F & B

Purchases [F&B]

This API provides detailed information about all the financial heads mapped in the Food and Beverage (FnB) domain. It supports various combinations of financial data types, allowing for the relevant combination based on specific requirements.

End Point URL



Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {Base64 encoded username:password}


NameData TypeDescription
hotel_code*StringThe unique code identifying the hotel for which financial data is requested.
fromdate*DateThe starting date of the financial data retrieval period (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
todate*DateThe ending date of the financial data retrieval period (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
outletIntegerThe unique identifier for the outlet store


    "hotel_code": "XXXX",
    "fromdate": "2024-05-28",
    "todate": "2024-06-27",
    "outlet" : "1000000000000001"


Field NameData TypeDescription
statusStringIndicates the success or failure of the API response.
statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code for the API response.
dataArrayContains the main records of financial transactions. Each entry represents a transaction.

Information about data array

Field NameData TypeDescription
record_idStringUnique identifier for the financial record.
record_dateDateThe date of the financial transaction (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
reference1StringPrimary reference ID for the transaction.
reference2StringSecondary reference ID for the transaction. Can be null.
reference3StringName of the store or location. Can be blank.
reference4 to reference22StringAdditional references. Data may be null or blank depending on the record.
gross_amountDecimalTotal gross amount of the transaction.
flat_discountDecimalAny flat discount applied to the transaction. Can be blank.
total_taxDecimalTotal tax applied to the transaction. Will be provided even if 0.
total_amountDecimalTotal amount after adding taxes and discounts.
amount_paidDecimalAmount paid for the transaction. Can be blank.
amount_postedDecimalAmount posted for the transaction. Can be null or blank.
balanceDecimalRemaining balance for the transaction. Will be provided even if 0.
narrationStringAdditional narration or comments for the transaction. Can be blank.
detailsArrayDetailed breakdown of the transaction, including items and taxes. Empty or null data fields will be provided for individual details if applicable.

Information about details array

Field NameData TypeDescription
detail_record_idStringUnique identifier for the detail record.
parent_record_idStringParent record ID, applicable for related records. Can be null.
reference_idIntegerID representing the reference type (e.g., POS Sales, Taxes).
reference_nameStringName of the reference, such as transaction type.
tran_typeStringTransaction type (e.g., Credit, Debit).
charge_nameStringName of the charge or item in the transaction.
amountDecimalAmount related to the detail record.
remarkStringAdditional remarks for the detail record. Can be blank or null.
taxperDecimalTax percentage for the item or charge. Can be null or blank.
sub_ref1_value to sub_ref8_valueVariousSub-references for the detailed record. These values may vary and can be null.


    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": [
            "record_id": "1000000000014622",
            "record_date": "2024-06-20",
            "reference1": "GRN-25",
            "reference2": "1021",
            "reference3": "1000000000000001",
            "reference4": "Store Name",
            "reference5": "Account 1",
            "reference6": "",
            "reference7": "",
            "reference8": "",
            "reference9": "",
            "reference10": "",
            "reference11": "",
            "reference12": "",
            "reference13": "",
            "reference14": "",
            "reference15": "Goods Received Note",
            "gross_amount": "3591.7150",
            "flat_discount": "0.0000",
            "total_tax": "1.2656",
            "add_less_amount": "0.0000",
            "total_amount": "3592.9806",
            "remark": "",
            "narration": "",
            "details": [
                    "detail_reference_id": "1000000000116025",
                    "tran_type": "Dr",
                    "reference_id": 17,
                    "reference_name": "Purchase",
                    "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                    "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                    "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                    "sub_ref2_value": "1000000000000001",
                    "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref4_id": 4,
                    "sub_ref4_value": "1000000000000030",
                    "sub_ref5_id": 5,
                    "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                    "amount": "5.7150",
                    "item_code": "",
                    "charge_name": "Item 1",
                    "hsn_code": "",
                    "rate_per_unit": "5.7150",
                    "qty": "1.0000",
                    "unit_unkid": "1000000000000015"
                    "detail_reference_id": "1000000000116026",
                    "tran_type": "Dr",
                    "reference_id": 17,
                    "reference_name": "Purchase",
                    "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                    "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                    "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                    "sub_ref2_value": "1000000000000001",
                    "sub_ref3_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref4_id": 4,
                    "sub_ref4_value": "1000000000000018",
                    "sub_ref5_id": 5,
                    "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                    "amount": "1500.0000",
                    "item_code": "",
                    "charge_name": "Item 2",
                    "hsn_code": "",
                    "rate_per_unit": "1500.0000",
                    "qty": "1.0000",
                    "unit_unkid": "1000000000000013"


    "status": "warning",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Please Enter Valid Outlet Name"

F & B

Sales [F&B]

This API provides detailed information about all the financial heads mapped in the Food and Beverage (FnB) domain. It supports various combinations of financial data types, allowing for the relevant combination based on specific requirements.

End Point URL



Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {Base64 encoded username:password}


NameData TypeDescription
hotel_code*StringThe unique code identifying the hotel for which financial data is requested.
fromdate*DateThe starting date of the financial data retrieval period (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
todate*DateThe ending date of the financial data retrieval period (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
exclude_roompostingIntegerFlag to exclude room posting details from the data [0 = Include (default), 1 = Exclude].
exclude_nochargeIntegerFlag to exclude no-charge details from the data [0 = Include (default), 1 = Exclude].


    "hotel_code": "XXXX",
    "fromdate": "2024-05-16",
    "todate": "2024-05-16",
    "exclude_roomposting": "0",
    "exclude_nocharge": "0"


Field NameData TypeDescription
statusStringIndicates the success or failure of the API response.
statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code for the API response.
dataArrayContains the main records of financial transactions. Each entry represents a transaction.

Information about data array

Field NameData TypeDescription
record_idStringUnique identifier for the financial record.
record_dateDateThe date of the financial transaction (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
reference1StringPrimary reference ID for the transaction.
reference2StringSecondary reference ID for the transaction. Can be null.
reference3StringName of the store or location. Can be blank.
reference4 to reference22StringAdditional references. Data may be null or blank depending on the record.
gross_amountDecimalTotal gross amount of the transaction.
flat_discountDecimalAny flat discount applied to the transaction. Can be blank.
total_taxDecimalTotal tax applied to the transaction. Will be provided even if 0.
total_amountDecimalTotal amount after adding taxes and discounts.
amount_paidDecimalAmount paid for the transaction. Can be blank.
amount_postedDecimalAmount posted for the transaction. Can be null or blank.
balanceDecimalRemaining balance for the transaction. Will be provided even if 0.
narrationStringAdditional narration or comments for the transaction. Can be blank.
detailsArrayDetailed breakdown of the transaction, including items and taxes. Empty or null data fields will be provided for individual details if applicable.

Information about details array

Field NameData TypeDescription
detail_record_idStringUnique identifier for the detail record.
parent_record_idStringParent record ID, applicable for related records. Can be null.
reference_idIntegerID representing the reference type (e.g., POS Sales, Taxes).
reference_nameStringName of the reference, such as transaction type.
tran_typeStringTransaction type (e.g., Credit, Debit).
charge_nameStringName of the charge or item in the transaction.
amountDecimalAmount related to the detail record.
remarkStringAdditional remarks for the detail record. Can be blank or null.
taxperDecimalTax percentage for the item or charge. Can be null or blank.
sub_ref1_value to sub_ref8_valueVariousSub-references for the detailed record. These values may vary and can be null.


    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": [
            "record_id": "1000000000013299",
            "record_date": "2024-05-16",
            "reference1": "REC-4041",
            "reference2": "1000000000000014",
            "reference3": "McDonald's- vesu",
            "reference4": null,
            "reference5": null,
            "reference6": "1715852000",
            "reference7": "",
            "reference8": "",
            "reference9": "0",
            "reference10": "0",
            "reference11": "",
            "reference12": "",
            "reference13": "",
            "reference14": "",
            "reference15": "",
            "reference16": "",
            "reference17": "",
            "reference18": "john",
            "reference19": "",
            "reference20": "",
            "reference21": "Take Away",
            "reference22": "",
            "gross_amount": "200.0000",
            "flat_discount": "0.0000",
            "total_tax": "10.0000",
            "add_less_amount": "0.0000",
            "total_amount": "210.0000",
            "amount_paid": "0.0000",
            "amount_posted": "0.0000",
            "balance": "210.0000",
            "narration": "",
            "details": [
                    "detail_record_id": "1000000000109878",
                    "reference_id": 1,
                    "reference_name": "POS Sales",
                    "tran_type": "Cr",
                    "item_code": "",
                    "charge_name": "Test2",
                    "hsn_code": "",
                    "quantity": "1.000000000000",
                    "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                    "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                    "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                    "sub_ref2_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref3_id": 3,
                    "sub_ref3_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref4_id": 4,
                    "sub_ref4_value": "1000000000000001",
                    "sub_ref5_id": 5,
                    "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref6_id": 6,
                    "sub_ref6_value": "1000000000000001 + ",
                    "sub_ref7_id": 7,
                    "sub_ref7_value": "1000000000000605",
                    "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                    "amount": "100.0000",
                    "remark": ""
                    "detail_record_id": "1000000000109879",
                    "parent_record_id": "1000000000109878",
                    "reference_id": 3,
                    "reference_name": "Taxes",
                    "tran_type": "Cr",
                    "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                    "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                    "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                    "sub_ref2_value": "1000000000000002",
                    "sub_ref3_id": 3,
                    "sub_ref3_value": "2.5000",
                    "sub_ref4_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref4_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref5_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref6_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref6_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                    "amount": "2.5000",
                    "taxper": "2.5000",
                    "remark": ""
                    "detail_record_id": "1000000000109880",
                    "parent_record_id": "1000000000109878",
                    "reference_id": 3,
                    "reference_name": "Taxes",
                    "tran_type": "Cr",
                    "sub_ref1_id": 1,
                    "sub_ref1_value": 1,
                    "sub_ref2_id": 2,
                    "sub_ref2_value": "1000000000000001",
                    "sub_ref3_id": 3,
                    "sub_ref3_value": "2.5000",
                    "sub_ref4_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref4_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref5_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref5_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref6_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref6_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref7_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref7_value": 0,
                    "sub_ref8_id": 0,
                    "sub_ref8_value": 0,
                    "amount": "2.5000",
                    "taxper": "2.5000",
                    "remark": ""


    "status": "warning",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Please Enter Valid Outlet Name"

F & B

Financial Accounts [F&B]

This API provides detailed information about all the financial heads mapped in the Food and Beverage (FnB) domain. It supports various combinations of financial data types, allowing for the relevant combination based on specific requirements.

End Point URL



Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {Base64 encoded username:password}


NameData TypeDescription
hotel_code*INTThe unique identifier for the hotel. This is essential for retrieving relevant data.


    "hotel_code": "your_hotel_code", // Required


NameData TypeDescription
statusStringIndicates the status of the response.
statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code for the response.
dataArrayList of details related to financial accounts.
headeridStringUnique identifier for the header.
headerStringName of the financial account header.
descriptiontypeunkidStringUnique identifier for the description type.
descriptiontypeStringType of the description for the financial account.
descriptionunkidStringUnique identifier for the specific description.
descriptionStringDetailed description related to the financial account and type.

Reference Data

Header IDHeaderDescription Type Unk IDDescription Type
1POS REVENUE1Single Ledger
1POS REVENUE3Menu Subgroup
1POS REVENUE4Menu Item Category
1POS REVENUE6Session and Category Wise
2EXTRA CHARGE1Single Ledger
2EXTRA CHARGE2Extra Charge
3TAX1Single Ledger
4TIPS1Single Ledger
5ADJUSTMENT1Single Ledger
6DISCOUNT1Single Ledger
7ROOM POSTING1Single Ledger
7ROOM POSTING2Room Posting
8PAYMENT1Single Ledger
8PAYMENT2Payment Type
9CITY LEDGER1Single Ledger
9CITY LEDGER2City Ledger
17PURCHASE1Single Ledger
17PURCHASE2Store Item Category
17PURCHASE4Store Item
18STORE TAX1Single Ledger
18STORE TAX2Store Tax
19VENDOR1Single Ledger
20VENDOR – ACCOUNT1Single Ledger
20VENDOR – ACCOUNT2Vendor – Account
21ADJUSTMENT1Single Ledger
22ADD/LESS1Single Ledger
23DISCOUNT1Single Ledger
31VENDOR PAYMENT1Single Ledger
31VENDOR PAYMENT2Vendor Payment Type
32EXTRA CHARGE1Single Ledger
32EXTRA CHARGE2Extra Charge


    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": [
            "headerid": "1",
            "header": "POS REVENUE",
            "descriptiontypeunkid": "1",
            "descriptiontype": "Single Ledger",
            "descriptionunkid": "1",
            "description": "Revenue"
            "headerid": "1",
            "header": "POS REVENUE",
            "descriptiontypeunkid": "2",
            "descriptiontype": "Menu Group",
            "descriptionunkid": "1081060000000001",
            "description": "7Seven-Menu"


    "status": "warning",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Please Enter Valid Outlet Name"

F & B

Outlet and Store Information [F&B]

This API retrieves the list of available outlet stores, along with their unique identifiers and names.

End Point URL



Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {Base64 encoded username:password}


NameData TypeDescription
hotel_code*StringThe unique code identifying the hotel for which financial data is requested.


    "hotel_code": "XXXX",


Field NameData TypeDescription
statusStringIndicates the success or failure of the API response.
statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code for the API response.
dataArrayContains the main records of financial transactions. Each entry represents a transaction.
idStringUnique identifier for the outlet store.
nameStringName of the outlet store.


    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": [
            "id": "1000000000000001",
            "name": "MainOutlet"
            "id": "1000000000000002",
            "name": "Store Factory"


    "status": "warning",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Please Enter Valid Outlet Name"

F & B


This API endpoint retrieves order information from a specific hotel or outlet in the Optimus system.

End Point URL



Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {Base64 encoded username:password}


NameData TypeDescription
hotel_code*INTThe unique identifier for the hotel. This is essential for retrieving relevant data.
form_date*DateSpecifies the starting date for the query. The date format should be in YYYY-MM-DD
to_dateDateSpecifies the ending date for the query. If omitted, the system will consider the form_date as the only date for data retrieval. The date format should also be YYYY-MM-DD.
outlet_nameStringThe name of the specific outlet within the hotel. If not provided, the query will retrieve data from all outlets.


    "hotel_code": "your_hotel_code", // Required
    "form_date": "2024-08-22", // Required (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
    "to_date": "2024-08-22", // Optional (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
    "outlet_name": "MainOutlet" // Optional


NameData TypeDescription
statusStringStatus of the request, indicating whether it was successful.
statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code indicating the result of the request.
dataArrayAn array of order objects, each containing detailed information about individual orders.
outletNameStringThe name of the outlet where the order was placed.
orderNumberStringA unique identifier for the order.
receiptNumberStringThe receipt number associated with the order.
orderTypeStringType of order (e.g., Dine In, Takeaway, Delivery).
orderDateTimeDate TimeDate and time when the order was placed.
businessSourceStringSource of the business (may be empty or provided depending on configuration).
guestNameStringName of the guest, if available.
guestCountIntegerNumber of guests associated with the order.
employeeNameStringName of the employee who handled the order.
sessionNameStringName of the session in which the order was placed (can be empty).
totalItemsAmountFloatTotal amount for the items ordered, before discounts, taxes, and surcharges.
totalDiscountAmountFloatTotal discount applied to the order.
totalTaxAmountFloatTotal tax applied to the order.
totalTipsAmountFloatTotal amount of tips added to the order.
totalSurchargesAmountFloatTotal surcharges applied to the order.
totalRoundOffAmountFloatAny rounding-off adjustments made to the total amount.
totalPaymentAmountFloatTotal amount paid for the order.
netSalesAmountFloatThe net sales amount after applying discounts but before taxes and other charges.
grossSalesAmountFloatThe gross sales amount before any discounts or adjustments.
remarkStringAny additional remarks related to the order.
orderPaymentsArrayAn array of payment objects detailing how the order was paid.
orderPayments.amountFloatThe amount paid using a specific payment method.
orderPayments.typeStringThe payment type (e.g., Bank, Cash, Credit Card).
orderPayments.methodStringThe specific payment method used (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, PayPal).


    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": [
            "outletName": "MainOutlet",
            "orderNumber": "1",
            "receiptNumber": "9696",
            "orderType": "Dine In",
            "orderDateTime": "2024-08-22 11:51:13",
            "businessSource": "",
            "guestName": "",
            "guestCount": "1",
            "employeeName": "Analyn",
            "sessionName": "",
            "totalItemsAmount": "75.9905",
            "totalDiscountAmount": "15.8000",
            "totalTaxAmount": "3.0095",
            "totalTipsAmount": "16.8000",
            "totalSurchargesAmount": "0.0000",
            "totalRoundOffAmount": "0.0000",
            "totalPaymentAmount": "80.0000",
            "netSalesAmount": "60.1905",
            "grossSalesAmount": "75.9905",
            "remark": "",
            "orderPayments": [
                    "amount": "80.0000",
                    "type": "Bank",
                    "method": "Visa"
            "outletName": "MainOutlet",
            "orderNumber": "2",
            "receiptNumber": "9698",
            "orderType": "Dine In",
            "orderDateTime": "2024-08-22 12:06:55",
            "businessSource": "",
            "guestName": "",
            "guestCount": "2",
            "employeeName": "Manager",
            "sessionName": "",
            "totalItemsAmount": "167.3714",
            "totalDiscountAmount": "34.8000",
            "totalTaxAmount": "6.6286",
            "totalTipsAmount": "0.0000",
            "totalSurchargesAmount": "0.0000",
            "totalRoundOffAmount": "0.0000",
            "totalPaymentAmount": "139.2000",
            "netSalesAmount": "132.5714",
            "grossSalesAmount": "167.3714",
            "remark": "",
            "orderPayments": [
                    "amount": "139.2000",
                    "type": "Bank",
                    "method": "Visa"


    "status": "warning",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Please Enter Valid Outlet Name"

F & B


This API retrieves the menu information for a specific hotel based on the provided hotel code, including outlets, categories, subcategories, and items

End Point URL



Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {Base64 encoded username:password}


NameData TypeDescription
hotel_code *INTThe unique identifier for the hotel. This is essential for retrieving relevant data.
outlet_nameStringThe name of the specific outlet within the hotel. If not provided, the query will retrieve data from all outlets.


    "hotel_code": "XXXX", // Required
    "outlet_name": "MainOutlet" // Optional


NameData TypeDescription
statusStringStatus of the request, indicating whether it was successful.
statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code indicating the result of the request.
dataObjectContains all data related to outlets, categories, subcategories, and items.
outletsArrayContains the list of outlets available in the hotel.
outlets.ref_idIntegerReference ID of the outlet.
outlets.outlet_nameStringName of the outlet.
categoriesArrayContains the list of categories with names and reference IDs.
categories.ref_idIntegerReference ID of the category.
categories.category_nameStringName of the category.
subcategoriesArrayContains the list of subcategories with names and reference IDs.
subcategories.ref_idIntegerReference ID of the subcategory.
subcategories.subcategory_nameStringName of the subcategory.
itemsArrayContains the list of items with details like name, code, and price.
items.item_nameStringName of the item.
items.item_codeStringCode of the item.
items.food_typeStringVEG, NONVEG, EGG
items.unit_priceitems. descriptionPrice of the item.
items.category_ref_idArray of StringsList of reference IDs corresponding to the categories.
items.subcategory_ref_idArray of StringsList of reference IDs corresponding to the subcategories.
items.outlet_ref_idArray of StringsList of reference IDs corresponding to the outlets.
items.descriptionStringDescription of the item (if any).


    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": {
        "outlets": [
                "outlet_name": "MainOutlet",
                "ref_id": "10000000001"
        "categories": [
                "category_name": "Hot Drinks",
                "ref_id": "10000000001"
                "category_name": "Cold Drinks",
                "ref_id": "10000000002"
                "category_name": "Fresh Juice",
                "ref_id": "10000000003"
                "category_name": "Soft Drinks",
                "ref_id": "10000000004"
        "subcategories": [
                "subcategory_name": "Classic",
                "ref_id": "10000000001"
                "subcategory_name": "Coffee",
                "ref_id": "10000000002"
                "subcategory_name": "Tea",
                "ref_id": "10000000003"
                "subcategory_name": "Other Drinks",
                "ref_id": "10000000004"
        "items": [
                "item_name": "Blueberry",
                "Item Code": "376",
                "Unit Price": "75.2381",
                "category_ref_id": [
                "subcategory_ref_id": [
                "outlet_ref_id": [
                "description": ""
                "item_name": "Double Apple",
                "Item Code": "377",
                "Unit Price": "75.2381",
                "category_ref_id": [
                "subcategory_ref_id": [
                "outlet_ref_id": [
                "description": ""


    "status": "warning",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": "Please Enter Valid Outlet Name"
Click here to Register