
Create a Booking

This API helps you to insert new bookings in our system. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “InsertBooking”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[BookingData] *JsonYou need to pass JSON data. please follow below “BookingData” section
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en.
Pass language code. Language codes are available here.
publishtowebTINYINT(1)1 – will retrieve all Room Types0 – will retrieve room types which are published to WEBDefault value is 00 OR 1

BookingData JSON Format 

  "Room_Details": {
    "Room_1": {
      "Rateplan_Id": "[RATEPLAN_ID]", /* Mandatory */
      "Ratetype_Id": "[RATETYPE_ID]", /* Mandatory */
      "Roomtype_Id": "[ROOMTYPE_ID]", /* Mandatory */
      "baserate": "[BASERATE]", /* Mandatory */
      "extradultrate": "[EXTRADULTRATE]", /* Mandatory */
      "extrachildrate": "[EXTRACHILDRATE]", /* Mandatory */
      "number_adults": "[NUMBER_ADULTS]", /* Mandatory */
      "number_children": "[NUMBER_CHILDREN]", /* Mandatory */
      "ExtraChild_Age": "[EXTRACHILD_AGE]", /* Mandatory if number_children is not zero*/
      "Package_Details": { /* If package is booked then only pass below details and for package otherwise ignore :*/
        "Package_Id": "[PACKAGE_ID]", /* Mandatory */
        "Package_Name": "[PACKAGE_NAME]", /* Mandatory */
        "Package_Description": "PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION"
      "Promotion_Details": { /* If room is booked using promotional code then only pass below details and for promotion otherwise ignore: */
        "Promotional_Code": "[PROMOTIONAL_CODE]", /* Mandatory */
        "Promotion_Id": "[PROMOTION_ID]", /* Mandatory */
        "Promotion_Name": "[PROMOTION_NAME]", /* Mandatory */
        "Promotion_Description": "[PROMOTION_DESCRIPTION]"
      "Title": "[TITLE]",
      "First_Name": "[FIRST_NAME]", /* Mandatory */
      "Last_Name": "[LAST_NAME]", /* Mandatory */
      "Gender": "[GENDER]",
      "SpecialRequest": "[SPECIALREQUEST]"
    "Room_2": {}
  "ExtraCharge": { /* This will be useful when various Extra Charges exist in system and booker take any extra charge in booking. */
    "Extra_1": {
      "ExtraChargeId": "[EXTRACHARGEID]", /* Mandatory */
      "ChargeAdult": "[CHARGEADULT]" /* Mandatory */
    "Extra_2": {
      "ExtraChargeId": "[EXTRACHARGEID]",
      "ChargeChild": "[CHARGECHILD]"
  "CardDetails": { /* All below parameters related to CardDetails are mandatory for inserting card details in transaction. If any of the below listed parameter is missing card details won’t be added in transaction. */
    "cc_cardnumber": "[CC_CARDNUMBER]",
    "cc_cardtype": "[CC_CARDTYPE]",
    "cc_expiremonth": "[CC_EXPIREMONTH]",
    "cc_expireyear": "[CC_EXPIERYEAR]",
    "cvvcode": "[CVVCODE]",
    "cardholdername": "[CARDHOLDERNAME]"
  "check_in_date": "[CHECK_IN_DATE]", /* Mandatory */
  "check_out_date": "[CHECK_OUT_DATE]", /* Mandatory */
  "Booking_Payment_Mode": "[BOOKING_PAYMENT_MODE]",
  "Email_Address": "[EMAIL_ADDRESS]", /* Mandatory */
  "Source_Id": "[SOURCE_ID]",
  "MobileNo": "[MOBILENO]",
  "Address": "[ADDRESS]",
  "State": "STATE",
  "Country": "[COUNTRY]",
  "City": "[CITY]",
  "Zipcode": "[ZIPCODE]",
  "Fax": "[FAX]",
  "Device": "[DEVICE]",
  "Languagekey": "[LANGUAGEKEY]",
  "paymenttypeunkid": "[PAYMENTGATEWAY_ID]"



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
ReservationNoStringUnique Reservatrion number266
SubReservationNoStringSub Reservation number is same as Res No for Single booking but If Group booking, It will show you sub number (1,2,3,…)266
InventoryModeStringMode of InventoryALLOCATED



Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
InvalidDataPlease check data passed.


Create a Travel Agent

This API helps to insert Travel agents for a property or group of properties in a chain. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests. This API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

You need to take eZee Reservation if you want to allow Travel Agent to book a room on behalf of guests.

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “InsertTravelAgent”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXX
[name] *VARCHAR(100)Travel agent nameuser123
[businessname] *VARCHAR(100)Business namexxxxxx
[salutation] *VARCHAR(10)Salutation xxxx
[country] *VARCHAR(100)Country nameUSA
[email] *VARCHAR(100)Email
bccmailidVARCHAR(100)Add Email-id for taking Bcc
businesssourceVARCHAR(10)Business sourcetrue/false
isusercreatedVARCHAR(10)Is user createdtrue/false
percentdiscountINT(11)Percentage discount5
addressVARCHAR(200)AddressA4-Golden street
cityVARCHAR(100)CityNew York
phoneINT(11)Phone number123456789
mobileINT(11)Mobile number1234567890
faxINT(11)Fax number123456
allowtoviewccblockVARCHAR(10)For allow to view credit card blocktrue/false
SendemailtoguestVARCHAR(10)For send booking voucher email to Guest if booking made by Travel Agent from booking enginetrue/false
[Ismailsend] *VARCHAR(10)For Send email to Travel Agent to share Login Information.




Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
MANDATORYPARAM[salutation,name,businessname,email,country ] This Parameters are mandatory.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.
BadRequestBad request type.


Read a Booking

This API helps you to read booking details for a given booking ID. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “ReadBooking”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[ResNo] *INT(11)Reservation number1



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
ReservationNoInteger(11)Reservation Unique number1
Subreservation_NoInteger(11)Sub Reservation Numberxxxx
Transaction_IdInteger(20)Unique Transaction idxxxxxxxxxxx
StatusUnkIdInteger(20)Status unique id. Status description is available here.xxxx
BusinesssourceStringSource of businessweb
PaymentTypeStringType of paymentCash
CityStringName of CityNew York
StateStringState nameNew York
CountryStringCountry nameUSA
PhoneInteger(20)Phone number1234567890
MobileInteger(20)Mobile Number1234567890
FaxInteger(20)Fax number1234567890
EmailStringEmail id
VehicleNoStringVehicle number1234
PickupDatetimeDateTimeDateTime of Pickup2020-05-05 12:12:00
IdentityTypeStringType of Identity proofPassport
IdentityNoStringIdentity type number 123456789
NationalityStringNationality of guestAmerican
BirthDateDateDate of Birth1980-05-05
ExpiryDateDateExpiry Date2022-05-02
ArrivalByStringArrival bycar
DepartureByStringDeparture bycar
DropOffDatetimeDatetimeDrop of datetime2020-02-020 12:12:00
DeptVehicleNoStringDeparture vehicle numberAbc-8989
OwnershipInteger(1)Owernership 0 or 1
GroupIdInteger(20)Group idXxxxxxxxxxxx
ArrivalDateDateDate of arrival2020-01-01
DepartureDateDate Departure date2020-01-05
No_of_NightsIntegerNo of night3
First_NameStringFirst nameJhon
Last_NameStringLast nametye
Room_TypeStringType of roomsuite
Rate_TypeStringType of ratedaily
ReservationGuaranteeStringGuarantee of reservationConfirm reservation
AdultInteger(11)Number of adult2
ChildInteger(11)Number of child0
TotalDecimalTotal amount25500
GuestunkidInteget(20)Guest unique Idxxxxxxxxxxxx
Confirmed_TypeInteger(1)Confirm type1


"Reservation_No": "KHT822",
"Subreservation_No": "",
"Transaction_Id": "110600000000000880",
"StatusUnkId": "6",
"Businesssource": "",
"Market": "",
"Travelagent": "",
"PaymentType": null,
"Address": "Surat",
"City": "Surat",
"State": "Gujarat",
"Zipcode": "960050",
"Country": "India",
"Phone": "9825230",
"Mobile": "9856741230",
"Fax": "968572202",
"Email": "",
"VehicleNo": "CAR",
"PickupDatetime": "2018-01-16 03:00:00",
"IdentityType": "Passport",
"IdentityNo": "963852",
"Nationality": "India",
"BirthDate": "1998-01-01 00:00:00",
"ExpiryDate": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
"ArrivalBy": "car",
"DepartureBy": "car",
"DropOffDatetime": "2018-01-18 03:30:00",
"DeptVehicleNo": "CAR",
"Ownership": "0",
"GroupId": "0",
"ArrivalDate": "2018-01-05 10:00:00",
"DepartureDate": "2018-01-06 12:00:00",
"No_of_Nights": "1",
"Salutation": "Jn.",
"First_Name": "45435",
"Last_Name": "",
"Room_Type": "Penthouse",
"Rate_Type": "weekly",
"ReservationGuarantee": "Confirm Booking",
"Adult": "1",
"Child": "0",
"Total": "0.0000",
"Guestunkid": "110600000000000558",
"Confirmed_Type": "1"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
5Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
CheckDateCheck out date should be greater than Check in date
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
InvalidDataPlease check data passed.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
4Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.
BadRequestBad request type.
ReservationNotExistReservation No. does not exist. Please check.


Post Create Bookings Actions

This API helps you to process post create bookings actions in our system . The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

End Point URL

[BaseUrl]booking/reservation_api/listing.php?request_type=[Request_Type]&HotelCode=[Hotel_Code]&APIKey=[API_KEY]&Process_ Data=[PROCESS_DATA]



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “ProcessBooking”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)[Optional] Default is en.
Pass language code. Language codes are available here.
Process_Data=>ActionStringAction for bookingPendingBooking,
Process_Data=>ReservationNoStringReservation numberRES522
Process_Data=>Inventory_ModeStringMode of inventoryALLOCATED,
Process_Data=>Error_TextStringError text



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Success.SuccessMsgGenerate Success ResponseBooking processed Successfully
Errors.ErrorCodeResponse Error Code301, 404 etc
Errors.ErrorMessageGenerate Response MessageReservation already processed


"message":"Booking Processed Succesfully"

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
5Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
ReservationAlreadyProcessedReservation is already processed.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
-1Booking Process Failure.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
4Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
ReservationNotExistReservation No. does not exist. Please check.
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.
BadRequestBad request type.


Check Availability

This API helps you to check availability for a room. To check availability, you need to include certain fields in your request like room type, check in date, checkout date, no of rooms, no of nights, pax and many more to fulfill your needs.

The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “RoomList”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
check_in_date*DATECheck In date. [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-05-20
check_out_dateDATECheck Out Date [Format: yyyy-mm-dd]2020-05-30
num_nightsINT(11)Defaults to 10 days after the start date.The date range is limited to the first 30 days from the check in date.1,5,10
number_adultsINT(11)No. of Adult(s). Default is 11,2
number_childrenINT(11)No.of Child(s). Default is 01,2
num_roomsINT(11)Total No. of Room(s). Rooms Default is 11,2
promotion_codeINT(11)Unique Promotion Code. Default is Empty112500000000000001
property_configuration_infoINT(11)It is based upon property booking engine settings. Default is 00,1
showtaxINT(11)Used for tax inclusive & exclusive rates. This is useful when data retrivation does not depend upon whole property configuration. This parameter is used when property_configuration_info is set to 0.0,1
show_only_available_roomsINT(11)It has two values 0 OR 1.1 will return all available rate plans only.This is useful while data retrivation is not depend upon the whole property configuration. This parameter is used when property_configuration_info is set to 0.Default value is 0.0,1
show_matched_minimum_nights_rateplansINT(11)0 – Display All without filtration without filtration on basis of nights 1 – Match with minimum nights criteria2 – Match Exactly with nights selectedThis is useful while data retrivation is not depend upon the whole property configuration. This parameter is used when property_configuration_info is set to 0.0,1,2
[LANGUAGE]VARCHAR(20)Pass language code. Language codes are available here.en
roomtypeunkidINT(20)Unique RoomType ID12500000000000001
packageforVARCHAR(20)This parameter is optional and also not mandatory to add but please take note that in this case it will give you desktop based package data only.
If you want package data according to desktop or mobile you have to pass parameters according to its value.
promotionforVARCHAR(20)This parameter is optional and also not mandatory to add but please take note that in this case it will give you desktop based promotion data only.
If you want promotion data according to desktop or mobile you have to pass parameters according to its value.

Request 2015-07-13&check_out_date=&num_nights=2&number_adults=1 &number_children=0&num_rooms=1&promotion_code=&property_configuration_info=0&showtax=0&show_only_available_rooms=0&language=en&roomtypeunkid=XXXX&packagefor=DESKTOP&promotionfor=DESKTOP


NameData TypeDescriptionExample
Room_NameVARCHAR(255)Name of RoomRoom1, Room2
Room_DescriptionVARCHAR(255)Room descriptionRoom with a Pool View
Roomtype_NameVARCHAR(255)Room TypeDeluxe
Package_DescriptionVARCHAR(255)Package DescriptionPackage Includes Breakfast and Lunch
Roomtype_Short_codeVARCHAR(255)Room Type short codeR1,R2
Specials_DescVARCHAR(255)Specials Details
specialconditionsVARCHAR(255)Special Conditions
specialhighlightinclusionVARCHAR(255)Special Highlight Inclusion
hotelcodeINT(11)Unique Hotel code given to propertyXX
roomtypeunkidINT(11)Room Type Unique Id114000000000000005
ratetypeunkidINT(11)Rate Type Unique Id114000000000000001
roomrateunkidINT(11)Rate Plan Unique Id114000000000000001
base_adult_occupancyINT(11)Base adult occupancy in room2,3
base_child_occupancyINT(11)Base child occupancy in room2,3
max_adult_occupancyINT(11)Maximum adult occupancy in room2,3
max_child_occupancyINT(11)Maximum child occupancy in room2,3
max_occupancyINT(11)Maximum Occupancy
available_roomsINT(11)Room Inventory date wise array2,3
min_ava_roomsINT(11)Minimum Inventory from available rooms of each date2,3
before_discount_inclusive_tax_adjustmentDECIMAL(19,4)Date wise strike rates with inclusive of tax & adjustment2000,1500
exclusive_taxDECIMAL(19,4)Per night room rates exclusive of tax2000,1500
taxDECIMAL(19,4)Per night room tax only2000,1500
adjustmentDECIMAL(19,4)Per night room rate adjustment only2000,1500
inclusive_tax_adjustmentDECIMAL(19,4)Per night room rate inclusive of tax & adjustment2000,1500
rack_rateDECIMAL(19,4)Room level rack rate2000,1500
totalprice_room_onlyDECIMAL(19,4)Total room rates exclusive of tax2000,1500
totalprice_inclusive_allDECIMAL(19,4)Total room price inclusive of all taxes & adjustment2000,1500
avg_per_night_before_discountDECIMAL(19,4)Average Per night rate without discount2000,1500
avg_per_night_after_discountDECIMAL(19,4)Average per night rate after discount2000,1500
avg_per_night_without_taxDECIMAL(19,4)Average per night without tax2000,1500
day_wise_baserackrateDECIMAL(19,4)Day wise base rack rate2000,1500
day_wise_beforediscountDECIMAL(19,4)Day wise before discount2000,1500
exclusive_taxDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra adult rates exclusive of tax2000,1500
taxDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra adult rate tax only2000,1500
adjustmentDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra adult rate adjustment only0,0.10
inclusive_tax_adjustmentDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra adult rate inclusive of tax &adjustment2000,1500
rack_rateDECIMAL(19,4)Room level extra adult rack rate2000,1500
exclusive_taxDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra child rates exclusive of tax1000,500
taxDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra child rate tax only1000,500
adjustmentDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra child rate adjustment only1000,500
inclusive_tax_adjus tmentDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra child rate inclusive of tax & adjustment1000,500
exclusive_taxDECIMAL(19,4)Per night extra child rates exclusive of tax1000,500
rack_rateDECIMAL(19,4)Room level extra child rack rate1000,500
Avg_min_nightsINT(11)Avg minimum nights1
Min_nightsINT(11)Minimum stay for each night2,4
Avg_max_nightsINT(11)Avg maximum nights3
currency_codeVARCHAR(20)Currency Code USD
currency_signVARCHAR(20)Currency Sign $
RoomAmenitiesVARCHAR(2000)Room AmenitiesTV, refrigerator,AC
RoomImagesVARCHAR(255)Room Images
ShowPriceFormatDECIMAL(19,4)Show Rates Average Per Night Or Price for WholeStayShow Rates Average Per Night Or Price for WholeStay
DefaultDisplyCurrencyCodeVARCHAR(20)Default Currency CodeUSD
check_in_timeTIMEHotel Check in time12:00
check_out_timeTIMEHotel Check out time12:00
Hotel_amenitiesVARCHAR(2000)Hotel amenitiesAC, TV
TaxNameVARCHAR(2000)All Tax name which are applyTax1,Tax2


System will give you per room rates , for multiple rooms you have to calculate based upon above details.

System will not calculate any extra adult & child rate. That information too available in above response data.


[  {
    "Room_Name": "Deluxe EP",
    "Room_Description": "Deluxe EP",
    "Roomtype_Name": "Deluxe",
    "Roomtype_Short_code": "DL",
    "Package_Description": "",
    "Specials_Desc": "",
    "specialconditions": "",
    "specialhighlightinclusion": "",
    "hotelcode": "XXXX",
    "roomtypeunkid": "114000000000000005",
    "ratetypeunkid": "114000000000000001",
    "roomrateunkid": "114000000000000011",
    "base_adult_occupancy": "2",
    "base_child_occupancy": "1",
    "max_adult_occupancy": "3",
    "max_child_occupancy": "2",
    "max_occupancy": "",
    "inclusion": "dsfsdf",
    "available_rooms": {
      "2020-11-01": "3",
      "2020-11-02": "3"
    "min_ava_rooms": "3",
    "room_rates_info": {
      "before_discount_inclusive_tax_adjustment": [],
      "exclusive_tax": {
        "2020-11-01": "1300.0000",
        "2020-11-02": "1300.0000"
      "exclusivetax_baserate": {
        "2020-11-01": "1300.0000",
        "2020-11-02": "1300.0000"
      "tax": [],
      "adjustment": {
        "2020-11-01": 0,
        "2020-11-02": 0
      "inclusive_tax_adjustment": {
        "2020-11-01": 1300,
        "2020-11-02": 1300
      "rack_rate": "1300.0000",
      "totalprice_room_only": 2600,
      "totalprice_inclusive_all": 2600,
      "avg_per_night_before_discount": "",
      "avg_per_night_after_discount": 1300,
      "avg_per_night_without_tax": 1300,
      "day_wise_baserackrate": [
      "day_wise_beforediscount": [
    "extra_adult_rates_info": {
      "exclusive_tax": {
        "2020-11-01": "800.0000",
        "2020-11-02": "800.0000"
      "tax": [],
      "adjustment": {
        "2020-11-01": 0,
        "2020-11-02": 0
      "inclusive_tax_adjustment": {
        "2020-11-01": 800,
        "2020-11-02": 800
      "rack_rate": "800.0000"
    "extra_child_rates_info": {
      "exclusive_tax": {
        "2020-11-01": "500.0000",
        "2020-11-02": "500.0000"
      "tax": [],
      "adjustment": {
        "2020-11-01": 0,
        "2020-11-02": 0
      "inclusive_tax_adjustment": {
        "2020-11-01": 500,
        "2020-11-02": 500
      "rack_rate": "500.0000"
    "min_nights": {
      "2020-11-01": 1,
      "2020-11-02": 1
    "Hotel_amenities": "[]",
    "Avg_min_nights": 1,
    "max_nights": {
      "2020-11-01": "",
      "2020-11-02": ""
    "Avg_max_nights": "",
    "check_in_time": "12:00",
    "check_out_time": "12:00",
    "TaxName": [],
    "ShowPriceFormat": "Average Per Night Rate",
    "DefaultDisplyCurrencyCode": null,
    "deals": "",
    "IsPromotion": false,
    "Promotion_Code": null,
    "Promotion_Description": null,
    "Promotion_Name": null,
    "Promotion_Id": null,
    "Package_Name": "",
    "Package_Id": "",
    "currency_code": "INR",
    "currency_sign": "₹",
    "localfolder": "shafinhotels",
    "CalDateFormat": "dd-mm-yy",
    "ShowTaxInclusiveExclusiveSettings": "1",
    "hidefrommetasearch": "",
    "prepaid_noncancel_nonrefundable": "0",
    "cancellation_deadline": "",
    "digits_after_decimal": "2",
    "visiblity_nights": "false",
    "BookingEngineURL": "<url>/booking/book-rooms-shafinhotels",
    "RoomAmenities": "Bed,TV,Refrigerator,AC",
    "room_main_image": ""

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
NightsLimitExceededYou can not request for more then 30 nights.
CheckDateCheck out date should be greater than CheckYou can not request for more then 30 nights.
MaxAdultLimitReachRequested adults are greater then actual property configuration.
RoomListingErrorRoom List error
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access of API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
InvalidSearchCriteriaInvalid search criteria found.Check out date & No of nights can not be pass together.
DateNotvalidRequested date is past.
MaxChildLimitReachRequested child are greater then actual property configuration.


Retrieve Payment Gateways

This API provides all payment gateways which are available for your Booking Engine. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests. You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “ConfiguredPGList”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
paymenttypeunkid    Integer(20)Payment uniqueidxxxxxxxxxxxx
hotel_code    Integer(11)Unique hotel code1234
shortcode    StringShort codeAirPay
paymenttype    StringSource of businessAirPay


"paymenttypeunkid": "4000000000000048",
"hotel_code": "1234",
"shortcode": "AirPay",
"paymenttype": "AirPay”

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
DBConnectErrordatabase not connected.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
BadRequestBad request type.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.


Verify Travel Agent

In this API, we expect some details from the client to be sent in request and based on that request we verify Travel Agent user and return verified Travel Agent information for properties in which it is created. The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API.

URI Request

Request parameters are supplied by appending a question mark (?) to the base URI, followed by a sequence of parameter names and values separated by an ampersand (&).

End Point URL




NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “VerifyUser”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[username] *VARCHAR(300)Pass travel agent user nameXXXXXXXXX
[password] *VARCHAR(300)Pass base_64 encoded encrypted password.
Here’s the online tool for base_64 encoded encryption 
[groupcode] *VARCHAR(300)Unique group code for each registered chain of properties. XXXXX



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
contactunkidInteger(20)Unique contact idxxxxxxxxxxxx
salutationStringSalutation of user301, 404 etc
business_nameStringName of businessReservation already processed
nameStringUser nameJhon
addressStringAddress of user3817 Sugar Camp Road
cityStringCity nameNew York
stateStringState nameNew York
countryStringCountry nameUSA
phoneIntegerPhone number123456789
mobileIntegerMobile number1234567890
isusercreatedStringIs user created1 or 0



Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACC1This request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Groups Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
BadRequestBad request type.
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
INVUSEPASSInvalid Username and Password.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.


Retrieve Extras Rate Based on Parameters

This API will give you a total extra service rate on the basis of configured Extra Charges, check in date and check out date in your property.  The API can return data in JSON formats. The web service responds to HTTP GET requests.

This API will fulfill both needs to give you details for single extra charges or multiple extra charges at a time. You need to take eZee Reservation to use this API. 

URI Request

Request parameters are supplied by appending a question mark (?) to the base URI, followed by a sequence of parameter names and values separated by an ampersand (&).

End Point URL

[BaseUrl]booking/reservation_api/listing.php?request_type=[Request_Type]&HotelCode=[Hotel_Code]&APIKey=[API_KEY]&check_in_date=[CHECK_IN_DATE]&check_out_date=[CHECK_OUT_DATE]&ExtraChargeId=[EXTRACHARGEID]&Total_ExtraItem=[TOTAL_EXT RAITEM]



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
[BaseUrl] *Live server URL
[Request_Type] *Use Keyword “CalculateExtraCharge”
[Hotel_Code] *INT(11)Unique Hotel codeXXXX
[API_KEY] *VARCHAR(300)Unique Authentication codeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[CHECK_IN_DATE] *DATEPass Check in date in YYYY-MM-DD format2020-07-05
[CHECK_OUT_DATE] *DATEPass Check out date in YYYY-MM-DD format2020-07-07
[EXTRACHARGEID] *VARCHAR(300)Pass [single|multiple] extra charge id’s for your propertySingle : XXX
Multiple : XXX, YYY
[TOTAL_EXT RAITEM] *VARCHAR(300)Pass total number of items for  [single|multiple] extra chargesSingle : 2
Multiple : 2, 3

Sample 1:
Extra charge Rule : Per Pax,
Adults : 2, Child : 1 Pass [TOTAL_EXTRAITEM] = 3

Sample 2:
Extra charge Rule : Per Quantity, Quantity: 2 Pass [TOTAL_EXTRAITEM] = 2



NameData TypeDescriptionExample
IndividualChargeList of Individual Chargexxx
TotalChargeTotal of charge 160


"IndividualCharge": { "XXX": 150,
"YYY": 10
"TotalCharge": 160

Error Codes

Error CodeError Name
HotelCodeEmptyHotel code is empty.
NORESACCThis request is valid for Reservation Account only. You may not have opted for Reservation Account Or Hotel Code and Authentication are invalid.
UNAUTHREQUnauthorized request. This request is not valid for this hotel code.
2Cannot Parse Request
5Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
CheckDateCheck out date should be greater than Check in date
DBConnectErrorDatabase not connected.
getExtraChargeListErrorExtra Charge List error
-1No Data found.
APIACCESSDENIEDYour property doesn’t have access to API integration or Key is incorrect. Please contact support for this.
ParametersMissingMissing parameters.
UnknownErrorUnknown Error
4Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
InvalidHotelCodeInvalid Hotel code.Please check your property code.
BadRequestBad request type.

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