ErrorMessage": "Success"


  "Errors": {
    "ErrorCode": "301",
    "ErrorMessage": "Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
203Payment Methods are not available in this hotel


Retrieve Currency

This API will give you all the currencies available in the hotel. You need to send only active currency of the hotel. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Request_Type *VARCHAR(100)Request TypeRetrieveCurrency


       "RES_Request": {
              "Request_Type": "RetrieveCurrency",
               "Authentication": {
                      "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                      "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"


NameData TypeDescription Example
CurrencyList->CurrencyIDIntegerCurrency Unique id1234500000000000001
CurrencyList->CountryStringCountry name India
CurrencyList->CurrencyStringCurrency NameRupees
CurrencyList->CurrencyCodeStringCurrency CodeINR
CurrencyList->SignStringCurrency sign
CurrencyList->DigitsAfterDecimalIntegerCurrency Digits After Decimal2
CurrencyList->IsBaseCurrencyStringIs Base Currency0,1
CurrencyList->ExchangeRateDecimalCurrency Exchange Rate15.0000


{      "Success": {   
        "CurrencyList": [
          "CurrencyID": "1234500000000000001",
          "Country": "Argentina",
          "Currency": "Dollar ARS",
          "CurrencyCode": "ARS",
          "Sign": "$",
          "DigitsAfterDecimal": "2",
          "IsBaseCurrency": "0",
          "ExchangeRate": "15.0000"
         "CurrencyID": "1234500000000000002",
          "Country": "India",
          "Currency": "Rupees",
          "CurrencyCode": "INR",
          "Sign": "₹",
          "DigitsAfterDecimal": "2",
          "IsBaseCurrency": "1",
          "ExchangeRate": "1.0000"

  "Errors": {
    "ErrorCode": "0",
    "ErrorMessage": "Success"


   "Errors": {
    "ErrorCode": "301",
    "ErrorMessage": "Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
203No Data Found


Unblock room

This API helps to unblock a room thereby making a room available for sale. This API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
RoomID *INT(20) ID of Room 123450000000000004
RoomtypeID *INT(20) ID of RoomType 123450000000000006
FromDate *Date From date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd] 2020-05-15
ToDate *DateTo date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd] 2020-05-16


"RES_Request": {
"Request_Type": "UnblockRoom",
"Authentication": {
"HotelCode": "xxxx",
"AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"Rooms": [
"RoomID": "123450000000000004",
"FromDate": "2020-05-15",
"ToDate": "2020-05-16"
"RoomID": "123450000000000004",
"RoomtypeID": "123450000000000007",
"FromDate": "2020-05-19",
"ToDate": "2020-05-22"


NameData TypeDescription Example
Success.SuccessMsg Generate Success Response Message Rooms Unblocked Successfully
Errors.ErrorCode Response Error Code 0, 301 etc
Errors.ErrorMessage Generate Response Message Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code


"Errors": {
"ErrorCode": "0",
"ErrorMessage": "Success"
"Success": {
"SuccessMsg": "Rooms Unblocked Successfully"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
103Room ID is missing
104Roomtype ID is missing
105From Date is missing.
106From Date is not a valid date
107To Date is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
108(To Date) – To Date is not a valid date
109From Date (From Date) To Date : (To Date) – Please check From and To date. To Date should be greater than fromdate
110Unblock is not allowed for past dates. Your property current working date is (Hoteldate)
128(Room ID) – There is no block on this room, so unblock is not possible.


Retrieve Incidental Invoices

This API provides incidental invoices (point of sale) information that can be used in your financial accounts. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
hotel_code*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
auth_code*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
fromdateDATEFrom date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-01
todateDATETo date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-31


  "hotel_code": "XXXX",
  "fromdate" : "2020-03-01",
  "todate" : "2020-03-30",


NameData TypeDescription Example
statusStringResponse statusSuccess
data->typeStringResponse typeIncidental Invoice
tranIdStringTransaction IdP837-211
tran_datetimeDateTransaction Date2020-03-22
reference1StringGuest Name/City Ledger NameJhems
reference2StringGuest Name/City Ledger NameJhems
reference3StringBill Number2
reference14StringFolio Type (CASH/CREDIT)CASH / CREDIT
reference16StringNot Applicable
reference17StringIdentity type of billing contact. If Billing contact is guest, Company Tax ID of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company,it will be blank.Passport
reference18StringIdentity number of billing contact. If Billing contact is a guest,the tax id of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company,it will be blankT9305602
reference19StringEmail of billing
reference20StringAddress of billing contact Near railway station,surat-396380,gujarat,india
reference21StringTelephone of billing contact0261242059
detail->tran_typeStringTransaction Type (Credit/Debit)Cr/Dr
detail->vouchernoStringTransaction Voucher No777
detail->parentidintegerParent Id1234500000000000002
detail->taxperStringTax Percentage15%
detail->detailIdintegerTransaction Details Id1234500000000000991
detail->reference_idintegerStatically Defined Reference Id2
detail->reference_valueStringIf reference_id is 1, thenValue of reference_value: Room Revenue
It means :Value of reference_id:1: Room Revenue2: Extra Charges3: Discount4: Adjustment5: Tax6: Payment Type10: City Ledger
Payment Type, Extra Charges,Guest Ledger, Discount
detail->sub_reference1_idintegerStatically Defined Sub Reference Id – 11
detail->sub_reference1_valueStringCity Ledger/ Discount, Etc Value1
detail->sub_reference2_idintegerStatically Defined Sub Reference Id – 22
detail->sub_reference2_valueStringIf Above reference value is of  Extra Charges, then Extra Charge ID.
If Above reference value is of Discount, then Discount ID.
detail->sub_reference3_idintegerIf Above reference value is Room Revenue, then sub_reference3_id is 1 otherwise 0.1,0
detail->sub_reference3_valueStringIf Above reference value is Room Revenue, then sub_reference3_value is 1 otherwise 0.1,0
detail->sub_reference4_idintegerIf Above reference value is Room Revenue, then sub_reference4_value is 1 otherwise 0.1,0
detail->sub_reference4_valueStringIf Above reference value is Room Revenue, then sub_reference4_value is 1 otherwise 01,0
detail->sub_reference5_idintegerIf Above reference value is Room Revenue, then sub_reference5_id is 5 otherwise 0.5, 0
detail->sub_reference5_valueStringIf sub_reference5_id is 5, thenValue of sub_reference5_id: 1/2/3/4/5
It means:1: Room Charges2: Cancellation Revenue3: Day Use Charges4: Late Checkout Charges5: No Show Revenue
If sub_reference5_id is 5, then Value of sub_reference5_id:
detail->amountDecimalTransaction Amount50
detail->slabtaxunkidStringSlab Tax id1234500000000000013_1
detail->slabtaxStringSlab tax nameCGST
detail->slabStringSlab range1000-2499-12
gross_amountDecimalGross Amount50
amount_paidDecimalAmount Paid50
balanceDecimalAccount Balance0
remarkStringComment of transaction


    "status": "Success",
    "data": [
            "type": "Incidental Invoice",
            "data": [   
                    "tranId": "P837-211",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-21",
                    "reference1": "Jhems",
                    "reference2": "Jhems",
                    "reference3": "2",
                    "reference4": "",
                    "reference5": "",
                    "reference6": "",
                    "reference7": "",
                    "reference8": "",
                    "reference9": "",
                    "reference10": "",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference12": "",
                    "reference13": "",
                    "reference14": "CASH",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Passport",
                    "reference18": "T9305602",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station, surat-396380,gujarat,india ",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",

                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "remark": "",
                            "voucherno": "43",
                            "parentid": "",
                            "taxper": "",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000837",
                            "reference_id": 6,
                            "reference_value": "Payment Type",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
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                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 70,
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""

                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "remark": "",
                            "voucherno": "123",
                            "parentid": "",
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                            "detailId": "1234500000000000836",
                            "reference_id": 2,
                            "reference_value": "Extra Charges",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 2,
                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000001",
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                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": "70.0000",
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                    "gross_amount": 70,
                    "amount_paid": 70,
                    "balance": 0,
                    "remark": ""
                    "tranId": "P991-221",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-22",
                    "reference1": "Jiya",
                    "reference2": "Mark Travels",
                    "reference3": "12",
                    "reference4": "",
                    "reference5": "",
                    "reference6": "",
                    "reference7": "",
                    "reference8": "",
                    "reference9": "",
                    "reference10": "",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference12": "",
                    "reference13": "",
                    "reference14": "CREDIT",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Company Tax ID",
                    "reference18": "",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station,surat-396380,gujarat,india",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",
                    "detail": [
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                            "remark": "",
                            "voucherno": "777",
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                            "taxper": "",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000991",
                            "reference_id": 2,
                            "reference_value": "Extra Charges",
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                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
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                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000002",
                            "sub_reference3_id": 1,
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                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": "1000.0000",
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "remark": "water",
                            "voucherno": "123-1",
                            "parentid": "",
                            "taxper": "",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000994",
                            "reference_id": 2,
                            "reference_value": "Extra Charges",
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                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
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                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000003",
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                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": "500.0000",
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "remark": "xyz",
                            "voucherno": "",
                            "parentid": "",
                            "taxper": "",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000992",
                            "reference_id": 10,
                            "reference_value": "City Ledger",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 2,
                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000020",
                            "sub_reference3_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_value": 0,
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                            "sub_reference4_value": 0,
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                            "sub_reference5_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 1000,
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "remark": "",
                            "voucherno": "",
                            "parentid": "",
                            "taxper": "",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000996",
                            "reference_id": 10,
                            "reference_value": "City Ledger",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 2,
                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000020",
                            "sub_reference3_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 450,
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "remark": "",
                            "voucherno": "",
                            "parentid": "1234500000000000994",
                            "taxper": "",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000995",
                            "reference_id": 3,
                            "reference_value": "Discount",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 2,
                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000018",
                            "sub_reference3_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 50,
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                    "gross_amount": 1500,
                    "amount_paid": 1500,
                    "balance": 0,
                    "remark": ""

Error Codes

AllFieldsAll fields are mandatory.
AuthKeyAuthentication Key Is Not Found.
ReqForInvalid Request Format.
HotelCodeHotel Code Is Not Found
ErrorSomething went wrong!
ErrorBad Request
304Database Error
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
301Unauthorized request. Request is not valid for this hotel code [Permission denied]
303Auth Code is inactive.


Retrieve Journals

This API provides journal data that can be used in your financial accounts. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
hotel_code*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
auth_code*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
fromdateDATEFrom date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-01
todateDATETo date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-31


  "hotel_code": "XXXX",
  "fromdate" : "2020-03-01",
  "todate" : "2020-03-30",


NameData TypeDescription Example
statusStringResponse statusSuccess
data->typeStringResponse typeAdvance Deposit Transfer,
Folio Transfer, Cityledger Transfer, Cityledger Commision
tranIdStringTransaction IdG1057-221
tran_datetimeDateTransaction Date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-22
reference1DateReceipt No52
reference2DateGuest NameHolder
reference3StringReservation No35
reference4StringReservation No35
reference5StringFolio No36
reference6StringBill No / Invoice No39
reference7StringBill ToHolder
reference8StringArrival Date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-24
reference9StringDeparture Date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-28
reference10StringBusiness Source
reference11StringTravel Agent Voucher No
reference12StringMarket Code
reference13StringCity Ledger Name (For only Cityledger Commision data)
reference14StringRoom Name107
reference15StringNot Applicable
reference16StringNot Applicable
reference17StringIdentity type of billing contact. If Billing contact is guest , Company Tax ID guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company,it will be blank. Passport
reference18StringIdentity number of billing contact. If Billing contact is a guest, the tax id of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company,it will be blank. T9305602
reference19StringEmail of billing
reference20StringAddress of billing contactNear railway station,surat-396380,gujarat,india
reference21StringTelephone of billing contact0261242059
detail->tran_typeStringTransaction Type
detail->detailIdIntegerDetail Id1234500000000000971
detail->reference_valueStringTransaction ModeAdvance,Payment,
Paid Out,Guest Ledger
detail->sub_ref2_valueStringGuest Name, 
City Ledger Id (For only Cityledger Transfer,Cityledger Commision data)
Expense Type Id (For only Cityledger Commision  data)
detail->sub_ref3_valueStringBusiness Source Id0
detail->sub_ref4_valueStringRoom Id1234500000000000007
detail->sub_ref5_valueStringRoom Type Id1234500000000000002
detail->sub_ref6_valueStringFolio No36
detail->sub_ref7_valueStringBill To
detail->amountDecimalTransaction Amount18930
gross_amountDecimalGross Amount18930
remarkStringComment of transaction


    "status": "Success",
    "data": [
            "type": "Advance Deposit Transfer",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "G1057-221",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-25",
                    "reference1": "59",
                    "reference2": "Holder",
                    "reference3": "35",
                    "reference4": "35",
                    "reference5": "36",
                    "reference6": "39",
                    "reference7": "",
                    "reference8": "2020-03-25",
                    "reference9": "2020-03-27",
                    "reference10": "",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference12": "",
                    "reference13": "",
                    "reference14": "107",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "",
                    "reference18": "",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station ,surat-396380,gujarat,india",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",
        "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000971",
                            "reference_id": 13,
                            "reference_value": "Advance",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref2_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_value": 0,
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                            "sub_ref5_value": 0,
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                            "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 18930
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000971",
                            "reference_id": 8,
                            "reference_value": "Guest Ledger",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "Holder",
                            "sub_ref3_id": 3,
                            "sub_ref3_value": "",
                            "sub_ref4_id": 4,
                            "sub_ref4_value": "1234500000000000007",
                            "sub_ref5_id": 5,
                            "sub_ref5_value": "1234500000000000002",
                            "sub_ref6_id": 6,
                            "sub_ref6_value": "36",
                            "sub_ref7_id": 7,
                            "sub_ref7_value": "",
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 18930
                    "gross_amount": 18930,
                    "remark": ""
            "type": "Folio Transfer",
            "data": [{
                           "tranId": "123456",
                           "tran_datetime": "2020-06-06 12:10:00",
                           "reference1": "Folio_Transfer-001",
                           "reference2": "Guest/Person Name",
                           "reference3": "booking no",
                           "reference4": "reservation no",
                           "reference5": "folio no",
                           "reference6": "bill no",
                           "reference7": "Bill to Name",
                           "reference8": "Arrival Date ",
                           "reference9": "Departure Date",
                           "reference10": "Business Source Name",
                           "reference11": "Travel Agent Voucher number - OTA Booking Voucher number",
                           "reference12": "Market Name",
                           "reference13": "",
                           "reference14": "Room Name",
                           "reference15": "",
                           "reference16": "",
                           "reference17": "Guest/Person Identity type or Company Tax Id",
                           "reference18": "Guest/Person Identity number"or Tax Id",
                           "reference19": "Guest/Person or Business Sources Email",
                           "reference20": "Guest/Person or Business Sources Address",
                           "reference21": "Guest/Peron or Business Sources Telephone number",
   "detail": [
                          "tran_type": "Dr",
                          "detailId": "123456-1",
                          "reference_id": "7",
                          "reference_value": "Folio Transfer",
                          "sub_reference1_id": "1",
                          "sub_reference1_value": "1",
                          "sub_reference2_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference2_value": "0",
                          "sub_reference3_id": "0",
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                          "sub_reference7_value": "0",
                          "sub_reference8_id": "0",
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                          "amount": "81.000"
                         "tran_type": "Cr",
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                         "reference_id": "8",
                         "reference_value": "Guest Ledger",
                         "sub_reference1_id": "1",
                         "sub_reference1_value": "1",
                         "sub_reference2_id": "2",
                         "sub_reference2_value": "Guest Name",
                         "sub_reference3_id": "3",
                         "sub_reference3_value": "buss01",
                         "sub_reference4_id": "4", 
                         "sub_reference4_value": "roomunkid",
                         "sub_reference5_id": "5",
                         "sub_reference5_value": "roomtypeunkid",
                         "sub_reference6_id": "6",   
                         "sub_reference6_value": "fn-001",
                         "sub_reference7_id": "7",
                         "sub_reference7_value": "Bill to Name",
                         "sub_reference8_id": "0",
                         "sub_reference8_value": "0",
                         "amount": "81.000"
                         "gross_amount": "81.0000",
                         "remark": ""
            "type": "Cityledger Transfer",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "G1056-251",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-25",
                    "reference1": "0",
                    "reference2": "Krey",
                    "reference3": "",
                    "reference4": "",
                    "reference5": "31",
                    "reference6": "33",
                    "reference7": "",
                    "reference8": "",
                    "reference9": "",
                    "reference10": "",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference12": "",
                    "reference13": " Travel",
                    "reference14": "112",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Company Tax ID",
                    "reference18": "",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station ,surat-396380,gujarat,india",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",
                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000001056",
                            "reference_id": 10,
                            "reference_value": "City Ledger",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
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                            "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000097",
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                            "reference_id": 8,
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                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "Krey",
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                            "sub_ref3_value": "",
                            "sub_ref4_id": 4,
                            "sub_ref4_value": "1234500000000000012",
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                            "sub_ref5_value": "1234500000000000002",
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                            "sub_ref7_value": "",
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 4130
                    "gross_amount": 4130,
                    "remark": ""
            "type": "Cityledger Commision",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "G1081-281",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-28",
                    "reference1": "",
                    "reference2": "Prince",
                    "reference3": "49",
                    "reference4": "49",
                    "reference5": "53",
                    "reference6": "44",
                    "reference7": "",
                    "reference8": "2020-03-24",
                    "reference9": "2020-03-28",
                    "reference10": "Max Travel",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference12": "",
                    "reference13": "Max Travel",
                    "reference14": "128",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Company Tax ID",
                    "reference18": "",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station, surat-396380,gujarat,india",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",

                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000001081",
                            "reference_id": 16,
                            "reference_value": "Paid Out",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
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                            "amount": "800.0000"
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000001081",
                            "reference_id": 10,
                            "reference_value": "City Ledger",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000018",
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                            "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": "800.0000"
                    "gross_amount": "800.0000",
                    "remark": ""

Error Codes

AllFieldsAll fields are mandatory.
AuthKeyAuthentication Key Is Not Found.
ReqForInvalid Request Format.
HotelCodeHotel Code Is Not Found
ErrorSomething went wrong!
ErrorBad Request
304Database Error
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
301Unauthorized request. Request is not valid for this hotel code [Permission denied]
303Auth Code is inactive.


Retrieve Inwards Payments

This API provides inwards payments (receipts data) that can be used in your financial accounts. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
hotel_code*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
auth_code*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
fromdateDATEFrom date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-01
todateDATETo date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-31
requestfor*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeXERO_GET_RECEIPT_DATA


  "hotel_code": "XXXX",
  "fromdate" : "2020-03-01",
  "todate" : "2020-03-30",
  "requestfor": "XERO_GET_RECEIPT_DATA"


NameData TypeDescription Example
statusStringResponse statusSuccess
data->typeStringResponse typeAdvance Deposit,
Received From Guest, Received From Cityledger
tranIdStringTransaction IdR946-22
tran_datetimeDateTransaction Date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-22
reference1DateReceipt No (For only Advance Deposit data)52
reference2DateGuest Name / Cityledger NameEliza
reference3StringReservation No (For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)50
reference4StringReservation No  (For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)50
reference5StringFolio No 
(For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)
reference6StringBill No / Inv. No45
reference7StringBill To  (For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest dataEliza
reference8StringArrival Date Time 
(For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)
reference9StringDeparture Date Time 
(For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)
reference10StringTravel Agent/ Business Source 
(For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)
Apex Travels
reference11StringTravel Agent Voucher No 
(For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)
reference13StringRoom Name 
(For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)
reference14StringFolio Type / Settlement Type (CASH/CREDIT) 
(For only Advance Deposit, Received From Guest data)
reference16String Not Applicable
reference17StringIdentity type of billing contact.If Billing contact is guest,Company tax ID of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company, it will be blankPassport
reference18StringIdentity number of billing contact.If Billing contact is a guest,the tax id of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company ,it will be blankT9305602
reference19StringEmail of billing
reference20StringAddress of billing contactNear railway station, surat – 396380,gujarat, india
reference21StringTelephone of billing contact0261242059
detail->tran_typeStringTransaction Type (Credit/Debit)Cr/Dr
detail->detailIdIntegerDetail Id1234500000000000946
detail->reference_valueStringTransaction ModeAdvance,Payment,
Paid Out
detail->sub_ref2_valueStringCity Ledger Contact Id, Payment Id
Guest Name
(For only Received From Guest in Credit transaction type data)
detail->sub_ref3_valueStringBusiness Source Id
(For only Received From Guest in Credit transaction type data)
detail->sub_ref4_valueStringRoom Id  (For only Received From Guest in Credit transaction type data)0
detail->sub_ref5_valueStringRoom Type Id  (For only Received From Guest in Credit transaction type data)0
detail->sub_ref6_valueStringFolio No  (For only Received From Guest in Credit transaction type data)0
detail->sub_ref7_valueStringBill To (For only Received From Guest in Credit transaction type data)0
detail->amountDecimalTransaction Amount200
gross_amountDecimalGross Amount200
remarkStringComment of transaction


    "status": "Success",
    "data": [
            "type": "Advance Deposit",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "R946-22",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-22",
                    "reference1": "52",
                    "reference2": "Eliza,
                    "reference3": "50",
                    "reference4": "50",
                    "reference5": "54",
                    "reference6": "45",
                    "reference7": "Eliza",
                    "reference8": "2020-03-24",
                    "reference9": "2020-03-28",
                    "reference10": "Apex Travels",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference13": "108",
                    "reference14": "Cash",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Company Tax ID",  
                    "reference18": "", 
                    "reference19": "", 
                    "reference20": "Near railway station,surat-396380,gujarat, india", 
                    "reference21": "026142059",
                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000946",
                            "reference_id": 6,
                            "reference_value": "Payment",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000155",
                            "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": "25000.0000"
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000946",
                            "reference_id": 13,
                            "reference_value": "Advance",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref2_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": "25000.0000"
                    "gross_amount": "25000.0000",
                    "remark": ""
            "type": "Received From Guest",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "R355-21",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-21",
                    "reference1": "39",
                    "reference2": "Loy",
                    "reference3": "42",
                    "reference4": "42",
                    "reference5": "45",
                    "reference6": "20",
                    "reference7": "Loy",
                    "reference8": "2020-03-19",
                    "reference9": "2020-03-21",
                    "reference10": "Apex Travels",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference13": "113",
                    "reference14": "Cash",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "", 
                    "reference17": "Company Tax ID",
                    "reference18": "",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station, surat-396380,gujarat,india",
                    "reference21": "026142059",
                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000355",
                            "reference_id": 6,
                            "reference_value": "Payment",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000155",
                            "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 8310
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000355",
                            "reference_id": 8,
                            "reference_value": "Guest Ledger",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "Loy",
                            "sub_ref3_id": 3,
                            "sub_ref3_value": "1234500000000000010",
                            "sub_ref4_id": 4,
                            "sub_ref4_value": "1234500000000000013",
                            "sub_ref5_id": 5,
                            "sub_ref5_value": "1234500000000000002",
                            "sub_ref6_id": 6,
                            "sub_ref6_value": "45",
                            "sub_ref7_id": 7,
                            "sub_ref7_value": "Loy",
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 8310
                    "gross_amount": 8310,
                    "remark": ""
            "type": "Received From Cityledger",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "R363-21",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-21",
                    "reference1": "42",
                    "reference2": "Apex Travels",
                    "reference3": "",
                    "reference4": "",
                    "reference5": "",
                    "reference6": "",
                    "reference7": "",
                    "reference8": "",
                    "reference9": "",
                    "reference10": "",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference13": "",
                    "reference14": "",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Company Tax ID",
                    "reference18": "",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station,surat-396380,gujarat,india",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",

                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000363",
                            "reference_id": 6,
                            "reference_value": "Payment",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000155",
                            "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 200
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000363",
                            "reference_id": 10,
                            "reference_value": "Cityledger",
                            "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                            "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                            "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                            "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000020",
                            "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref4_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref6_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                            "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 200
                    "gross_amount": 200,
                    "remark": ""

Error Codes

AllFieldsAll fields are mandatory.
AuthKeyAuthentication Key Is Not Found.
ReqForInvalid Request Format.
HotelCodeHotel Code Is Not Found
ErrorSomething went wrong!
ErrorBad Request
304Database Error
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
301Unauthorized request. Request is not valid for this hotel code [Permission denied]
303Auth Code is inactive.


Retrieve Outwards Payments

This API provides outwards payments that can be used in your financial accounts. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
hotel_code*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
auth_code*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
fromdateDATEFrom date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-01
todateDATETo date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-31
requestfor*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeXERO_GET_PAYMENT_DATA


  "hotel_code": "XXXX",
  "fromdate" : "2020-03-01",
  "todate" : "2020-03-30",
  "requestfor": "XERO_GET_PAYMENT_DATA"


NameData TypeDescription Example
statusStringResponse statusSuccess
data->typeStringResponse typeGeneral Expense, Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund, Cityledger Refund
tranIdStringTransaction IdP950-221
tran_datetimeDateTransaction Date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-22
reference1StringBill No / Inv. No (For only General Expenses data)
Receipt No (For only Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund, Cityledger Refund data)
reference2StringGuest Name (For only General Expense,Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)Johnson
reference3StringReservation No (For only  Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference4StringReservation No (For only  Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference5StringFolio No (For only  Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference6StringBill No / Invoice No12
reference7StringBill To (For only General Expense,Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)Johnson
reference8StringArrival Date Time (For only Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference9StringDeparture Date Time (For only Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference10StringBusiness Source Id (For only Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference11StringTravelAgent Voucher No (For only Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference12StringMarket Code Id ( For only Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference13StringRoom Name (For only Advance Deposit Refund, Guest Refund data)
reference14StringFolio Type / Settlement TypeCASH
reference16StringNot Applicable
reference17StringIdentity type of billing contact. If Billing contact is guest,Company Tax ID of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company,it will be blankPassport
reference18StringIdentity number of billing contact. If Billing contact is a guest, the tax id of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company , it will be blankT9305602
reference19StringEmail of billing
reference20StringAddress of billing contactNear railway station surat 396380 gujarat india
reference21StringTelephone of billing contact0261242059
detail->tran_typeStringTransaction Type (Credit/Debit)Cr/Dr
detail->detailIdIntegerDetail Id1234500000000000951
detail->reference_idintegerReference Id6
detail->reference_valueStringTransaction ModeAdvance,Payment, Paid Out
detail->sub_reference1_idintegerSingle Ledger Id1
detail->sub_reference1_valueStringSingle Ledger Value1
detail->sub_reference2_valueStringExpense Type Id, Tax Id (For Only General Expensel )
City Ledger Id, Payment Id (All API) 
Guest Name (For Only Guest Refund in debit transaction type)
detail->sub_reference3_valueStringBusiness Source Id (For Only Guest Refund in debit transaction type)0
detail->sub_reference4_valueStringRoom Id (For Only Guest Refund in debit transaction type)0
detail->sub_reference5_valueStringRate Type Id (For Only Guest Refund in debit transaction type)0
detail->sub_reference6_valueStringFolio No (For Only Guest Refund in debit transaction type)0
detail->sub_reference7_valueStringBill To (For Only Guest Refund in debit transaction type)0
detail->amountDecimalTransaction Amount1900.0000
detail->slabtaxunkidStringIF General Expense type found then add Slab Tax id1234500000000000013_1
detail->slabtaxStringIF General Expense type found then add Slab tax nameCGST
detail->slabStringIF General Expense type found then add Slab range1000-2499-12
gross_amountDecimalGross Amount0
amount_paidDecimalAmount Paid (For Only General Expense)2242
balanceDecimalAccount Balance (For Only General Expense)0
remarkStringComment of transaction


    "status": "Success",
    "data": [
            "type": "General Expense",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "P950-221",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-22",
                    "reference1": "12",
                    "reference2": "Johnson",
                    "reference3": "",
                    "reference4": "",
                    "reference5": "",
                    "reference6": "12",
                    "reference7": "Johnson",
                    "reference8": "",
                    "reference9": "",
                    "reference10": "",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference12": "",
                    "reference13": "",
                    "reference14": "CASH",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Passport",
                    "reference18": "T9305602",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station surat 396380 gujarat india",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",
                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000951",
                            "reference_id": 6,
                            "reference_value": "Payment",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 2,
                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000155",
                            "sub_reference3_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 1500,
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000950",
                            "reference_id": 16,
                            "reference_value": "Paid Out",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 2,
                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000002",
                            "sub_reference3_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": "1500.0000",
                            "slabtaxunkid": "",
                            "slabtax": "",
                            "slab": ""
                    "gross_amount": 1500,
                    "amount_paid": 1500,
                    "balance": 0,
                    "remark": ""
            "type": "Advance Deposit Refund",
            "data": [
                    "tranId": "P949-221",
                    "tran_datetime": "2020-03-22 00:00:00",
                    "reference1": "53",
                    "reference2": "Eliya",
                    "reference3": "50",
                    "reference4": "50",
                    "reference5": "54",
                    "reference6": "45",
                    "reference7": "Mrs. Eliya",
                    "reference8": "2020-03-24",
                    "reference9": "2020-03-28",
                    "reference10": "Mark Tour and Travels",
                    "reference11": "",
                    "reference12": "",
                    "reference13": "108",
                    "reference14": "",
                    "reference15": "",
                    "reference16": "",
                    "reference17": "Company Tax ID",
                    "reference18": "",
                    "reference19": "",
                    "reference20": "Near railway station surat 396380 gujarat india",
                    "reference21": "0261242059",
                    "detail": [
                            "tran_type": "Dr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000948",
                            "reference_id": 13,
                            "reference_value": "Advance",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference2_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 2640
                            "tran_type": "Cr",
                            "detailId": "1234500000000000948",
                            "reference_id": 6,
                            "reference_value": "Payment",
                            "sub_reference1_id": 1,
                            "sub_reference1_value": 1,
                            "sub_reference2_id": 2,
                            "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000155",
                            "sub_reference3_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference3_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference4_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference5_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference6_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference7_value": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_id": 0,
                            "sub_reference8_value": 0,
                            "amount": 2640
                    "gross_amount": 2640,
                    "remark": ""
            "type": "Guest Refund",
            "data": [{
                           "tranId": "3",
                           "tran_datetime": "2020-06-06 12:10:00",
                           "reference1": "VOC-003",
                           "reference2": "Guest/Person Name",
                           "reference3": "BKN-13",
                           "reference4": "RN-13",
                           "reference5": "FN-13",
                           "reference6": "BL-13",
                           "reference7": "Bill to Name",
                           "reference8": "2020-06-06",
                           "reference9": "2020-06-07",
                           "reference10": "Business Source Name",
                           "reference11": "OTA Booking Voucher number",
                           "reference12": "Market Name",
                           "reference13": "103",
                           "reference14": "Cash",
                           "reference15": "Credit Number",
                           "reference16": "",
                           "reference17": "Passport",
                           "reference18": "T9305602",
                           "reference19": "",
                           "reference20": "Near railway station,surat-396380,gujarat,india",
                           "reference21": "0261242059",
          "detail": [
                          "tran_type": "Dr",
                          "detailId": "3-1",
                          "reference_id": "8",
                          "reference_value": "Guest Ledger",
                          "sub_reference1_id": "1",
                          "sub_reference1_value": "1",
                          "sub_reference2_id": "2",
                          "sub_reference2_value": "Guest Name",
                          "sub_reference3_id": "3",
                          "sub_reference3_value": "buss01",
                          "sub_reference4_id": "4",
                          "sub_reference4_value": "1234500000000000150",
                          "sub_reference5_id": "5",
                          "sub_reference5_value": "1234500000000000006",
                          "sub_reference6_id": "6",
                          "sub_reference6_value": "fn-001",
                          "sub_reference7_id": "7",
                          "sub_reference7_value": "Bill to Name",
                          "sub_reference8_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference8_value": "0",
                          "amount": "1780.000"
                          "tran_type": "Cr",
                          "detailId": "3-1",
                          "reference_id": "6",
                          "reference_value": "Payment",
                          "sub_reference1_id": "1",
                          "sub_reference1_value": "1",
                          "sub_reference2_id": "2",
                          "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000156",
                          "sub_reference3_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference3_value": "0",
                          "sub_reference4_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference4_value": "0",
                          "sub_reference5_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference5_value": "0",
                          "sub_reference6_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference6_value": "0",
                          "sub_reference7_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference7_value": "0",
                          "sub_reference8_id": "0",
                          "sub_reference8_value": "0",
                          "amount": "1780.000"
                         "gross_amount": "1780.0000",
                         "remark": ""
         "type": "Cityledger Refund",
         "data": [{
                         "tranId": "4",
                         "tran_datetime": "2020-06-06 12:10:00",
                         "reference1": "VOC-004",
                         "reference2": "",
                         "reference3": "",
                         "reference4": "",
                         "reference5": "",
                         "reference6": "",
                         "reference7": "",
                         "reference8": "",
                         "reference9": "",
                         "reference10": "",
                         "reference11": "",
                         "reference12": "",
                         "reference13": "",
                         "reference14": "",
                         "reference15": "",
                         "reference16": "",
                         "reference17": "",
                         "reference18": "",
                         "reference19": "",
                         "reference20": "",
                         "reference21": "",
       "detail": [
                        "tran_type": "Dr",
                        "detailId": "4-1",
                        "reference_id": "10",
                        "reference_value": "City Ledger",
                        "sub_reference1_id": "1",
                        "sub_reference1_value": "1",
                        "sub_reference2_id": "2",
                        "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000156",
                        "sub_reference3_id": "0",
                        "sub_reference3_value": "0",
                        "sub_reference4_id": "0",
                        "sub_reference4_value": "0",
                        "sub_reference5_id": "0",
                        "sub_reference5_value": "0",
                        "sub_reference6_id": "0",
                        "sub_reference6_value": "0",
                        "sub_reference7_id": "0",
                        "sub_reference7_value": "0",
                        "sub_reference8_id": "0",
                        "sub_reference8_value": "0",
                        "amount": "2801.000"
                       "tran_type": "Cr",
                       "detailId": "4-1",
                       "reference_id": "6",
                       "reference_value": "Payment",
                       "sub_reference1_id": "1",
                       "sub_reference1_value": "1",
                       "sub_reference2_id": "2",
                       "sub_reference2_value": "1234500000000000158",
                       "sub_reference3_id": "0",
                       "sub_reference3_value": "0",
                       "sub_reference4_id": "0",
                       "sub_reference4_value": "0",
                       "sub_reference5_id": "0",
                       "sub_reference5_value": "0",
                       "sub_reference6_id": "0",
                       "sub_reference6_value": "0",
                       "sub_reference7_id": "0",
                       "sub_reference7_value": "0",
                       "sub_reference8_id": "0",
                       "sub_reference8_value": "0",
                       "amount": "2801.000"
                      "gross_amount": "2801.0000",
                      "remark": ""

Error Codes

AllFieldsAll fields are mandatory.
AuthKeyAuthentication Key Is Not Found.
ReqForInvalid Request Format.
HotelCodeHotel Code Is Not Found
ErrorSomething went wrong!
ErrorBad Request
304Database Error
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
301Unauthorized request. Request is not valid for this hotel code [Permission denied]
303Auth Code is inactive.


Retrieve Revenues

This API provides revenue information for a property that can be used in your financial accounts. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
hotel_code*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
auth_code*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
fromdateDATEFrom date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-01
todateDATETo date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-31
ischeckoutVARCHAR(300)It is a flag for check out. True/False


  "hotel_code": "XXXX",
  "fromdate" : "2020-03-01",
  "todate" : "2020-03-30",
  "ischeckout" : "true",


NameData TypeDescription Example
record_idStringRecord/Unique IdS7-18
record_dateDateRecord Date2020-03-18
reference1DateCheck In Date  [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-17
reference2DateCheck Out Date  [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-03-18
reference3StringReservation No7
reference4StringFolio No6
reference5StringGuest NameAlex Joy
reference8StringBill No / Invoice No0
reference9StringBill To
reference10StringVoucher No
reference13StringRoom No103
reference14StringRoom TypeTwin
reference15StringRate TypeFrequent Traveller
reference16StringMarket CodeAirline Crew
reference17StringIdentity type of billing contact.If Billing contact is guest,Company Tax ID of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company,it will be blankPassport
reference18StringIdentity number of billing contact. If Billing contact is a guest , the tax id of guest will be displayed and if Billing contact is company ,it will be blank T9305602
reference19StringEmail of billing
reference20StringAddress of billing contactNear railway station surat 396380 gujarat india
reference21StringTelephone of billing contact0261242059
detail->detail_record_idintegerRental ID1234500000000000038
detail->detail_record_dateDateRental Date2020-03-17
detail->reference_idintegerList of Account Reference ID1
detail->reference_nameStringList of Account Reference Name
detail->sub_ref1_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID ‘Single Ledger’1
detail->sub_ref1_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘Always “1” when reference_id = 11
detail->sub_ref2_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID  ‘Room Name wise2
detail->sub_ref2_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘Room Unique ID1234500000000000003
detail->sub_ref3_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID  ‘Room Type wise3
detail->sub_ref3_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘Room Type Unique ID1234500000000000005
detail->sub_ref4_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID  ‘Rate Type wise4
detail->sub_ref4_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘Rate Type Unique ID1234500000000000003
detail->sub_ref5_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID  ‘Room Charge wise [Room Rent = 1, Cancellation Charge = 2, Day use = 3, Late checkout = 4 and No show charge = 5]5
detail->sub_ref5_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘Room Unique ID’ 1
detail->sub_ref6_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID  ‘Slab Tax’ wise6
detail->sub_ref6_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘Tax Unique ID’
detail->sub_ref7_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID  ‘Source wise’7
detail->sub_ref7_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘Source Unique ID’
detail->sub_ref8_idintegerList of Account Sub Reference ID  ‘Market code wise’8
detail->sub_ref8_valueStringList of Account Sub Reference value ‘market Place Unique ID’
detail->taxperStringPercentage of applied tax definition
detail->slabtaxunkidStringSlab Tax id1234500000000000013_1
detail->slabtaxStringSlab tax nameCGST
detail->slabStringSlab range1000-2499-12
detail->charge_nameStringCharge nameLaundry
detail->masterunkidintegerUnique id1234500000000000015
detail->parentmasterunkidintegerUnique id1234500000000000014
detail->TaxtypeStringTax type
detail->posdataStringPOS Data
detail->POSTaxNameStringPOS Tax name
detail->POSTaxPercentStringPOS Tax Percentage
gross_amountDecimal(rent – rental dis. + rental tax + ex. charges – ex. discount + ex. tax)0
flat_discountDecimalFolio level Discount0
total_amountDecimal(gross_amount – flat_discount + adjustment_amount)2242.0000
amount_paidDecimalPaid Amount2242
balanceDecimal(total amount – paid amount)0


     "record_id": "S7-18",
     "record_date": "2020-03-18",
     "reference1": "2020-03-17",
     "reference2": "2020-03-18",
     "reference3": "7",
     "reference4": "6",
     "reference5": "Alex Joy",
     "reference6": "0",
     "reference7": "",
     "reference8": "9",
     "reference9": "",
     "reference10": "",
     "reference11": "0",
     "reference12": "0",
     "reference13": "103",
     "reference14": "Twin",
     "reference15": "Frequent Traveller",
     "reference16": "",
     "reference17": "Passport",
     "reference18": "T9305602",
     "reference19": "",
     "reference20": "Near railway station surat 396380 gujarat india",
     "reference21": "0261242059",
     "detail": [
             "detail_record_id": "1234500000000000038",
             "detail_record_date": "2020-03-17",
             "reference_id": 1,
             "reference_name": "Room Revenue",
             "sub_ref1_id": 1,
             "sub_ref1_value": 1,
             "sub_ref2_id": 2,
             "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000003",
             "sub_ref3_id": 3,
             "sub_ref3_value": "1234500000000000005",
             "sub_ref4_id": 4,
             "sub_ref4_value": "1234500000000000003",
             "sub_ref5_id": 5,
             "sub_ref5_value": 1,
             "sub_ref6_id": 6,
             "sub_ref6_value": "1234500000000000171_2",
             "sub_ref7_id": 7,
             "sub_ref7_value": "",
             "sub_ref8_id": 8,
             "sub_ref8_value": "",
             "amount": "1900.0000",
             "taxper": "",
             "slabtaxunkid": "1234500000000000171_2",
             "slabtax": "CGST",
             "slab": "1001-7500.99-12",
             "charge_name": "Room Charges",
             "masterunkid": "1234500000000000004",
             "parentmasterunkid": "",
             "description": "",
             "Taxtype": "",
             "posdata": "",
             "POSTaxName": "",
             "POSTaxPercent": ""

             "detail_record_id": "1234500000000000038",
             "detail_record_date": "2020-03-17",
             "reference_id": 5,
             "reference_name": "Taxes",
             "sub_ref1_id": 1,
             "sub_ref1_value": 1,
             "sub_ref2_id": 2,
             "sub_ref2_value": "1234500000000000003",
             "sub_ref3_id": 3,
             "sub_ref3_value": “1234500000000000171_2”,
             "sub_ref4_id": 0,
             "sub_ref4_value": 0,
             "sub_ref5_id": 0,
             "sub_ref5_value": 0,
             "sub_ref6_id": 0,
             "sub_ref6_value": 0,
             "sub_ref7_id": 0,
             "sub_ref7_value": 0,
             "sub_ref8_id": 0,
             "sub_ref8_value": 0,
             "amount": "342.0000",
             "taxper": "18.0000",
             "slabtaxunkid": "1234500000000000171_2",
             "slabtax": "CGST",
             "slab": "1001-7500.99-6",
             "charge_name": "CGST",
             "masterunkid": "1234500000000000004",
             "parentmasterunkid": "",
             "description": "",
             "Taxtype": "",
             "posdata": "",
             "POSTaxName": "",
             "POSTaxPercent": ""
     "gross_amount": 0,
     "flat_discount": 0,
     "adjustment_amount": 0,
     "add_less_amount": 0,
     "total_amount": "2242.0000",
     "amount_paid": 2242,
     "balance": 0

Error Codes

AllFieldsAll fields are mandatory.
AuthKeyAuthentication Key Is Not Found.
ReqForInvalid Request Format.
HotelCodeHotel Code Is Not Found
ErrorSomething went wrong!
ErrorBad Request
304Database Error
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
301Unauthorized request. Request is not valid for this hotel code [Permission denied]
303Auth Code is inactive.


Retrieve Financial Accounts

This API provides a financial accounts list  for a property. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
hotel_code*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
auth_code*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx
requestfor*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeXERO_GET_CONFIG_DATA


  "hotel_code": "XXXX",
  "requestfor": "XERO_GET_CONFIG_DATA"


NameData TypeDescription Example
descriptionunkidStringThe Id is getting based on below data.If descriptiontype is RATE TYPE, then you will get RATE TYPE ID1234500000000000004
descriptionStringThe description is getting based on the below data.If descriptiontype is RATE TYPE, then you will get RATE TYPE NAMEDaily
descriptiontypeunkidStringIt is pre-defined unique Id1
descriptiontypeStringDescription type id and description type name is below listed according to Header Id and name
Header-1: Room Revenue
6: TAX

Header-2: Extra Charges

Header-3: Discount

Header-4: Adjustment


Header-5: Taxes
2: TAX

Header-6: Payment Type
2: Payment Type

Header-7: Folio Transfer

Header-8: Guest Ledger

Header-9: Guest Ledger – Customer

Header-10: City Ledger
2: City Ledger

Header-11: City Ledger – Customer
2: City Ledger

Header-12: City Ledger Contra

Header-13: Advance From Guest

Header-14: Cost Center

Header-15: Room Posting
3: Tax Percentage

Header-16: Paid Out
2: Paid Out
headeridStringIt is pre-defined unique Id1
headerStringHeader-1: Room Revenue
Header-2: Extra Charges
Header-3: Discount
Header-4: Adjustment
Header-5: Taxes
Header-6: Payment Type
Header-7: Folio Transfer
Header-8: Guest Ledger
Header-9: Guest Ledger – Customer
Header-10: City Ledger
Header-11: City Ledger – Customer
Header-12: City Ledger Contra
Header-13: Advance From Guest
Header-14: Cost Center
Header-15: Room Posting
Header-16: Paid Out
Room Revenue


     "descriptionunkid": "1",
     "description": "Revenue",
     "descriptiontypeunkid": "1",
     "descriptiontype": "SINGLE LEDGER",
     "headerid": "1",
     "header": "Room Revenue"
    "descriptionunkid": "123400000000000006",
    "description": "30 Flat",
    "descriptiontypeunkid": "2",
    "descriptiontype": "TAX",
    "headerid": "5",
    "header": "Taxes"

     "descriptionunkid": "123400000000000001",
     "description": "Daily",
     "descriptiontypeunkid": "4",
     "descriptiontype": "RATE TYPE",
     "headerid": "1",
     "header": "Room Revenue"
    "descriptionunkid": "123400000000000001",
    "description": "Managers Open Discount",
    "descriptiontypeunkid": "2",
    "descriptiontype": "DISCOUNT",
    "headerid": "3",
    "header": "Discount"

Error Codes

AllFieldsAll fields are mandatory.
AuthKeyAuthentication Key Is Not Found.
ReqForInvalid Request Format.
HotelCodeHotel Code Is Not Found
ErrorSomething went wrong!
ErrorBad Request
304Database Error
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
301Unauthorized request. Request is not valid for this hotel code [Permission denied]
303Auth Code is inactive.


Retrieve Guest

This API provides the guest profiles by filters. Most properties maintains guest database to accumulate the volume of returning guest, for building good relationships and create a better guest experience. This API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


Request_Type *Use Keyword “GuestList”
AuthCode *Varchar(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
HotelCode *Integer(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
IdsVarchar(20)ID  of Travel Agentxxxxxxxxxxxx
NamesVarchar(20)Names of travel agentPeter


Update From date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-07-01


Update To date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-07-03
isActiveINT(1)Staus : active or not
1=active, 0=inactive
1 or 0

Request (Without Optional Value)

                 "Request_Type": "GuestList",
                 "Authentication": {
                       "HotelCode": "xxxxx",
                       "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Request (With Optional Value)

    "Request_type": "GuestList",
     "Authentication": {
             "HotelCode": "xxxxx",
             "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Ids": [ //Optional Filter
    "Names": [ //Optional Filter
        "AC Company"
    "Created": { //Optional Filter
        "from_date": "2019-12-05T00:00:00Z",
        "to_date": "2019-12-10T00:00:00Z"
    "Updated": { //Optional Filter
        "from_date": "2019-12-05T00:00:00Z",
        "to_date": "2019-12-10T00:00:00Z"
    "isActive":"0" //Optional Filter,0 or 1 values where 0 = deactivated company and 1= activated company


IdIntegerUnique Company agent idxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AccountNameStringBusinessnameStart Travels
AccountCodeStringShort codeSTR.
Contact_personStringContact person nameMr.James
AddressStringAddress of Travel agentNew York
CityStringCity nameNew York
PostalCodeIntegerPostal code101101
StateStringState nameNew York
CountryStringCountry nameUSA
PhoneIntegerPhone number123456
MobileIntegerMobile number1234567890
FaxIntegerFax Number123456789
TaxIdStringTax id1
RegistrationNoStringRegistration number123
CommissionPlanStringCommission plan name% on all nights (exclu. Tax)
CommissionValueDecimalCommission plan value5
Discount on the standard rate %DecimalDiscount percentage5
IsActiveStringIsactive or note0 or 1


    "Companies": [
             "Id": "51270000000017",
             "AccountName": "IBM", //Business Name
             "AccountCode": "", // Short Code
             "Contact_person": "Mr. Azad Singh",
             "Address: "Rheinlanddamm 207-209",
             “City": "Dortmund",
             "PostalCode": "44137",
             "State": "",
             "Country": "DE",
             “Registration No”:”A3428973449284”,
             "IsActive": true


Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
208Both Updated from_date and to_date are mandatory if any one date is entered
210No data found
105From Date is missing.
106From Date is not a valid date
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
205Created to_date should be greater than from_date
108(To Date) – To Date is not a valid date
207Updated to_date should be greater than from_dat
107To Date is missing


Retrieve A Travel Agent

This API provides the travel agent profiles by filters. Most properties use this information when a guest books a room through a Travel Agency. Also hotels use this data to accumulate the booking volume they receive from these travel agents on an ongoing basis. This API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


Request_Type *Use Keyword “TravelAgentList”
AuthCode *Varchar(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
HotelCode *Integer(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
IdsVarchar(20)ID  of Travel Agentxxxxxxxxxxxx
NamesVarchar(20)Names of travel agentPeter


Update From date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-07-01


Update To date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-07-03
isActiveINT(1)Travel agent active or not 1=active, 0=inactive1 or 0


"RES_Request": {
"Request_Type": "TravelAgentList",
"Authentication": {
"HotelCode": "xxxx",
"AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxx"
"Ids": [
     "Names": [
     "Created": {
 "from_date": "2019-12-05",
         "to_date": "2019-12-10"
     "Updated": {
"from_date": "2019-12-05",
         "to_date": "2019-12-10"



IdIntegerUnique Travel agent idxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AccountNameStringTravel agent BusinessnameStart Travels
AccountCodeStringTravel aget short codeSTR.
Contact_personStringContact person nameMr.James
AddressStringAddress of Travel agentNew York
CityStringCity nameNew York
PostalCodeIntegerPostal code101101
StateStringState nameNew York
CountryStringCountry nameUSA
PhoneIntegerPhone number123456
MobileIntegerMobile number1234567890
FaxIntegerFax Number123456789
TaxIdStringTax id1
RegistrationNoStringRegistration number123
CommissionPlanStringCommission plan name% on all nights (exclu. Tax)
CommissionValueDecimalCommission plan value5
Discount on the standard rate %DecimalDiscount percentage5
IsActiveStringIsActive or not0 or 1


    "TravelAgent": [
            "Id": "12340000000000028",
            "AccountName": "ABC",
            "AccountCode": "TABC",
            "Contact_person": "Mr. James",
            "Address": "A234-A",
            "City": "New York",
            "PostalCode": "1000011",
            "State": "New York",
            "Country": "USA",
            "Phone": "9898989898",
            "Mobile": "9898989898",
            "Fax": null,
            "Email": "",
            "TaxId": "1",
            "RegistrationNo": null,
            "CommissionPlan": "% on all nights (exclu. Tax)",
            "CommissionValue": "4.0000",
            "Discount on the standard rate %": "7.0000",
            "IsActive": true

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
208Both Updated from_date and to_date are mandatory if any one date is entered
210No data found
105From Date is missing.
106From Date is not a valid date
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
205Created to_date should be greater than from_date
108(To Date) – To Date is not a valid date
207Updated to_date should be greater than from_dat
107To Date is missing


Retrieve a Company

This API provides the company profiles by filters. Most properties use this information to source the correct address for invoicing. Also, hotels use this data to accumulate the booking volume they receive from these companies on an ongoing basis. This API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Request_Type *Use Keyword “CompanyList”
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Ids VARCHAR(300)Add Identity id and also, can add multiple recordsAbc4578lk, yzx7426kj
Names VARCHAR(300)Add Business name and also, can add multiple records33Comp, Abc Company
Created. from_dateDATETo send a created from date2020-07-05
Created. to_dateDATETo send a created to date2020-07-07
Updated. from_dateDATETo send a updated from date 2020-07-05
Updated. to_dateDATETo send a updated to date2020-07-07
isActiveINT(11)Is Active in 1 or 01


"RES_Request": {
        "Request_Type": "CompanyList",
        "Authentication": {
           "HotelCode": "xxxx",
           "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxx"
       "Ids": ["abc4578lk","yzx7426kj"],
       "Names": ["33Comp"],
        "Created": {
           "from_date": "2019-12-05",
           "to_date": "2019-12-10"
       "Updated": {
           "from_date": "2019-12-05",
           "to_date": "2019-12-10"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
IdINT(11)Company record id2700000000003934
AccountNameVARCHAR(255)Business name33Comp
AccountCodeVARCHAR(255)Business shortcode33c
Contact_personVARCHAR(255)Contact person name33CompAccount
AddressVARCHAR(255)Address datastreet -5, abc road


{    "Companies": [
            "Id": "2700000000003934",
            "AccountName": "33Comp",
            "AccountCode": "33c",
            "Contact_person": "33CompAccount",
            "Address": "street -5, abc road",
            "City": "romania",
            "PostalCode": "895623",
            "State": null,
            "Country": "Romania",
            "Phone": "789561234",
            "Mobile": "44545454554",
            "Fax": null,
            "Email": "",
            "TaxId": "78",
            "RegistrationNo": "vb89",
            "IsActive": false

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
105From Date is missing
107To Date is missing
109Please check From and To date. To Date should be greater than fromdate
208Both Updated from_date and to_date are mandatory if any one date is entered
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
106From Date is not a valid date
108To Date is not a valid date
112Error: Date range is too long. Please provide dates for 1 month.
210No data found


Retrieve Guest Stays Statistics

This API gives us the guest stays statistics by which one can accumulate the volume of returning guests thereby helping to create the best guest experience. This API can return data in CSV formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


    "authkey" : "xxxxxxxxxxxx"


NameData TypeDescription Example
Guest NameStringTo get a guest nameDaniel L
Guest EmailStringTo get a guest email
Total Number of staysStringTo get a guest’s total number of stay in a hotel2
First stayDateTo get a guest’s first stay2020-05-02
First Reservation NoStringTo get a guest’s first reservation number5-1
First Folio NoStringTo get a guest’s first folio number5
Last stayDateTo get a guest’s last stay2020-05-02
Last Reservation NoStringTo get a guest’s last reservation number5-1
Last Folio NoStringTo get a guest’s last folio number5
Next stayDateTo get a guest’s next stay
Next Reservation NoStringTo get a guest’s next reservation number
Next Folio NoStringTo get a guest’s next folio number
Lifetime SpendingStringTo get amount spend2560.0000


"Guest Name","Guest Email","Total Number of stays","First stay","First Reservation No","First Folio No","Last stay","Last Reservation No","Last Folio No","Next stay","Next Reservation No","Next Folio No","Lifetime Spending"
"Mr. Michel Joy","","1","2020-03-11","5-1","2","2020-03-11","5-1","2","","","","3863.0000"
"Mr. Rechel","","1","2020-03-11","5-2","3","2020-03-11","5-2","3","","","","0.0000"

Error Codes

Property Deactivated : This property has been deactivated
OpenAPI Record invalid : Unauthorized Request. This request is not valid for this hotel code
OpenAPI Deactivated : Auth Code is inactive.
OpenAPI Request : Invalid API Request. Don't have this API access.


Retrieve Bills

A Bill is a container of charges, deposits and payments. This API provides you the detail information of all items posted on the booking invoices. The API can return data in CSV formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel code XXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication code XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
FromDate *DateDate From2020-07-01
ToDate *DateDate To2020-07-10


        "authcode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "fromdate": "2020-02-01",
        "todate": "2020-03-01"


NameData TypeDescription Example
Unique idStringUnique idUNK_123450000000000003_2020-03-28_4
Hotel NameStringName of HotelHotel Name
Hotel CodeIntegerHotel unique codexxxx
Folio NoIntegerFolio number1
DateDateFolio date2020-02-03
Voucher No/Receipt NoIntegerVoucher/Receipt number3
Invoice NumberStringInvoice NumberA5
Guest NameStringGuest Full NameMr. John
Bill To NameStringGuest/Business NameABC Company
Guest GST NumberStringGuest GST Numberxxxxxxxxxxxx
StateStringState NameMaharastra
Phone NumberStringGuest Phone Number123456789
Mobile NumberStringGuest Mobile Number123456789
TypeStringFolio typeExtra Charges
ParticularStringParticular folioWelcome Drink
QtyIntegerParticular quantity1
CurrencyStringFolio Currency$
AmountDecimalfolio amount100
GST RateFloatTotal GST Rate20,22.5 etc
CGST Tax AmountFloatCGST Tax Amount10,100.10 etc
SGST Tax AmountFloatSGST Tax Amount10,100.10 etc
IGST Tax AmountFloatIGST Tax Amount10,100.10 etc
Service TaxDecimalService Tax Amount10
Luxury TaxDecimalLuxury Tax Amount10
DiscountDecimalDiscount Amount0
AdjustmentDecimalAdjustment Amount0
TotalDecimalTotal Amount120
Is Advance DepositStringIs advance depositYes
Is InclusionStringIs Tax inclusion in amountYes
Posted ByStringPosted Byadmin


"Unique id","Hotel Name","Hotel Code","Folio No","Date","VoucherNo/ReceiptNo","Invoice Number","Guest Name","Bill To Name","Guest GST Number","State","Phone Number","Mobile Number","Type","Particular","Qty","Currency","Amount","GST Rate","CGST Tax Amount","SGST Tax Amount","IGST Tax Amount","Service Tax","Luxury Tax","Discount","Adjustment","Total","Is Advance Deposit","Is Inclusion","Posted By",
"UNK_123450000000104586","Hotel","xxxx","1484","2020-12-01","504-1","5220","Mr. John","Mr. John","","","123456789","123456789","Bank","Cheque","","Rs","-2200","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","-2200","Yes","No","admin",
"UNK_123450000000104547","Hotel","xxxx","1484","2021-02-28","","5220","Mr. John","ABC Company","","","123456789","123456789","Room Charges","Room Charges","","Rs","1964.28","12","117.86","117.86","0","0","0","0","0","2200","","No","admin",

Error Codes

Property Deactivated: This property has been deactivated
OpenAPI Record invalid: Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
OpenAPI Deactivated: Auth Code is inactive.
OpenAPI Request: Property is not authorized to access this api.


Retrieve Hotel Expenses

This API provides you with detailed information on all expenses for a property. The API can return data in CSV formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel code XXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication code XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
FromDate *DateDate From2020-07-01
ToDate *DateDate To2020-07-10


        "authcode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "fromdate": "2020-02-01",
        "todate": "2020-03-01"


NameData TypeDescription Example
Hotel Name StringName of HotelHotel Name
Hotel Code IntegerUnique Hotel code xxxx
Voucher Date DateDate of Voucher 2020-05-02
Voucher No IntegerVoucher number1
Contact Info StringContact information Michele B. Wiese
Expense Made To StringExpense made to GUEST
Paid Out String Paid out for Laundry Bill
Paid Out Charges DecimalPaid Out Charges amount100
Paid Out Currency StringCurrency of Paid out $
Payment Mode String Mode of paymentCash
Payment Charges Decimal Payment Charges 10
Payment Currency StringCurrency of Payment $


"Hotel","xxxx","2020-03-18","3","Mr. Michele B. Wiese","GUEST","Laundry Bill","680","$","Cash,Cash,Cash","-680","$",

Error Codes

Property Deactivated: This property has been deactivated
OpenAPI Record invalid: Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
OpenAPI Deactivated: Auth Code is inactive.
OpenAPI Request: Property is not authorized to access this api.


Set out of Order (Block Room)

This API helps to block a room due to maintenance purposes thereby making a room unavailable for sale. This API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
RoomID *INT(20) ID of Room 123450000000000001
RoomtypeID *INT(20) ID of RoomType 123450000000000001
FromDate *Date From date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd] 2020-07-12
ToDate *DateTo date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd] 2020-07-13
ReasonVARCHAR(300) Reason for out of order.Block Room,
Maintenance, etc


"RES_Request": {
"Request_Type": "SetoutofOrder",
"Authentication": {
"HotelCode": "xxxx",
"AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"Rooms": [
"RoomID": "123450000000000004",
"FromDate": "2020-05-15",
"ToDate": "2020-05-16",
"Reason": "Block Room"


NameData TypeDescription Example
Success.SuccessMsg Generate Success Response Message Rooms Blocked Successfully
Errors.ErrorCode Response Error Code 0, 301 etc
Errors.ErrorMessage Generate Response Message Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code


"Errors": {
"ErrorCode": "0",
"ErrorMessage": "Success"
"Success": {
"SuccessMsg": "Rooms Blocked Successfully"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters
500Error occurred during processing.
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
103Room ID is missing
104Roomtype ID is missing
105From Date is missing.
106From Date is not a valid date
107To Date is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
115Reason is missing
108(To Date) – To Date is not a valid date
109From Date (From Date) To Date : (To Date) – Please check From and To date. To Date should be greater than fromdate
110From Date is not a valid date, FromDate should be greater than HotelDate
128Room/s cannot be blocked for selected dates


Update Room Status

This API helps to update housekeeping information on an inhouse room.  This API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
roomid *BIGINT(20) ID of Room 123450000000000001
unitid *BIGINT(20) Unit ID 123450000000000001
hkstatus *VARCHAR(300) Housekeeping Status Clean
hkremarksVARCHAR(300) Housekeeping Remarks Cleaned


 "updatehkdata": [{
      "hotel_code": "xxxx",
       "roomid": "123450000000000001", 
       "unitid": "1213450000000000001", 
       "hkstatus": "Clean",
       "hkremarks": ""
       "hotel_code": "xxxx",
       "roomid": "123450000000000002", 
       "unitid": "123450000000000003", 
       "hkstatus": "Dirty",
       "hkremarks": ""


NameData TypeDescription Example
statusStringUpdate status1
warningIntegerWarningThis request will not be process as hotel_code is invalid.


    "status": "0",
    "message": "Success"

Error Codes

Property Deactivated: {"errorcode":"1","message":"This property has been deactivated."}
OpenAPI Record invalid: {"errorcode":"1","message":" Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code "}
OpenAPI Deactivated: {"errorcode":"1","message":" Auth Code is inactive. "}
OpenAPI Request: {"errorcode":"1","message":"Property is not authorized to access this api. "}


Retrieve Inhouse Room Status

This API provides housekeeping information of todays vacant and occupied rooms and also provides check in guest information.  API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel code XXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication code XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


     "authcode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
roomlist.hotelcodeIntegerHotel unique codexxxx
roomlist.roomidIntegerID of Room123450000000000001
roomlist.unitidIntegerUnit ID123450000000000001
roomlist.roomnameStringName Of Room101
roomlist.roomtypeidIntegerRoomType ID123450000000000004
roomlist.roomtypenameStringName of RoomTypeDelux
roomlist.isblockedStringIs BlockedNo
roomlist.hkstatusStringHousekeeping StatusClean
roomlist.hkremarksStringHousekeeping Remarkscleaned
roomlist.roomstatusStringStatus of RoomAvailable
checkinguestlist.hotel_codeIntegerHotel unique codexxxx
checkinguestlist.reservationnoIntegerReservation Number10
checkinguestlist.guestnameStringName of GuestJohn Lenth
checkinguestlist.emailStringEmail of
checkinguestlist.addressStringAddress of Guest123, abc building, USA
checkinguestlist.roomStringRoom Name101
checkinguestlist.roomtypeStringRoom TypeDelux
checkinguestlist.ratetypeStringRate typeFrequent Traveler
checkinguestlist.bookingdateDatetimeDate of Booking2020-04-11 16:44:47
checkinguestlist.checkindateDatetimeDate of CheckIn2020-04-17 15:44:47
checkinguestlist.checkoutdateDatetimeDate of CheckOut2020-04-20 19:44:47
checkinguestlist.businesssourceIntegerBusiness source unique id123450000000000001
checkinguestlist.marketIntegerMarket unique id123450000000000001
checkinguestlist.travelagentIntegerTravel Agent id123450000000000001
checkinguestlist.companyStringName of CompanyPing Man
checkinguestlist.tavouchernoIntegerTravel agent Voucher number1
checkinguestlist.AdultIntegerNumber of adult2
checkinguestlist.ChildIntegerNumber of child1
checkinguestlist.housekeepingremarks StayoverStringHousekeeping remarksCleaned
checkinguestlist.bookingstatusStringStatus of booking
such as
Arrival,Check Out,
Due Out,Confirmed Reservation,
Void,Cancel,No Show,
Maintenance Block,Unconfirmed Reservation,Stayover,
Unblock,Dayuse Reservation,Dayuse


    "roomlist": [
            "hotel_code": "xxxx",
            "roomid": "123450000000000001",
            "unitid": "123450000000000001",
            "roomname": "101",
            "roomtypeid": "123450000000000004",
            "roomtypename": "Delux",
            "isblocked": "No",
            "hkstatus": "Dirty",
            "hkremarks": "",
            "roomstatus": "Available"
            "hotel_code": "xxxx",
            "roomid": "123450000000000002",
            "unitid": "123450000000000002",
            "roomname": "102",
            "roomtypeid": "123450000000000004",
            "roomtypename": "Delux",
            "isblocked": "No",
            "hkstatus": "",
            "hkremarks": "",
            "roomstatus": "Available"
    "checkinguestlist": [
            "hotel_code": "xxxx",
            "reservationno": "8",
            "guestname": "Mr. John Lenth",
            "email": "",
            "address": "123, abc building, USA",
            "room": "103",
            "roomtype": "Twin",
            "ratetype": "Frequent Traveller",
            "bookingdate": "2020-04-11 16:44:47",
            "checkindate": "2020-03-17 13:37:16",
            "checkoutdate": "2020-03-20 17:42:00",
            "businesssource": "",
            "market": "",
            "travelagent": "",
            "company": "",
            "tavoucherno": "",
            "Adult": "2",
            "Child": "1",
            "housekeepingremarks": "",
            "bookingstatus": "Stayover"

Error Codes

Property Deactivated: This property has been deactivated
OpenAPI Record invalid: Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
OpenAPI Deactivated: Auth Code is inactive.
OpenAPI Request: Property is not authorized to access this api.


Cancel a Booking

This API helps you to cancel bookings in our system. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “CancelBooking”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[ResNo] *INT(11)Reservation number1
SubNoINT(11)SubReservation Unique number1
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en. 

Pass language code. Language codes are available here.



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Success.SuccessMsgGenerate Success ResponseBooking processed Successfully
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code301, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageReservation already processed



Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
5Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
CheckDateCheck out date should be greater than Check in date
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
InvalidDataPlease check data passed.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
4Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.
BadRequestBad request type.
ReservationNotExistReservation No. does not exist. Please check.


Retrieve a Booking Based on Parameters

This API provides you current room stats and booking information based on reservation date or arrival dates. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

End Point URL

[BaseUrl]booking/reservation_api/listing.php?request_type=[Request_Type]&HotelCode=[Hotel_Code]&APIKey=[API_KEY]&created_ from=[CREATED_FROM]&created_to=[CREATED_TO]&EmailId=[Email]



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “BookingList”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[CREATED_FROM] *DateDate Fromformat(yyyy-mm-dd)2020-05-23
[CREATED_TO] *DateDate Toformat(yyyy-mm-dd)2020-05-30
ArrivalFromDateArrivalDate fromformat(yyyy-mm-dd)2020-05-22
ArrivalToDateArrivalDate Toformat(yyyy-mm-dd)2020-05-30
[Email] *VARCHAR(100)Booking



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
ReservationNoInteger(11)Reservation Unique number1
GuestNameStringName of GuestMr.Jhonson
ArrivalDateDateDate of arrival2020-02-20
DepartureDateDateDate of Departure2020-02-22
CancelDateDateDate when Reservation is cancel2020-02-10
ReservationDateDateDate when Reservation is created2020-02-05
RoomStringRoom NameDelux
ReservationGuaranteeStringGuarantee of reservationConfirm booking
SourceStringSource of reservationweb
VoucherNoInteger(11)Voucher number1
DueAmountDecimalDue Amount12500
DepositDecimalDeposit amount0
StatusStringStatus of bookingActive
BookingStatusStringCurrent Status of bookingConfirmed Reservation
Transaction StatusStringStatus of transactionComplete Booking
Total TaxDecimalTotal Tax amount500
TotalInclusiveTaxDecimalTotal Inclusive Tax Amount1500
TotalExclusivTaxDecimalTotal Exclusive Amount1000
OtherRevenueExclusiveTaxDecimalOther Revenue tax exclusive amount1200
OtherRevenueInclusiveTaxDecimalOther Revenue tax inclusive amount1500
FolioNoStringFolio NUmberA123

BaseRateExclusiveTax, BaseRateInclusiveTax
TransactionDateDateDate of transaction
ChargeNameStringName of charge
ChargeAmountDecimalCharge amount


    "SearchCriteria": {
        "arrival_from": "2020-03-15",
        "arrival_to": "2020-05-30"
    "RoomList": {
        "TotalActiveRoomInHotel": 1155,
        "TotalBlockRooms": 0,
        "TotalOccupiedRooms": 8
    "BookingList": [
            "ReservationNo": "RV506",
            "GuestName": "Mr. Anis",
            "ArrivalDate": "2020-05-08",
            "DepartureDate": "2020-05-12",
            "CancelDate": "",
            "ReservationDate": "2020-05-08",
            "Room": "Garden View",
            "RoomShortCode": "GV",
            "ReservationGuarantee": "Confirm Booking",
            "Source": "Ajay Tours and Travels",
            "VoucherNo": "-",
            "Mobile": "-",
            "Address": "",
            "Email": "",
            "Country": "India",
            "Adult": "1",
            "Child": "0",
            "Phone": "-",
            "NoOfGuest": 1,
            "NoOfNights": "4",
            "salutation": "Mr.",
            "FirstName": "Anis",
            "LastName": "",
            "DueAmount": 13200,
            "Deposit": 0,
            "Status": "Active",
            "BookingStatus": "Confirmed Reservation",
            "TransactionStatus": "Complete Booking",
            "Total Tax": 1345.44,
            "TotalInclusiveTax": 13200,
            "TotalExclusivTax": 11854.56,
            "OtherRevenueExclusiveTax": 2000,
            "OtherRevenueInclusiveTax": 2360,
            "FolioNo": "GF759",
            "BaseRateExclusiveTax": {
                "2020-05-08": 2463.64,
                "2020-05-09": 2463.64,
                "2020-05-10": 2463.64,
                "2020-05-11": 2463.64
            "BaseRateInclusiveTax": {
                "2020-05-08": 2710,
                "2020-05-09": 2710,
                "2020-05-10": 2710,
                "2020-05-11": 2710
            "ExtraCharges": {
                "2020-05-08": [
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-08",
                        "ChargeName": "Pool's",
                        "ChargeAmount": "500.0000"
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-08",
                        "ChargeName": "CGST@6%",
                        "ChargeAmount": "90.0000"
                "2020-05-09": [
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-09",
                        "ChargeName": "Pool's",
                        "ChargeAmount": "500.0000"
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-09",
                        "ChargeName": "CGST@6%",
                        "ChargeAmount": "90.0000"
                "2020-05-10": [
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-10",
                        "ChargeName": "Pool's",
                        "ChargeAmount": "500.0000"
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-10",
                        "ChargeName": "CGST@6%",
                        "ChargeAmount": "90.0000"
                "2020-05-11": [
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-11",
                        "ChargeName": "Pool's",
                        "ChargeAmount": "500.0000"
                        "TransactionDate": "2020-05-11",
                        "ChargeName": "CGST@6%",
                        "ChargeAmount": "90.0000"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
5Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
CheckDateCheck out date should be greater than Check in date
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
BookingListLimitExceedYou can not request data of more than 365 days.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
4Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.
BadRequestBad request type.
getBookingListErrorBooking List error


Retrieve Departures

This API provides guest departures information based on departure dates of bookings. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Request_Type *VARCHAR(250)Use Keyword “DepartureList”
BookingIdINT(11)Reservation No (It is Optional)12345
RoomNoVARCHAR(500)Room No (It is Optional)101
GuestVARCHAR(100)Guest Name (It is Optional)test
IdentityNoVARCHAR(255)Identity No (It is Optional)ASD43543
GuestEmailVARCHAR(255)Guest Email (It is Optional)
GuestMobileNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Mobile No (It is Optional)XXXXXXXXXX
GuestRegistrationNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Registration No (It is Optional)XXXXXX
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
from_date *DATETo send a from date2020-06-05
to_date *DATETo send a to date2020-07-07


    "RES_Request": {
    "Request_Type": "DepartureList",
    "BookingId": "12345",
    "RoomNo": "101",
    "Guest": "Joy T. Mnewy",
    "IdentityNo": "ASD43543",
    "GuestEmail": "",
    "GuestMobileNo": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "GuestRegistrationNo": "XXXXXX", 
    "Authentication": {
      "HotelCode": "xxxx",
      "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Date": {
    "from_date": "2020-10-05",
    "to_date": "2020-10-07"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
LocationIdINT(11)Hotel codexxxx
UniqueIDVARCHAR(255)Unique Booking id10125, 86436, B4525 etc
BookedByVARCHAR(255)Information regarding Booked etc
Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.VARCHAR(255)Here * denotes guest information like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.shown in JSON response below.
SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated etc
PaymentMethodVARCHAR(255)Payment Mode selected by guestCash, Credit, CityLedger etc
IsChannelBookingINT(1)Is booking comes from channel [0 or 1]
1 : Booking from the channel.
0: Booking not from the channel.
0 or 1
BookingTran. SubBookingIdVARCHAR(255)Sub booking Id138
BookingTran. TransactionIdINT(20)Booking Transaction ID123400000000000163
BookingTran. StatusVARCHAR(100)Booking StatusNew or Modify or Cancel.
BookingTran. IsConfirmedINT(1)Booking Confirmation Flag. [1 or 0]
1 : Confirmed
0 : Not Confirmed
1 or 0.
BookingTran. CurrentStatusVARCHAR(100)Booking Current StatusArrived, Checked Out, Cancel, Void, etc
BookingTran. VoucherNoVARCHAR(255)Booking Voucher No10203049/8512
BookingTran. PackageCodeINT(20)Package Code123400000000000001
BookingTran. PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan etc
BookingTran. RateplanCodeINT(20)Unique RatePlan Code123400000000000006
BookingTran. RateplanNameSTRING(1000)RatePlan NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran. RoomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code123400000000000006
BookingTran. RoomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGarden View Studio Room
BookingTran. StartDATECheck-in date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2020-10-25
BookingTran. EndDATECheck-out date [Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2020-10-27
BookingTran.TotalRateDECIMAL(19,4)Rate on room in amount1500.43
BookingTran.DECIMAL(19,4)Discount on room in500
BookingTran. TotalExtraChargeDECIMAL(19,4)Extra charges in amount(if any)300
BookingTran. TotalPaymentDECIMAL(19,4)Payment for room in amount2500.54
BookingTran.*Here * denotes guest informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityType, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
BookingTran. TransportationModeVARCHAR(100)Mode of transportationBus, car etc
BookingTran. VehicleVARCHAR(255)Detail of vehicle
BookingTran. PickupDateDATEPickup date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2020-10-25 etc
BookingTran. PickupTimeTIMEPickup time
BookingTran. SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated
BookingTran. CommentVARCHAR(1000)Additional Information or comment.
BookingTran. AffiliateNameVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Name
BookingTran.AffiliateCodeVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Code
BookingTran.*Here * denotes Credit Card Informations like CCLink, CCNo, CCType, CardHolderName, CCExpiryDate,
DATETIMEBooking details for particular effective date2020-10-25 etc
INT(20)Package code123400000000000001
VARCHAR(100)Package NameEuropean Plan
INT(20)Unique RoomType Code123400000000000006
STRING(100)RoomType NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
VARCHAR(100)Room Name/Number102
BookingTran.RentalInfo.AdultINT(11)No. of Adults2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.ChildINT(11)No. of Childs2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.RentDECIMAL(19,4)Room rental amount1500.43
BookingTran. RentalInfo.DiscountDECIMAL(19,4)Discount on rental room in amount500
BookingTran.Sharer.*Here * denotes Sharer informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Nationality,Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityTypeID, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code104, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageUnauthorized Request. etc


"Reservations": {
     "Reservation": [
             "BookingTran": [
                     "SubBookingId": "RES2233",
                     "TransactionId": "123400000000003264",
                     "Createdatetime": "2020-10-24 17:57:47",
                     "Modifydatetime": "2020-10-24 17:57:47",
                     "Status": "New",
                     "currentstatus": "Checked Out",
                     "IsConfirmed": "1",
                     "CurrentStatus": "Arrived",
                     "VoucherNo": "",
                     "PackageCode": "123400000000000003",
                     "PackageName": "Non Refundable",
                     "RateplanCode": "123400000000000010",
                     "RateplanName": "Seaview Deluxe RoomOnly",
                     "RoomTypeCode": "123400000000000004",
                     "RoomTypeName": "t1",
                     "Start": "2020-10-03",
                     "End": "2020-10-05",
                     "ArrivalTime": "17:48:00",
                     "DepartureTime": "17:48:00",
                     "CurrencyCode": "RS",
                     "TotalAmountAfterTax": "6939.97",
                     "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "5881.33",
                     "TotalTax": "1058.64",
                     "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
                     "TotalExtraCharge": "50.85",
                     "TotalPayment": "0.00",
                     "TACommision": "0.00",
                     "Salutation": "Miss.",
                     "FirstName": "Jia",
                     "LastName": "",
                     "Gender": "Male",
                     "DateOfBirth": "2020-10-01",
                     "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                     "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                     "Address": "",
                     "City": "",
                     "State": "",
                     "Country": "Romania",
                     "Nationality": "India",
                     "Zipcode": "",
                     "Phone": "",
                     "Mobile": "",
                     "Fax": "",
                     "Email": "",
                     “RegistrationNo” : "", 
                     "IdentiyType": "Master ID Card",
                     "IdentityNo": "43545",
                     "ExpiryDate": "",
                     "TransportationMode": "",
                     "Vehicle": "",
                     "PickupDate": "",
                     "PickupTime": "",
                     "Source": "WEB",
                     "Comment": "",
                     "AffiliateName": "",
                     "AffiliateCode": "",
                     "CCLink": "",
                     "CCNo": "",
                     "CCType": "",
                     "CCExpiryDate": "",
                     "CardHoldersName": "",
                     "TaxDeatil": [
                             "TaxCode": "CGST New",
                             "TaxName": "CGST New",
                             "TaxAmount": "263.9000"
                             "TaxCode": "CGST New",
                             "TaxName": "CGST New",
                             "TaxAmount": "265.4200"
                             "TaxCode": "SGST New",
                             "TaxName": "SGST New",
                             "TaxAmount": "263.9000"
                             "TaxCode": "SGST New",
                             "TaxName": "SGST New",
                             "TaxAmount": "265.4200"
                     "ExtraCharge": [
                             "ChargeDate": "2020-10-03",
                             "ChargeCode": "Laundry",
                             "ChargeName": "Laundry",
                             "ChargeDesc": "Laundry",
                             "Remark": "Laundry",
                             "Quantity": "0",
                             "AmountBeforeTax": "16.95",
                             "AmountAfterTax": "20.01"
                             "ChargeDate": "2020-10-04",
                             "ChargeCode": "Laundry",
                             "ChargeName": "Laundry",
                             "ChargeDesc": "Laundry",
                             "Remark": "Laundry",
                             "Quantity": "0",
                             "AmountBeforeTax": "16.95",
                             "AmountAfterTax": "20.01"
                             "ChargeDate": "2020-10-05",
                             "ChargeCode": "Laundry",
                             "ChargeName": "Laundry",
                             "ChargeDesc": "Laundry",
                             "Remark": "Laundry",
                             "Quantity": "0",
                             "AmountBeforeTax": "16.95",
                             "AmountAfterTax": "20.01"
                     "RentalInfo": [
                             "EffectiveDate": "2020-10-03",
                             "PackageCode": "123400000000000003",
                             "PackageName": "Non Refundable",
                             "RoomTypeCode": "123400000000000004",
                             "RoomTypeName": "t1",
                             "RoomName": "102",
                             "Adult": "5",
                             "Child": "1",
                             "RentPreTax": "2932.19",
                             "Rent": "3459.99",
                             "Discount": "0.00"
                             "EffectiveDate": "2020-10-04",
                             "PackageCode": "123400000000000003",
                             "PackageName": "Non Refundable",
                             "RoomTypeCode": "123400000000000004",
                             "RoomTypeName": "t1",
                             "RoomName": "102",
                             "Adult": "5",
                             "Child": "1",
                             "RentPreTax": "2949.14",
                             "Rent": "3479.98",
                             "Discount": "0.00"
                 "Sharer": [               
                          "Salutation": "Ms.",
                          "FirstName": "Test",
                          "LastName": "One",
                          "Gender": "Female",
                          "DateOfBirth": "",
                          "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                          "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                          "Address": "",
                          "City": " Brockway",
                          "State": "CA",
                          "Country": "USA",
                          "Nationality": "Malta",
                          "Zipcode": "95730",
                          "Phone": "",
                          "Mobile": "3534",
                          "Fax": "564564",
                          "Email": "",
                          "RegistrationNo" : "",  
                          "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                          "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                          "ExpiryDate": "",
                         "Salutation": "Ms.",
                         "FirstName": "Test",
                         "LastName": "One",
                         "Gender": "Female",
                         "DateOfBirth": "",
                         "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                         "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                         "Address": "",
                         "City": " Brockway",
                         "State": "CA",
                         "Country": "USA",
                         "Nationality": "Malta",
                         "Zipcode": "95730",
                         "Phone": "",
                         "Mobile": "3534",
                         "Fax": "564564",
                         "Email": "",
                         "Registration No" : "",  
                         "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                         "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                         "ExpiryDate": "",
             "LocationId": "27",
             "UniqueID": "RES2233",
             "BookedBy": "John",
             "Salutation": "Mr.",
             "FirstName": "John",
             "LastName": "",
             "Gender": "Male",
             "Address": "",
             "City": "",
             "State": "",
             "Country": "Romania",
             "Zipcode": "",
             "Phone": "",
             "Mobile": "",
             "Fax": "",
             "Email": "",
             "Source": "WEB",
             "PaymentMethod": "Abc",
             "IsChannelBooking": "1"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
105From Date is missing
107To Date is missing
109Please check From and To date. To Date should be greater than fromdate
303No Data Found.
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
106From Date is not a valid date
108To Date is not a valid date
112Error: Date range is too long. Please provide dates for 1 month.
503No Data Found.


Retrieve Arrivals

This API provides guest arrival information based on arrival dates of bookings. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Request_Type *VARCHAR(250)Use Keyword “ArrivalList”
BookingIdINT(11)Reservation No (It is Optional)12345
RoomNoVARCHAR(500)Room No (It is Optional)101
GuestVARCHAR(100)Guest Name (It is Optional)test
IdentityNoVARCHAR(255)Identity No (It is Optional)ASD43543
GuestEmailVARCHAR(255)Guest Email (It is Optional)
GuestMobileNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Mobile No (It is Optional)XXXXXXXXXX
GuestRegistrationNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Registration No (It is Optional)XXXXXX
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
from_date *DATETo send a from date2020-06-05
to_date *DATETo send a to date2020-07-07


    "RES_Request": {
    "Request_Type": "ArrivalList",
    "BookingId": "12345",
    "RoomNo": "101",
    "Guest": "Joy T. Mnewy",
    "IdentityNo": "ASD43543",
    "GuestEmail": "",
    "GuestMobileNo": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "GuestRegistrationNo": "XXXXXX",    
    "Authentication": {
      "HotelCode": "xxxx",
      "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Date": {
    "from_date": "2020-04-05",
    "to_date": "2020-04-07"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
LocationIdINT(11)Hotel codexxxx
UniqueIDVARCHAR(255)Unique Booking id10125, 86436,
B4525 etc
BookedByVARCHAR(255)Information regarding Booked etc
Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.VARCHAR(255)Here * denotes guest information like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.shown in JSON response below.
SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated etc
PaymentMethodVARCHAR(255)Payment Mode selected by guestCash, Credit, CityLedger etc
IsChannelBookingINT(1)Is booking comes from channel [0 or 1]
1 : Booking from the channel.
0: Booking not from the channel.
0 or 1
BookingTran. SubBookingIdVARCHAR(255)Sub booking Id138
BookingTran. TransactionIdINT(20)Booking Transaction ID123400000000000163
BookingTran. StatusVARCHAR(100)Booking StatusNew or Modify or Cancel.
BookingTran.IsConfirmedINT(1)Booking Confirmation Flag. [1 or 0]
1 : Confirmed
0 : Not Confirmed
1 or 0.
BookingTran. CurrentStatusVARCHAR(100)Booking Current StatusArrived, Checked Out, Cancel, Void, etc
BookingTran. VoucherNoVARCHAR(255)Booking Voucher No10203049/8512
BookingTran. PackageCodeINT(20)Package Code123400000000000001
BookingTran. PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan etc
BookingTran. RateplanCodeINT(20)Unique RatePlan Code123400000000000006
BookingTran. RateplanNameSTRING(1000)RatePlan NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran. RoomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code123400000000000006
BookingTran. RoomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGarden View Studio Room
BookingTran. StartDATECheck-in date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2020-10-25
BookingTran. EndDATECheck-out date [Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2020-10-27
BookingTran.TotalRateDECIMAL(19,4)Rate on room in amount1500.43
BookingTran.DECIMAL(19,4)Discount on room in500
BookingTran. TotalExtraChargeDECIMAL(19,4)Extra charges in amount(if any)300
BookingTran. TotalPaymentDECIMAL(19,4)Payment for room in amount2500.54
BookingTran.*Here * denotes guest informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityType, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
BookingTran. TransportationModeVARCHAR(100)Mode of transportationBus, car etc
BookingTran. VehicleVARCHAR(255)Detail of vehicle
BookingTran. PickupDateDATEPickup date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2020-10-25 etc
BookingTran. PickupTimeTIMEPickup time
BookingTran. SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated
BookingTran. CommentVARCHAR(1000)Additional Information or comment.
BookingTran. AffiliateNameVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Name
BookingTran.AffiliateCodeVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Code
BookingTran.*Here * denotes Credit Card Informations like CCLink, CCNo, CCType,CardHolderName, CCExpiryDate,
BookingTran.RentalInfo.EffectiveDateDATETIMEBooking details for particular effective date2020-10-25 etc
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageCodeINT(20)Package code123400000000000001
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageNameVARCHAR(100)Package NameEuropean Plan
INT(20)Unique RoomType Code123400000000000006
STRING(100)RoomType NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran.RentalInfo.AdultINT(11)No. of Adults2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.ChildINT(11)No. of Childs2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.RentDECIMAL(19,4)Room rental amount1500.43
BookingTran. RentalInfo.DiscountDECIMAL(19,4)Discount on rental room in amount500
BookingTran.Sharer.*Here * denotes Sharer informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Nationality,Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityTypeID, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code104, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageUnauthorized Request. etc


"Reservations": {
     "Reservation": [
             "BookingTran": [
                     "SubBookingId": "RES2370",
                     "TransactionId": "123400000000003428",
                     "Createdatetime": "2020-01-21 12:10:58",
                     "Modifydatetime": "2020-01-21 12:10:58",
                     "Status": "New",                     
                     "IsConfirmed": "1",
                     "CurrentStatus": "Arrived",
                     "VoucherNo": "",
                     "PackageCode": "123400000000000012",
                     "PackageName": "GV",
                     "RateplanCode": "123400000000000051",
                     "RateplanName": "Govt GV",
                     "RoomTypeCode": "123400000000000035",
                     "RoomTypeName": "Govt",
                     "Start": "2020-04-07",
                     "End": "2020-04-08",
                     "ArrivalTime": "12:10:00",
                     "DepartureTime": "12:10:00",
                     "CurrencyCode": "RS",
                     "TotalAmountAfterTax": "1356.00",
                     "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "1200.00",
                     "TotalTax": "156.00",
                     "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
                     "TotalExtraCharge": "0.00",
                     "TotalPayment": "580.00",
                     "TACommision": "0.00",
                     "Salutation": "Dr.",
                     "FirstName": "Maxwel",
                     "LastName": "Phil",
                     "Gender": "Male",
                     "DateOfBirth": "",
                     "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                     "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                     "Address": "",
                     "City": "",
                     "State": "",
                     "Country": "Romania",
                     "Nationality": "India",
                     "Zipcode": "",
                     "Phone": "",
                     "Mobile": "",
                     "Fax": "",
                     "Email": "",
                     “RegistrationNo” : "",                      
                     "IdentiyType": "",
                     "IdentityNo": "",
                     "ExpiryDate": "",
                     "TransportationMode": "",
                     "Vehicle": "",
                     "PickupDate": "",
                     "PickupTime": "",
                     "Source": "WEB",
                     "Comment": "",
                     "AffiliateName": "",
                     "AffiliateCode": "",
                     "CCLink": "",
                     "CCNo": "",
                     "CCType": "",
                     "CCExpiryDate": "",
                     "CardHoldersName": "",
                     "TaxDeatil": [
                             "TaxCode": "PDV 13%",
                             "TaxName": "PDV 13%",
                             "TaxAmount": "156.0000"
                     "RentalInfo": [
                             "EffectiveDate": "2020-10-07",
                             "PackageCode": "123400000000000012",
                             "PackageName": "GV",
                             "RoomTypeCode": "123400000000000035",
                             "RoomTypeName": "Govt",
                             "RoomName": "102",
                             "Adult": "2",
                             "Child": "0",
                             "RentPreTax": "1200.00",
                             "Rent": "1356.00",
                             "Discount": "0.00"
                 "Sharer": [               
                         "Salutation": "Ms.",
                         "FirstName": "Test",
                         "LastName": "One",
                         "Gender": "Female",
                         "DateOfBirth": "",
                         "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                         "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                         "Address": "",
                         "City": " Brockway",
                         "State": "CA",
                         "Country": "USA",
                         "Nationality": "Malta",
                         "Zipcode": "95730",
                         "Phone": "",
                         "Mobile": "3534",
                         "Fax": "564564",
                         "Email": "",
                         "RegistrationNo" : "",  
                         "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                         "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                         "ExpiryDate": "",
                        "Salutation": "Ms.",
                        "FirstName": "Test",
                        "LastName": "One",
                        "Gender": "Female",
                        "DateOfBirth": "",
                        "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                        "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                        "Address": "",
                        "City": " Brockway",
                        "State": "CA",
                        "Country": "USA",
                        "Nationality": "Malta",
                        "Zipcode": "95730",
                        "Phone": "",
                        "Mobile": "3534",
                        "Fax": "564564",
                        "Email": "",
                        "Registration No" : "",  
                        "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                        "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                        "ExpiryDate": "",
             "LocationId": "27",
             "UniqueID": "RES2370",
             "BookedBy": "Joy Chistian",
             "Salutation": "Dr.",
             "FirstName": "Joy",
             "LastName": "Chistian",
             "Gender": "Male",
             "Address": "AB-12, Street-2",
             "City": "",
             "State": "",
             "Country": "Romania",
             "Zipcode": "",
             "Phone": "",
             "Mobile": "",
             "Fax": "",
             "Email": "",             
             "Source": "WEB",
             "PaymentMethod": "GreenTop2",
             "IsChannelBooking": "1"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
105From Date is missing
107To Date is missing
109Please check From and To date. To Date should be greater than fromdate
303No Data Found.
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
106From Date is not a valid date
108To Date is not a valid date
112Error: Date range is too long. Please provide dates for 1 month.
503No Data Found.


Retrieve a Booking

This API helps you to fetch booking details for specific booking ID based on Room No, Guest, Identity No, Guest Email, Guest Mobile No, Guest Registration No. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Request_Type*VARCHAR(100)Request TypeFetchSingleBooking
BookingId*INT(11)Reservation No12345
RoomNoVARCHAR(500)Room No (It is Optional)101
GuestVARCHAR(100)Guest Name (It is Optional)test
IdentityNoVARCHAR(255)Identity No (It is Optional)ASD43543
GuestEmailVARCHAR(255)Guest Email (It is Optional)
GuestMobileNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Mobile No (It is Optional)XXXXXXXXXX
GuestRegistrationNoVARCHAR(255)Guest Registration No (It is Optional)XXXXXX
HotelCode*INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode*VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx


      "RES_Request": {
            "Request_Type": "FetchSingleBooking",
.           "BookingId": "12345",            
            "RoomNo": "101",
            "Guest": "Joy T. Mnewy",          
            "IdentityNo": "ASD43543",              
            "GuestEmail": "",              
            "GuestMobileNo": "XXXXXXXXXX",  
            "GuestRegistrationNo": "XXXXXX", 
            "Authentication": {
                 "HotelCode": "XXXX",
                 "AuthCode": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
LocationIdINT(11)Hotel codexxxx
UniqueIDVARCHAR(255)Unique Booking id/ Reservation No10125, 86436, B4525 etc
BookedByVARCHAR(255)Information regarding Booked etc
Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.VARCHAR(255)Here * denotes guest information like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo.shown in JSON response below.
SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated etc
PaymentMethodVARCHAR(255)Payment Mode selected by guestCash, Credit, CityLedger etc
IsChannelBookingINT(1)Is booking comes from channel [0 or 1]1 : Booking from the channel.0: Booking not from the channel.0 or 1
BookingTran. SubBookingIdVARCHAR(255)Sub booking Id138
BookingTran. TransactionIdINT(20)Booking Transaction ID112500000000000163
BookingTran. StatusVARCHAR(100)Booking StatusNew or Modify or Cancel.
BookingTran.IsConfirmedINT(1)Booking Confirmation Flag. [1 or 0]1 : Confirmed0 : Not Confirmed1 or 0.
BookingTran.CurrentStatusVARCHAR(100)Booking Current StatusArrived, Checked Out, Cancel, Void, etc
BookingTran.VoucherNoVARCHAR(255)Booking Voucher No10203049/8512
BookingTran. PackageCodeINT(20)Package Code112500000000000001
BookingTran. PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan etc
BookingTran. RateplanCodeINT(20)Unique RatePlan Code112500000000000006
BookingTran. RateplanNameSTRING(1000)RatePlan NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran. RoomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code112500000000000006
BookingTran. RoomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGarden View Studio Room
BookingTran.RoomIDINT(20)Unique RoomID112500000000000001
BookingTran. RoomNameSTRING(1000)Room Name101
BookingTran. StartDATECheck-in date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-25
BookingTran. EndDATECheck-out date [Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-27
BookingTran.TotalRateDECIMAL(19,4)Rate on room in amount1500.43
BookingTran.DECIMAL(19,4)Discount on room in500
BookingTran. TotalExtraChargeDECIMAL(19,4)Extra charges in amount(if any)300
BookingTran.*Here * denotes guest informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityType, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
BookingTran. TransportationModeVARCHAR(100)Mode of transportationBus, car etc
BookingTran. VehicleVARCHAR(255)Detail of vehicle
BookingTran. PickupDateDATEPickup date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-25 etc
BookingTran. PickupTimeTIMEPickup time
BookingTran. SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated
BookingTran. CommentVARCHAR(1000)Additional Information or comment.
BookingTran. AffiliateNameVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Name
BookingTran.AffiliateCodeVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Code
BookingTran.*Here * denotes Credit Card Informations like CCLink, CCNo, CCType, CardHolderName, CCExpiryDate,CCLink in encoded with base64_encode.
BookingTran.RentalInfo.RoomIDINT(20)Unique RoomID112500000000000001
BookingTran.RentalInfo. RoomNameSTRING(1000)Room Name101
BookingTran.RentalInfo.EffectiveDateDATETIMEBooking details for particular effective date2017-12-25 etc
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageCodeINT(20)Package code112500000000000001
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan
BookingTran.RentalInfo.RoomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code112500000000000006
BookingTran.RentalInfo.RoomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran.RentalInfo.AdultINT(11)No. of Adults2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.ChildINT(11)No. of Childs2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.RentDECIMAL(19,4)Room rental amount1500.43
BookingTran. RentalInfo.DiscountDECIMAL(19,4)Discount on rental room in amount500
BookingTran.Sharer.*Here * denotes Sharer informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Nationality,Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityTypeID, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code104, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageUnauthorized Request. etc


  "Reservations": {
    "Reservation": [
        "BookingTran": [
            "SubBookingId": "11241254",
            "TransactionId": "112400000000001902",
            "Createdatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Modifydatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Status": "New",
            "IsConfirmed": "1",
            "CurrentStatus": "Arrived",
            "VoucherNo": "single1276/1",
            "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
            "PackageName": "European Plan",
            "RateplanCode": "112400000000000001",
            "RateplanName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
            "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomID": "112400000000000001",           
            "RoomName": "101",
            "Start": "2019-09-26",
            "End": "2019-09-28",
            "ArrivalTime": "12:00:00",
            "DepartureTime": "11:00:00",
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "TotalAmountAfterTax": "976.00",
            "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "800.00",
            "TotalTax": "176.00",
            "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
            "TotalExtraCharge": "0.00",
            "TotalPayment": "0.00",
            "TACommision": "0.00",
            "Salutation": "Ms.",
            "FirstName": "Test",
            "LastName": "One",
            "Gender": "Female",
            "DateOfBirth": "",
            "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
            "WeddingAnniversary": "",
            "Address": "",
            "City": " Brockway",
            "State": "CA",
            "Country": "USA",
            "Nationality": "Malta",
            "Zipcode": "95730",
            "Phone": "",
            "Mobile": "3534",
            "Fax": "564564",
            "Email": "",
            “RegistrationNo” : "", 
            "IdentityType": "Pan card",
            "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
            "ExpiryDate": "",
            "TransportationMode": "",
            "Vehicle": "car",
            "PickupDate": "",
            "PickupTime": "",
            "Source": "BookingEye",
            "Comment": "",
            "AffiliateName": "",
            "AffiliateCode": "",
            "CCLink": "",
            "CCNo": "",
            "CCType": "",
            "CCExpiryDate": "",
            "CardHoldersName": "",
            "TaxDeatil": [
                "TaxCode": "AA",
                "TaxName": "VAT @ 12%",
                "TaxAmount": "96.0000"
                "TaxCode": "LT",
                "TaxName": "Luxury @ 10%",
                "TaxAmount": "80.0000"
            "RentalInfo": [
                "RoomID": "112400000000000001",   
                "RoomName": "101",
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-26",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "550.00",
                "Rent": "671.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
                 "RoomID": "112400000000000001",   
                 "RoomName": "101",
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-27",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "250.00",
                "Rent": "305.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
        "Sharer": [               
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "One",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "RegistrationNo" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "One",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "Registration No" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
        "LocationId": "1124",
        "UniqueID": "11241254",
        "BookedBy": "BookingEye",
        "Salutation": "Ms.",
        "FirstName": "Larry",
        "LastName": "Forney",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Address": "",
        "City": "Brockway",
        "State": "CA",
        "Country": "USA",
        "Zipcode": "95730",
        "Phone": "",
        "Mobile": "3534",
        "Fax": "564564",
        "Email": "",
        "Source": "BookingEye",
        "PaymentMethod": "Cash",
        "IsChannelBooking": "1"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active
212Missing Parameter OR Invalid Parameter
213Parameter is blank


Retrieve all Bookings

This API will give you latest updates of bookings which are newly created, modified and canceled. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

We recommend periodically calling the API — every minute, so your system can remain in sync with our system thereby keeping your system up-to-date.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Request_Type *Use Keyword “Bookings”
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


       "RES_Request": {
              "Request_Type": "Bookings",
              "Authentication": {
                      "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                      "AuthCode": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
LocationIdINT(11)Hotel codexxxx
UniqueIDVARCHAR(255)Unique Booking id10125, 86436, B4525 etc
BookedByVARCHAR(255)Information regarding Booked etc
Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email.VARCHAR(255)Here * denotes guest information like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email.shown in JSON response below.
SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated etc
PaymentMethodVARCHAR(255)Payment Mode selected by guestCash, Credit, CityLedger etc
IsChannelBookingINT(1)Is booking comes from channel [0 or 1]
1 : Booking from the channel.
0: Booking not from the channel.
0 or 1
BookingTran. SubBookingIdVARCHAR(255)Sub booking Id138
BookingTran. TransactionIdINT(20)Booking Transaction ID112500000000000163
BookingTran. StatusVARCHAR(1000)Booking StatusNew or Modify or Cancel.
BookingTran.I sConfirmedINT(1)Booking Confirmation Flag. [1 or 0]
1 : Confirmed
0 : Not Confirmed
1 or 0.
BookingTran.CurrentStatusVARCHAR(100)Booking Current StatusArrived, Checked Out, Cancel, Void, etc
BookingTran. VoucherNoVARCHAR(255)Booking Voucher No10203049/8512
BookingTran. PackageCodeINT(20)Package Code112500000000000001
BookingTran. PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan etc
BookingTran. RateplanCodeINT(20)Unique RatePlan Code112500000000000006
BookingTran. RateplanNameSTRING(1000)RatePlan NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran. RoomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code112500000000000006
BookingTran. RoomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGarden View Studio Room
BookingTran. StartDATECheck-in date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-25
BookingTran. EndDATECheck-out date [Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-27
BookingTran.TotalRateDECIMAL(19,4)Rate on room in amount1500.43
BookingTran.DECIMAL(19,4)Discount on room in500
BookingTran. TotalExtraChargeDECIMAL(19,4)Extra charges in amount(if any)300
BookingTran. TotalPaymentDECIMAL(19,4)Payment for room in amount2500.54
BookingTran.*Here * denotes guest informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email, RegistrationNo, IdentityType, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
BookingTran. TransportationModeVARCHAR(100)Mode of transportationBus, car etc
BookingTran. VehicleVARCHAR(255)Detail of vehicle
BookingTran. PickupDateDATEPickup date[Format : yyyy-mm-dd]2017-12-25 etc
BookingTran. PickupTimeTIMEPickup time
BookingTran. SourceVARCHAR(1000)Booking generated
BookingTran. CommentVARCHAR(1000)Additional Information or comment.
BookingTran. AffiliateNameVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Name
BookingTran.AffiliateCodeVARCHAR(1000)Booking Affiliate Code
BookingTran.*Here * denotes Credit Card Informations like CCLink, CCNo, CCType, CardHolderName, CCExpiryDate,etcCCLink in encoded with base64_encode.
BookingTran.RentalInfo.EffectiveDateDATETIMEBooking details for particular effective date2017-12-25 etc
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageCodeINT(20)Package code112500000000000001
BookingTran.RentalInfo.PackageNameVARCHAR(1000)Package NameEuropean Plan
BookingTran.RentalInfo.R oomTypeCodeINT(20)Unique RoomType Code112500000000000006
BookingTran.RentalInfo.R oomTypeNameSTRING(1000)RoomType NameGrand Sea View Junior Suite
BookingTran.RentalInfo.AdultINT(11)No. of Adults2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.ChildINT(11)No. of Childs2,3,4 etc
BookingTran. RentalInfo.RentDECIMAL(19,4)Room rental amount1500.43
BookingTran. RentalInfo.DiscountDECIMAL(19,4)Discount on rental room in amount500
BookingTran.Sharer.*Here * denotes Sharer informations like Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Gender, DateOfBirth, SpouseDateOfBirth, WeddingAnniversary, Nationality, Address, City, State, Country, Nationality,Zip Code, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email,RegistrationNo,IdentityTypeID, IdentityNo, ExpiryDate.
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code104, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageUnauthorized Request. etc


1.Single Booking
  "Reservations": {
    "Reservation": [
        "BookingTran": [
            "SubBookingId": "12341254",
            "TransactionId": "123400000000001902",
            "Createdatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Modifydatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Status": "New",
            "IsConfirmed": "1",
            "CurrentStatus": "Arrived",
            "VoucherNo": "single1276/1",
            "PackageCode": "123400000000000001",
            "PackageName": "European Plan",
            "RateplanCode": "123400000000000001",
            "RateplanName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomTypeCode": "123400000000000001",
            "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "Start": "2019-09-26",
            "End": "2019-09-28",
            "ArrivalTime": "12:00:00",
            "DepartureTime": "11:00:00",
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "TotalAmountAfterTax": "976.00",
            "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "800.00",
            "TotalTax": "176.00",
            "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
            "TotalExtraCharge": "0.00",
            "TotalPayment": "0.00",
            "TACommision": "0.00",
            "Salutation": "Ms.",
            "FirstName": "April",
            "LastName": "Myers",
            "Gender": "Female",
            "DateOfBirth": "",
            "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
            "WeddingAnniversary": "",
            "Address": "",
            "City": "Decorah",
            "State": "Decorah",
            "Country": "IA",
            "Nationality": "Malta",
            "Zipcode": "52101",
            "Phone": "",
            "Mobile": "3534",
            "Fax": "564564",
            "Email": "",
            "RegistrationNo" : "", 
            "IdentityType": "Pan card",
            "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
            "ExpiryDate": "",
            "TransportationMode": "",
            "Vehicle": "car",
            "PickupDate": "",
            "PickupTime": "",
            "Source": "BookingEye",
            "Comment": "",
            "AffiliateName": "",
            "AffiliateCode": "",
            "CCLink": "",
            "CCNo": "",
            "CCType": "",
            "CCExpiryDate": "",
            "CardHoldersName": "",
            "TaxDeatil": [
                "TaxCode": "AA",
                "TaxName": "VAT @ 12%",
                "TaxAmount": "96.0000"
                "TaxCode": "LT",
                "TaxName": "Luxury @ 10%",
                "TaxAmount": "80.0000"
            "RentalInfo": [
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-26",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "550.00",
                "Rent": "671.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-27",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "250.00",
                "Rent": "305.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
            "Sharer": [               
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "One",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "RegistrationNo" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "Two",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "Registration No" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
        "LocationId": "1124",
        "UniqueID": "11241254",
        "BookedBy": "BookingEye",
        "Salutation": "Ms.",
        "FirstName": "Hae ",
        "LastName": " Giles ",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Address": " Garfield Road ",
        "City": "Peoria",
        "State": " Peoria ",
        "Country": "IL",
        "Zipcode": "61614",
        "Phone": "",
        "Mobile": "3534",
        "Fax": "564564",
        "Email": "",
        "Source": "BookingEye",
        "PaymentMethod": "Cash",
        "IsChannelBooking": "1"
2.Multiple booking :

  "Reservations": {
    "Reservation": [
        "BookingTran": [
            "SubBookingId": "11241254",
            "TransactionId": "112400000000001902",
            "Createdatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Modifydatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Status": "New",
            "IsConfirmed": "1",
            "VoucherNo": "single1276/1",
            "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
            "PackageName": "European Plan",
            "RateplanCode": "112400000000000001",
            "RateplanName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
            "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "Start": "2019-09-26",
            "End": "2019-09-28",
            "ArrivalTime": "12:00:00",
            "DepartureTime": "11:00:00",
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "TotalAmountAfterTax": "976.00",
            "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "800.00",
            "TotalTax": "176.00",
            "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
            "TotalExtraCharge": "0.00",
            "TotalPayment": "0.00",
            "TACommision": "0.00",
            "Salutation": "Ms.",
            "FirstName": "Lilly",
            "LastName": "Harper",
            "Gender": "Female",
            "DateOfBirth": "",
            "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
            "WeddingAnniversary": "",
            "Address": "",
            "City": " Peoria ",
            "State": "Peoria",
            "Country": "IL",
            "Nationality": "Malta",
            "Zipcode": "61614",
            "Phone": "",
            "Mobile": "3534",
            "Fax": "564564",
            "Email": "",
            "RegistrationNo" : "", 
            "IdentiyType": "Pan card",
            "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
            "ExpiryDate": "",
            "TransportationMode": "",
            "Vehicle": "car",
            "PickupDate": "",
            "PickupTime": "",
            "Source": "BookingEye",
            "Comment": "",
            "AffiliateName": "",
            "AffiliateCode": "",
            "CCLink": "",
            "CCNo": "",
            "CCType": "",
            "CCExpiryDate": "",
            "CardHoldersName": "",
            "TaxDeatil": [
                "TaxCode": "AA",
                "TaxName": "VAT @ 12%",
                "TaxAmount": "96.0000"
                "TaxCode": "LT",
                "TaxName": "Luxury @ 10%",
                "TaxAmount": "80.0000"
            "RentalInfo": [
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-26",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "550.00",
                "Rent": "671.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-27",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "250.00",
                "Rent": "305.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
         "LocationId": "1124",
        "UniqueID": "11241254",
        "BookedBy": "BookingEye",
        "Salutation": "Ms.",
        "FirstName": "Hae ",
        "LastName": " Giles ",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Address": " Garfield Road ",
        "City": "Peoria",
        "State": " Peoria ",
        "Country": "IL",
        "Zipcode": "61614",
        "Phone": "",
        "Mobile": "3534",
        "Fax": "564564",
        "Email": "",
        "Source": "BookingEye",
        "PaymentMethod": "Cash",
        "IsChannelBooking": "1" 
        "BookingTran": [
            "SubBookingId": "11241255",
            "TransactionId": "123450000000001903",
            "Createdatetime": "2019-09-10 11:31:57",
            "Modifydatetime": "2019-09-10 11:31:57",
            "Status": "New",
            "IsConfirmed": "1",
            "CurrentStatus": "Arrived",
            "VoucherNo": "",
            "PackageCode": "12340000000000001",
            "PackageName": "European Plan",
            "RateplanCode": "123450000000000001",
            "RateplanName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomTypeCode": "123450000000000001",
            "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "Start": "2019-09-11",
            "End": "2019-09-12",
            "ArrivalTime": "12:00:00",
            "DepartureTime": "11:00:00",
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "TotalAmountAfterTax": "6832.00",
            "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "5600.00",
            "TotalTax": "1232.00",
            "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
            "TotalExtraCharge": "0.00",
            "TotalPayment": "0.00",
            "TACommision": "0.00",
            "Salutation": "Dr.",
            "FirstName": "Ellen",
            "LastName": "Novak",
            "Gender": "Female",
            "DateOfBirth": "",
            "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
            "WeddingAnniversary": "",
            "Address": "",
            "City": "",
            "State": "",
            "Country": "",
            "Nationality": "",
            "Zipcode": "",
            "Phone": "",
            "Mobile": "+123 456 7890",
            "Fax": "",
            "Email": "",
            "RegistrationNo" : "", 
            "IdentiyType": "",
            "IdentityNo": "",
            "ExpiryDate": "",
            "TransportationMode": "",
            "Vehicle": "",
            "PickupDate": "",
            "PickupTime": "",
            "Source": "Internet Booking Engine",
            "Comment": "",
            "AffiliateName": "",
            "AffiliateCode": "",
            "CCLink": "",
            "CCNo": "",
            "CCType": "",
            "CCExpiryDate": "",
            "CardHoldersName": "",
            "TaxDeatil": [
                "TaxCode": "AA",
                "TaxName": "VAT @ 12%",
                "TaxAmount": "672.0000"
                "TaxCode": "LT",
                "TaxName": "Luxury @ 10%",
                "TaxAmount": "560.0000"
            "RentalInfo": [
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-11",
                "PackageCode": "123450000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "123450000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "2",
                "Child": "0",
                "RentPreTax": "5600.00",
                "Rent": "6832.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
            "Sharer": [               
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "One",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "RegistrationNo" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
                "Salutation": "Ms.",
                "FirstName": "Test",
                "LastName": "Two",
                "Gender": "Female",
                "DateOfBirth": "",
                "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
                "WeddingAnniversary": "",
                "Address": "",
                "City": " Brockway",
                "State": "CA",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Nationality": "Malta",
                "Zipcode": "95730",
                "Phone": "",
                "Mobile": "3534",
                "Fax": "564564",
                "Email": "",
                "Registration No" : "",  
                "IdentityTypeID": "894300000000000003",
                "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
                "ExpiryDate": "",
        "LocationId": "1234",
        "UniqueID": "11241255",
        "BookedBy": "Internet Booking Engine",
        "Salutation": "Dr.",
        "FirstName": "Audrey",
        "LastName": "Manuel",
        "Gender": "",
        "Address": "",
        "City": "",
        "State": "",
        "Country": "",
        "Zipcode": "",
        "Phone": "",
        "Mobile": "+1234567890",
        "Fax": "",
        "Email": "",
        "Source": "Internet Booking Engine",
        "IsChannelBooking": "0"
    "CancelReservation": [
        "LocationId": "1234",
        "UniqueID": "11241008-1",
        "Status": "Cancel",
        "Canceldatetime": "2019-05-08 14:21:16",
        "Remark": "Guest want to cancel reservation through Zenrooms",
        "VoucherNo": "100335/1"
        "LocationId": "1234",
        "UniqueID": "11241008-2",
        "Status": "Cancel",
        "Canceldatetime": "2019-05-08 14:21:27",
        "Remark": "Guest want to cancel reservation through Zenrooms",
        "VoucherNo": "100335/2"
        "LocationId": "1234",
        "UniqueID": "11241011",
        "Status": "Cancel",
        "Canceldatetime": "2019-05-08 14:18:57",
        "Remark": "Guest want to cancel reservation through Zenrooms",
        "VoucherNo": "1253911111/2"

3.Modify Booking :

  "Reservations": {
    "Reservation": [
        "BookingTran": [
            "SubBookingId": "12345254",
            "TransactionId": "123450000000001902",
            "Createdatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Modifydatetime": "2019-09-04 11:40:30",
            "Status": "Modify",
            "IsConfirmed": "1",
            "VoucherNo": "single1276/1",
            "PackageCode": "123450000000000001",
            "PackageName": "European Plan",
            "RateplanCode": "112400000000000001",
            "RateplanName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "RoomTypeCode": "123450000000000001",
            "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
            "Start": "2019-09-26",
            "End": "2019-09-28",
            "ArrivalTime": "12:00:00",
            "DepartureTime": "11:00:00",
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "TotalAmountAfterTax": "976.00",
            "TotalAmountBeforeTax": "800.00",
            "TotalTax": "176.00",
            "TotalDiscount": "0.00",
            "TotalExtraCharge": "0.00",
            "TotalPayment": "0.00",
            "TACommision": "0.00",
             "Salutation": "Ms.",
            "FirstName": "Valentina",
            "LastName": "Riter",
            "Gender": "Female",
            "DateOfBirth": "",
            "SpouseDateOfBirth": "",
            "WeddingAnniversary": "",
            "Address": "",
            "City": " Peoria ",
            "State": "Peoria",
            "Country": "IL",
            "Nationality": "Malta",
            "Zipcode": "61614", 
            "Phone": "",
            "Mobile": "3534",
            "Fax": "564564",
            "Email": "",
            "IdentiyType": "Pan card",
            "IdentityNo": "12345667765",
            "ExpiryDate": "",
            "TransportationMode": "",
            "Vehicle": "car",
            "PickupDate": "",
            "PickupTime": "",
            "Source": "BookingEye",
            "Comment": "",
            "AffiliateName": "",
            "AffiliateCode": "",
            "CCLink": "",
            "CCNo": "",
            "CCType": "",
            "CCExpiryDate": "",
            "CardHoldersName": "",
            "TaxDeatil": [
                "TaxCode": "AA",
                "TaxName": "VAT @ 12%",
                "TaxAmount": "96.0000"
                "TaxCode": "LT",
                "TaxName": "Luxury @ 10%",
                "TaxAmount": "80.0000"
            "RentalInfo": [
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-26",
                "PackageCode": "123450000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "123450000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "550.00",
                "Rent": "671.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
                "EffectiveDate": "2019-09-27",
                "PackageCode": "112400000000000001",
                "PackageName": "European Plan",
                "RoomTypeCode": "112400000000000001",
                "RoomTypeName": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
                "Adult": "4",
                "Child": "2",
                "RentPreTax": "250.00",
                "Rent": "305.00",
                "Discount": "0.00"
        "LocationId": "1234",
        "UniqueID": "12345254",
        "BookedBy": "BookingEye",
        "Salutation": "Ms.",
        "FirstName": "Valentina",
        "LastName": "Riter",
        "Gender": "Female",
        "Address": "",
        "City": "Charlotte",
        "State": "Charlotte",
        "Country": "NC",
        "Zipcode": "28202",
        "Phone": "",
        "Mobile": "3534",
        "Fax": "564564",
        "Email": "",
        "Source": "BookingEye",
        "PaymentMethod": "Cash",
        "IsChannelBooking": "1"

4.Cancel Booking :
  "Reservations": {
     "CancelReservation": [
        "LocationId": "xxxx",
        "UniqueID": "12345228-1",
        "Status": "Cancel",
        "Canceldatetime": "2019-08-14 16:33:38",
        "Remark": "",
        "VoucherNo": ""
        "LocationId": "xxxx",
        "UniqueID": "12345228-2",
        "Status": "Cancel",
        "Canceldatetime": "2019-08-14 16:33:24",
        "Remark": "",
        "VoucherNo": ""


Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active


Retrieve Payment Gateways

This API provides all payment gateways which are available for your Booking Engine. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests. You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “ConfiguredPGList”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
paymenttypeunkid    Integer(20)Payment uniqueidxxxxxxxxxxxx
hotel_code    Integer(11)Unique hotel code1234
shortcode    StringShort codeAirPay
paymenttype    StringSource of businessAirPay


"paymenttypeunkid": "4000000000000048",
"hotel_code": "1234",
"shortcode": "AirPay",
"paymenttype": "AirPay”

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
DBConnectErrordatabase not connected.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
BadRequestBad request type.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.


Retrieve Extras

This API provides information of extra services available at your property which can be used in mapping or display purposes in the external applications. The API can return data in JSON formats.

URI Request

Request parameters are supplied by appending a question mark (?) to the base URI, followed by a sequence of parameter names and values separated by an ampersand (&).

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “ExtraCharges”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en.
Pass language code. Language codes are available here.



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
ExtraChargeIdInteger(20)Unique id of ExtraChargeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ShortCodeStringShortCode of ExtraChargeTransport
chargeStringExtraCharge nameWelcome Drink
DescriptionStringExtraCharge Description
RateDecimalExtraCharge Rate100
CharegeRuleStringRule of ExtraChargePERQUANTITY
PostingRuleStringRule of posting ExtraChargeONLYCHECKOUT
ValidFromDateFrom date of ExtraCharge is valid2020-02-03
ValidToDateTo Date of Extracharge is valid2020-03-03
ischargealwaysinteger(1)Is always charge or not,
0: not always charge,
1: always charge
0 or 1
applyon_rateplanInteger(20)Rateplanid where ExtraCharge applied or ALLXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
applyon_specialInteger(20)Specialid where ExtraCharge applied or ALLALL


"ShortCode": "Bottle of Wine on Arrival", "charge": "Bottle of Wine on Arrival", "description": null,
"Rate": "500.0000", "ChargeRule": "PERQUANTITY",
"PostingRule": "ONLYCHECKOUT", "ValidFrom": null,
"ValidTo": null, "ischargealways": "0",
"applyon_rateplan": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "applyon_special": ""
"ShortCode": "Transport", "charge": "Transport Services", "description": null,
"Rate": "500.0000",
"ChargeRule": "PERBOOKING", "PostingRule": "ONLYCHECKIN", "ValidFrom": null,
"ValidTo": null, "ischargealways": "0", "applyon_rateplan": "ALL", "applyon_special": "ALL"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
5Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
CheckDateCheck out date should be greater than Check in date
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
getExtraChargeListErrorExtra Charge List error
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
4Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.
BadRequestBad request type.


Retrieve Salutations and Country

This API provides information of salutations and country list available for your property which can be displayed in the external applications. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

URI Request

Request parameters are supplied by appending a question mark (?) to the base URI, followed by a sequence of parameter names and values separated by an ampersand (&).

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “ConfiguredDetails”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en.
Pass language code. Language codes are available here.
Optional Default is en



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
SalutionStringGet salutation listDr,Jr
Country ListStringGet country listAfghanistan,Albania


"Salutation": { "DR": "Dr.",
"JN": "Jn.",
"MAM": "Mam.",
"MR": "Mr.",
"MRS": "Mrs.",
"MS": "Ms.",
"SIR": "Sir",
"SR": "Sr."
"CountryList": {
"1": "Afghanistan",
"2": "Albania",

        "3": "Algeria",

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
5Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
BadRequestBad request type.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
4Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.


Retrieve Room Types

This API provides limited information of roomtypes for a property which can be used for the mapping or display purpose in the external applications. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

URI Request

Request parameters are supplied by appending a question mark (?) to the base URI, followed by a sequence of parameter names and values separated by an ampersand (&).

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “RoomTypeList”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en.
Pass language code. Language codes are available here.
publishtowebTINYINT(1)1 – will retrieve all Room Types0 – will retrieve room types which are published to WEBDefault value is 00 OR 1



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
roomtypeunkidINT(20)Unique Room Type ID123400000000000001
roomtypeVARCHAR(255)Room Type NameDeluxe, Luxury
base_adult_occupancyINT(11)Base adult occupancy in room2
base_child_occupancyINT(11)Base child occupancy in room2
max_adult_occupancyINT(11)Maximum adult occupancy in room4
max_child_occupancyINT(11)Maximum child occupancy in room4


"roomtypeunkid": "123400000000000001",
"roomtype": "King",
"shortcode": "KNG",
"base_adult_occupancy": "2",
"base_child_occupancy": "2",
"max_adult_occupancy": "4",
"max_child_occupancy": "4"
"roomtypeunkid": "123400000000000004",
"roomtype": "Deluxe",
"shortcode": "DLX",
"base_adult_occupancy": "5",
"base_child_occupancy": "5",
"max_adult_occupancy": "6",
"max_child_occupancy": "7"
"roomtypeunkid": "123400000000000006",
"roomtype": "Suite River View",
"shortcode": "SRV",
"base_adult_occupancy": "3",
"base_child_occupancy": "2",
"max_adult_occupancy": "5",
"max_child_occupancy": "3"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
getRoomTypeListErrorRoom Type List error
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.


Retrieve Hotel Amenities

This API provides list of hotels amenities of a property which is used for displaying on any website or external applications. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

URI Request:

Request parameters are supplied by appending a question mark (?) to the base URI, followed by a sequence of parameter names and values separated by an ampersand (&).

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “HotelAmenity”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[LANGUAGE] VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en. 

Pass language code. Language codes are available here.



"amenity": "Chinar Hotel @ Spa Naftalan"
"amenity": "STD and IDD dialing access"
"amenity": "parking lot"
"amenity": "Fruit basket upon check-in"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
HotelAmenityListingErrorHotel amenity listing error.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.


Retrieve Hotel Information

This API provides the list of hotel information for groups or chains. This is mainly used for displaying data to the combo box only. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

URL Request:

Request parameters are supplied by appending a question mark (?) to the base URI, followed by a sequence of parameter names and values separated by an ampersand (&).

End Point URL

The base URI for the web service for Chain Properties is as follows :


The base URI for the web service for Single Property is as follows :




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[request_type] *Use Keyword “HotelList”
[GroupCode] *
[HotelCode] *
INT(11)Unique Group code Or Hotel codeXXXXXX or XXXX
[APIKey] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en. 

Pass language code. Language codes are available here.

Single PropertiesRequest

Chain PropertiesRequest


"Hotel_Code": "xxxx", 
"Hotel_Name": "Hotel Abc", 
"City": "Surat",
"State": "Guj",
"Country": "India",
 "Property_Type": "Resort",
 "HotelImages": [
"Hotel_Code": "xxxx", 
"Hotel_Name": "Hotel ZY", 
"City": "Surat",
"State": "Gujarat",
"Country": "India",
 "Property_Type": "Hotel", 
"HotelImages": [

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
HotelListingErrorHotel List error
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.


Retrieve Room Information

This API provides room types, rate types and rate plans information for a property. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP POST requests.

End Point URL


Content-Type: application/json


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Request_Type *Use Keyword “RoomInfo”
NeedPhysicalRoomsINT(2)If you need Room data, then put it “1”.
It is optional
1 / 0
HotelCode *INT(11)Unique Hotel codexxxx
AuthCode *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codexxxxxxxxxx


            "RES_Request": {
            "Request_Type": "RoomInfo",
            "Authentication": {
                "HotelCode": "xxxx",
                "AuthCode": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
RoomType.IDIntegerUnique RoomType ID1234500000000000001
RoomType.NameStringRoomType NameGarden View Studio Room
IntegerRoom Unique ID1234500000000000001
StringRoom Number/Name101
RateType.IDIntegerUnique RateType ID1234500000000000001
RateType.NameStringRateType NameEuropean Plan
RatePlan.RatePlanIDIntegerUnique RatePlan ID1234500000000000001
RatePlan.NameStringRatePlan NameGarden View Studio Room
RatePlan.RoomTypeIDIntegerRoomType ID1234500000000000001
RatePlan.RoomTypeStringRoomType NameGarden View Studio Room
RatePlan.RateTypeIDIntegerRateType ID1234500000000000001
RatePlan.RateTypeStringRateType NameEuropean Plan
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code301, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageSuccess, Unauthorized Request etc.


 {  "RoomInfo": {
    "RoomTypes": {
      "RoomType": [
          "ID": "1234500000000000001",
          "Name": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
          "Rooms": [
               "RoomID": "1234500000000000001",
               "RoomName": "101"
                "RoomID": "1234500000000000002",
                "RoomName": "102"
          "ID": "1234500000000000002",
          "Name": "Garden View Studio Room",
          "Rooms": [
                 "RoomID": "1234500000000000004",
                 "RoomName": "201"
                "RoomID": "1234500000000000005",
                "RoomName": "202"
    "RateTypes": {
      "RateType": [
          "ID": "1234500000000000001",
          "Name": "European Plan"
          "ID": "1234500000000000002",
          "Name": "Continental Plan"
          "ID": "1234500000000000005",
          "Name": "Indian Plan"
    "RatePlans": {
      "RatePlan": [
          "RatePlanID": "1234500000000000001",
          "Name": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
          "RoomTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
          "RoomType": "Sea View Deluxe Room",
          "RateTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
          "RateType": "European Plan",
          "RatePlanType": "INDEPENDENT"
          "RatePlanID": "1234500000000000015",
          "Name": "Garden View Studio Room",
          "RoomTypeID": "1234500000000000002",
          "RoomType": "Garden View Studio Room",
          "RateTypeID": "1234500000000000001",
          "RateType": "European Plan",
          "RatePlanType": "MASTER"
  "Errors": {
    "ErrorCode": "0",
    "ErrorMessage": "Success"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
100Missing required parameters.
500Error occurred during processing
502Request Type is missing
101Hotel Code is missing
102Authentication Code is missing
301Unauthorized Request. Please check hotel code and authentication code
302Unauthorized Request. Integration is not allowed
303Auth Code is inactive.
201Unauthorized request.(Request Type) request is not valid for this hotel code
202Unauthorized request. Hotel code is not active

Click here to Register